# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Available types User GroupChat Message PhotoSize Audio Document Sticker Video Contact Location Update InputFile UserProfilePhotos ReplyKeyboardMarkup ReplyKeyboardHide ForceReply """ import json import six class JsonSerializable: """ Subclasses of this class are guaranteed to be able to be converted to JSON format. All subclasses of this class must override to_json. """ def to_json(self): """ Returns a JSON string representation of this class. This function must be overridden by subclasses. :return: a JSON formatted string. """ raise NotImplementedError class JsonDeserializable: """ Subclasses of this class are guaranteed to be able to be created from a json-style dict or json formatted string. All subclasses of this class must override de_json. """ @classmethod def de_json(cls, json_type): """ Returns an instance of this class from the given json dict or string. This function must be overridden by subclasses. :return: an instance of this class created from the given json dict or string. """ raise NotImplementedError @staticmethod def check_json(json_type): """ Checks whether json_type is a dict or a string. If it is already a dict, it is returned as-is. If it is not, it is converted to a dict by means of json.loads(json_type) :param json_type: :return: """ if type(json_type) == dict: return json_type elif type(json_type) == str: return json.loads(json_type) else: raise ValueError("json_type should be a json dict or string.") def __str__(self): d = {} for x, y in six.iteritems(self.__dict__): if hasattr(y, '__dict__'): d[x] = y.__dict__ else: d[x] = y return six.text_type(d) class Update(JsonDeserializable): @classmethod def de_json(cls, json_type): obj = cls.check_json(json_type) update_id = obj['update_id'] message = Message.de_json(obj['message']) return Update(update_id, message) def __init__(self, update_id, message): self.update_id = update_id self.message = message class User(JsonDeserializable): @classmethod def de_json(cls, json_string): obj = cls.check_json(json_string) id = obj['id'] first_name = obj['first_name'] last_name = None username = None if 'last_name' in obj: last_name = obj['last_name'] if 'username' in obj: username = obj['username'] return User(id, first_name, last_name, username) def __init__(self, id, first_name, last_name=None, username=None): self.id = id self.first_name = first_name self.username = username self.last_name = last_name class GroupChat(JsonDeserializable): @classmethod def de_json(cls, json_string): obj = cls.check_json(json_string) id = obj['id'] title = obj['title'] return GroupChat(id, title) def __init__(self, id, title): self.id = id self.title = title class Chat(JsonDeserializable): @classmethod def de_json(cls, json_string): obj = cls.check_json(json_string) id = obj['id'] type = obj['type'] title = None username = None first_name = None last_name = None if 'title' in obj: title = obj['title'] if 'username' in obj: username = obj['username'] if 'first_name'in obj: first_name = obj['first_name'] if 'last_name' in obj: last_name = obj['last_name'] return Chat(id, type, title, username, first_name, last_name) def __init__(self, id, type, title=None, username=None, first_name=None, last_name=None): self.type = type self.last_name = last_name self.first_name = first_name self.username = username self.id = id self.title = title class Message(JsonDeserializable): @classmethod def de_json(cls, json_string): obj = cls.check_json(json_string) message_id = obj['message_id'] from_user = None if 'from' in obj: from_user = User.de_json(obj['from']) chat = Chat.de_json(obj['chat']) date = obj['date'] content_type = None opts = {} if 'forward_from' in obj: opts['forward_from'] = User.de_json(obj['forward_from']) if 'forward_date' in obj: opts['forward_date'] = obj['forward_date'] if 'reply_to_message' in obj: opts['reply_to_message'] = Message.de_json(obj['reply_to_message']) if 'text' in obj: opts['text'] = obj['text'] content_type = 'text' if 'audio' in obj: opts['audio'] = Audio.de_json(obj['audio']) content_type = 'audio' if 'voice' in obj: opts['voice'] = Audio.de_json(obj['voice']) content_type = 'voice' if 'document' in obj: opts['document'] = Document.de_json(obj['document']) content_type = 'document' if 'photo' in obj: opts['photo'] = Message.parse_photo(obj['photo']) content_type = 'photo' if 'sticker' in obj: opts['sticker'] = Sticker.de_json(obj['sticker']) content_type = 'sticker' if 'video' in obj: opts['video'] = Video.de_json(obj['video']) content_type = 'video' if 'location' in obj: opts['location'] = Location.de_json(obj['location']) content_type = 'location' if 'contact' in obj: opts['contact'] = Contact.de_json(json.dumps(obj['contact'])) content_type = 'contact' if 'new_chat_participant' in obj: opts['new_chat_participant'] = User.de_json(obj['new_chat_participant']) content_type = 'new_chat_participant' if 'left_chat_participant' in obj: opts['left_chat_participant'] = User.de_json(obj['left_chat_participant']) content_type = 'left_chat_participant' if 'new_chat_title' in obj: opts['new_chat_title'] = obj['new_chat_title'] content_type = 'new_chat_title' if 'new_chat_photo' in obj: opts['new_chat_photo'] = obj['new_chat_photo'] content_type = 'new_chat_photo' if 'delete_chat_photo' in obj: opts['delete_chat_photo'] = obj['delete_chat_photo'] content_type = 'delete_chat_photo' if 'group_chat_created' in obj: opts['group_chat_created'] = obj['group_chat_created'] content_type = 'group_chat_created' if 'caption' in obj: opts['caption'] = obj['caption'] return Message(message_id, from_user, date, chat, content_type, opts) @classmethod def parse_chat(cls, chat): if 'first_name' not in chat: return GroupChat.de_json(chat) else: return User.de_json(chat) @classmethod def parse_photo(cls, photo_size_array): ret = [] for ps in