# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import random import re import string import threading import traceback import warnings import functools from typing import Any, Callable, List, Dict, Optional, Union import queue as Queue import logging from telebot import types try: from PIL import Image from io import BytesIO pil_imported = True except: pil_imported = False MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 4096 logger = logging.getLogger('TeleBot') thread_local = threading.local() content_type_media = [ 'text', 'audio', 'document', 'photo', 'sticker', 'video', 'video_note', 'voice', 'contact', 'dice', 'poll', 'venue', 'location' ] content_type_service = [ 'new_chat_members', 'left_chat_member', 'new_chat_title', 'new_chat_photo', 'delete_chat_photo', 'group_chat_created', 'supergroup_chat_created', 'channel_chat_created', 'migrate_to_chat_id', 'migrate_from_chat_id', 'pinned_message', 'proximity_alert_triggered', 'voice_chat_scheduled', 'voice_chat_started', 'voice_chat_ended', 'voice_chat_participants_invited', 'message_auto_delete_timer_changed' ] update_types = [ "update_id", "message", "edited_message", "channel_post", "edited_channel_post", "inline_query", "chosen_inline_result", "callback_query", "shipping_query", "pre_checkout_query", "poll", "poll_answer", "my_chat_member", "chat_member" ] class WorkerThread(threading.Thread): count = 0 def __init__(self, exception_callback=None, queue=None, name=None): if not name: name = "WorkerThread{0}".format(self.__class__.count + 1) self.__class__.count += 1 if not queue: queue = Queue.Queue() threading.Thread.__init__(self, name=name) self.queue = queue self.daemon = True self.received_task_event = threading.Event() self.done_event = threading.Event() self.exception_event = threading.Event() self.continue_event = threading.Event() self.exception_callback = exception_callback self.exception_info = None self._running = True self.start() def run(self): while self._running: try: task, args, kwargs = self.queue.get(block=True, timeout=.5) self.continue_event.clear() self.received_task_event.clear() self.done_event.clear() self.exception_event.clear() logger.debug("Received task") self.received_task_event.set() task(*args, **kwargs) logger.debug("Task complete") self.done_event.set() except Queue.Empty: pass except Exception as e: logger.debug(type(e).__name__ + " occurred, args=" + str(e.args) + "\n" + traceback.format_exc()) self.exception_info = e self.exception_event.set() if self.exception_callback: self.exception_callback(self, self.exception_info) self.continue_event.wait() def put(self, task, *args, **kwargs): self.queue.put((task, args, kwargs)) def raise_exceptions(self): if self.exception_event.is_set(): raise self.exception_info def clear_exceptions(self): self.exception_event.clear() self.continue_event.set() def stop(self): self._running = False class ThreadPool: def __init__(self, num_threads=2): self.tasks = Queue.Queue() self.workers = [WorkerThread(self.on_exception, self.tasks) for _ in range(num_threads)] self.num_threads = num_threads self.exception_event = threading.Event() self.exception_info = None def put(self, func, *args, **kwargs): self.tasks.put((func, args, kwargs)) def on_exception(self, worker_thread, exc_info): self.exception_info = exc_info self.exception_event.set() worker_thread.continue_event.set() def raise_exceptions(self): if self.exception_event.is_set(): raise self.exception_info def clear_exceptions(self): self.exception_event.clear() def close(self): for worker in self.workers: worker.stop() for worker in self.workers: worker.join() class AsyncTask: def __init__(self, target, *args, **kwargs): self.target = target self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self.done = False self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self._run) self.thread.start() def _run(self): try: self.result = self.target(*self.args, **self.kwargs) except Exception as e: self.result = e self.done = True def wait(self): if not self.done: self.thread.join() if isinstance(self.result, BaseException): raise self.result else: return self.result def async_dec(): def decorator(fn): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return AsyncTask(fn, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper return decorator def is_string(var): return isinstance(var, str) def is_dict(var): return isinstance(var, dict) def is_bytes(var): return isinstance(var, bytes) def is_pil_image(var): return pil_imported and isinstance(var, Image.Image) def pil_image_to_file(image, extension='JPEG', quality='web_low'): if pil_imported: photoBuffer = BytesIO() image.convert('RGB').save(photoBuffer, extension, quality=quality) photoBuffer.seek(0) return photoBuffer else: raise RuntimeError('PIL module is not imported') def is_command(text: str) -> bool: """ Checks if `text` is a command. Telegram chat commands start with the '/' character. :param text: Text to check. :return: True if `text` is a command, else False. """ if text is None: return False return text.startswith('/') def extract_command(text: str) -> Union[str, None]: """ Extracts the command from `text` (minus the '/') if `text` is a command (see is_command). If `text` is not a command, this function returns None. Examples: extract_command('/help'): 'help' extract_command('/help@BotName'): 'help' extract_command('/search black eyed peas'): 'search' extract_command('Good day to you'): None :param text: String to extract the command from :return: the command if `text` is a command (according to is_command), else None. """ if text is None: return None return text.split()[0].split('@')[0][1:] if is_command(text) else None def extract_arguments(text: str) -> str: """ Returns the argument after the command. Examples: extract_arguments("/get name"): 'name' extract_arguments("/get"): '' extract_arguments("/get@botName name"): 'name' :param text: String to extract the arguments from a command :return: the arguments if `text` is a command (according to is_command), else None. """ regexp = re.compile(r"/\w*(@\w*)*\s*([\s\S]*)", re.IGNORECASE) result = regexp.match(text) return result.group(2) if is_command(text) else None def split_string(text: str, chars_per_string: int) -> List[str]: """ Splits one string into multiple strings, with a maximum amount of `chars_per_string` characters per string. This is very useful for splitting one giant message into multiples. :param text: The text to split :param chars_per_string: The number of characters per line the text is split into. :return: The splitted text as a list of strings. """ return [text[i:i + chars_per_string] for i in range(0, len(text), chars_per_string)] def smart_split(text: str, chars_per_string: int=MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH) -> List[str]: """ Splits one string into multiple strings, with a maximum amount of `chars_per_string` characters per string. This is very useful for splitting one giant message into multiples. If `chars_per_string` > 4096: `chars_per_string` = 4096. Splits by '\n', '. ' or ' ' in exactly this priority. :param text: The text to split :param chars_per_string: The number of maximum characters per part the text is split to. :return: The splitted text as a list of strings. """ def _text_before_last(substr: str) -> str: return substr.join(part.split(substr)[:-1]) + substr if chars_per_string > MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH: chars_per_string = MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH parts = [] while True: if len(text) < chars_per_string: parts.append(text) return parts part = text[:chars_per_string] if "\n" in part: part = _text_before_last("\n") elif ". " in part: part = _text_before_last(". ") elif " " in part: part = _text_before_last(" ") parts.append(part) text = text[len(part):] def escape(text: str) -> str: """ Replaces the following chars in `text` ('&' with '&', '<' with '<' and '>' with '>'). :param text: the text to escape :return: the escaped text """ chars = {"&": "&", "<": "<", ">": ">"} for old, new in chars.items(): text = text.replace(old, new) return text def user_link(user: types.User, include_id: bool=False) -> str: """ Returns an HTML user link. This is useful for reports. Attention: Don't forget to set parse_mode to 'HTML'! Example: bot.send_message(your_user_id, user_link(message.from_user) + ' started the bot!', parse_mode='HTML') :param user: the user (not the user_id) :param include_id: include the user_id :return: HTML user link """ name = escape(user.first_name) return (f"{name}" + (f" (
)" if include_id else "")) def quick_markup(values: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]], row_width: int=2) -> types.InlineKeyboardMarkup: """ Returns a reply markup from a dict in this format: {'text': kwargs} This is useful to avoid always typing 'btn1 = InlineKeyboardButton(...)' 'btn2 = InlineKeyboardButton(...)' Example: quick_markup({ 'Twitter': {'url': 'https://twitter.com'}, 'Facebook': {'url': 'https://facebook.com'}, 'Back': {'callback_data': 'whatever'} }, row_width=2): returns an InlineKeyboardMarkup with two buttons in a row, one leading to Twitter, the other to facebook and a back button below kwargs can be: { 'url': None, 'callback_data': None, 'switch_inline_query': None, 'switch_inline_query_current_chat': None, 'callback_game': None, 'pay': None, 'login_url': None } :param values: a dict containing all buttons to create in this format: {text: kwargs} {str:} :param row_width: int row width :return: InlineKeyboardMarkup """ markup = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=row_width) buttons = [] for text, kwargs in values.items(): buttons.append(types.InlineKeyboardButton(text=text, **kwargs)) markup.add(*buttons) return markup # CREDITS TO http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12317940#answer-12320352 def or_set(self): self._set() self.changed() def or_clear(self): self._clear() self.changed() def orify(e, changed_callback): if not hasattr(e, "_set"): e._set = e.set if not hasattr(e, "_clear"): e._clear = e.clear e.changed = changed_callback e.set = lambda: or_set(e) e.clear = lambda: or_clear(e) def OrEvent(*events): or_event = threading.Event() def changed(): bools = [ev.is_set() for ev in events] if any(bools): or_event.set() else: or_event.clear() def busy_wait(): while not or_event.is_set(): or_event._wait(3) for e in events: orify(e, changed) or_event._wait = or_event.wait or_event.wait = busy_wait changed() return or_event def per_thread(key, construct_value, reset=False): if reset or not hasattr(thread_local, key): value = construct_value() setattr(thread_local, key, value) return getattr(thread_local, key) def chunks(lst, n): """Yield successive n-sized chunks from lst.""" # https://stackoverflow.com/a/312464/9935473 for i in range(0, len(lst), n): yield lst[i:i + n] def generate_random_token(): return ''.join(random.sample(string.ascii_letters, 16)) def deprecated(warn: bool=False, alternative: Optional[Callable]=None): """ Use this decorator to mark functions as deprecated. When the function is used, an info (or warning if `warn` is True) is logged. :param warn: If True a warning is logged else an info :param alternative: The new function to use instead """ def decorator(function): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if not warn: logger.info(f"`{function.__name__}` is deprecated." + (f" Use `{alternative.__name__}` instead" if alternative else "")) else: logger.warn(f"`{function.__name__}` is deprecated." + (f" Use `{alternative.__name__}` instead" if alternative else "")) return function(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return decorator