photo_size_array: ret.append(PhotoSize.de_json(ps)) return ret def __init__(self, message_id, from_user, date, chat, content_type, options): self.chat = chat self.date = date self.from_user = from_user self.message_id = message_id self.content_type = content_type for key in options: setattr(self, key, options[key]) class PhotoSize(JsonDeserializable): @classmethod def de_json(cls, json_string): obj = cls.check_json(json_string) file_id = obj['file_id'] width = obj['width'] height = obj['height'] file_size = None if 'file_size' in obj: file_size = obj['file_size'] return PhotoSize(file_id, width, height, file_size) def __init__(self, file_id, width, height, file_size=None): self.file_size = file_size self.height = height self.width = width self.file_id = file_id class Audio(JsonDeserializable): @classmethod def de_json(cls, json_string): obj = cls.check_json(json_string) file_id = obj['file_id'] duration = obj['duration'] performer = None title = None mime_type = None file_size = None if 'mime_type' in obj: mime_type = obj['mime_type'] if 'file_size' in obj: file_size = obj['file_size'] if 'performer' in obj: performer = obj['performer'] if 'title' in obj: title = obj['title'] return Audio(file_id, duration, performer, title, mime_type, file_size) def __init__(self, file_id, duration, performer=None, title=None, mime_type=None, file_size=None): self.file_id = file_id self.duration = duration self.performer = performer self.title = title self.mime_type = mime_type self.file_size = file_size class Voice(JsonDeserializable): @classmethod def de_json(cls, json_string): obj = cls.check_json(json_string) file_id = obj['file_id'] duration = obj['duration'] mime_type = None file_size = None if 'mime_type' in obj: mime_type = obj['mime_type'] if 'file_size' in obj: file_size = obj['file_size'] return Voice(file_id, duration, mime_type, file_size) def __init__(self, file_id, duration, mime_type=None, file_size=None): self.file_id = file_id self.duration = duration self.mime_type = mime_type self.file_size = file_size class Document(JsonDeserializable): @classmethod def de_json(cls, json_string): obj = cls.check_json(json_string) file_id = obj['file_id'] thumb = None if 'thumb' in obj: if 'file_id' in obj['thumb']: thumb = PhotoSize.de_json(obj['thumb']) file_name = None mime_type = None file_size = None if 'file_name' in obj: file_name = obj['file_name'] if 'mime_type' in obj: mime_type = obj['mime_type'] if 'file_size' in obj: file_size = obj['file_size'] return Document(file_id, thumb, file_name, mime_type, file_size) def __init__(self, file_id, thumb, file_name=None, mime_type=None, file_size=None): self.file_id = file_id self.thumb = thumb self.file_name = file_name self.mime_type = mime_type self.file_size = file_size class Sticker(JsonDeserializable): @classmethod def de_json(cls, json_string): obj = cls.check_json(json_string) file_id = obj['file_id'] width = obj['width'] height = obj['height'] thumb = None if 'thumb' in obj: thumb = PhotoSize.de_json(obj['thumb']) file_size = None if 'file_size' in obj: file_size = obj['file_size'] return Sticker(file_id, width, height, thumb, file_size) def __init__(self, file_id, width, height, thumb, file_size=None): self.file_id = file_id self.width = width self.height = height self.thumb = thumb self.file_size = file_size class Video(JsonDeserializable): @classmethod def de_json(cls, json_string): obj = cls.check_json(json_string) file_id = obj['file_id'] width = obj['width'] height = obj['height'] duration = obj['duration'] thumb = None mime_type = None file_size = None if 'thumb' in obj: thumb = PhotoSize.de_json(obj['thumb']) if 'mime_type' in obj: mime_type = obj['mime_type'] if 'file_size' in obj: file_size = obj['file_size'] return Video(file_id, width, height, duration, thumb, mime_type, file_size) def __init__(self, file_id, width, height, duration, thumb=None, mime_type=None, file_size=None): self.file_id = file_id self.width = width self.height = height self.duration = duration self.thumb = thumb self.mime_type = mime_type self.file_size = file_size class Contact(JsonDeserializable): @classmethod def de_json(cls, json_string): obj = cls.check_json(json_string) phone_number = obj['phone_number'] first_name = obj['first_name'] last_name = None user_id = None if 'last_name' in obj: last_name = obj['last_name'] if 'user_id' in obj: user_id = obj['user_id'] return Contact(phone_number, first_name, last_name, user_id) def __init__(self, phone_number, first_name, last_name=None, user_id=None): self.phone_number = phone_number self.first_name = first_name self.last_name = last_name self.user_id = user_id class Location(JsonDeserializable): @classmethod def de_json(cls, json_string): obj = cls.check_json(json_string) longitude = obj['longitude'] latitude = obj['latitude'] return Location(longitude, latitude) def __init__(self, longitude, latitude): self.longitude = longitude self.latitude = latitude class UserProfilePhotos(JsonDeserializable): @classmethod def de_json(cls, json_string): obj = cls.check_json(json_string) total_count = obj['total_count'] photos = [[PhotoSize.de_json(y) for y in x] for x in obj['photos']] return UserProfilePhotos(total_count, photos) def __init__(self, total_count, photos): self.total_count = total_count self.photos = photos class File(JsonDeserializable): @classmethod def de_json(cls, json_type): obj = cls.check_json(json_type) file_id = obj['file_id'] file_size = None file_path = None if 'file_size' in obj: file_size = obj['file_size'] if 'file_path' in obj: file_path = obj['file_path'] return File(file_id, file_size, file_path) def __init__(self, file_id, file_size, file_path): self.file_id = file_id self.file_size = file_size self.file_path = file_path class ForceReply(JsonSerializable): def __init__(self, selective=None): self.selective = selective def to_json(self): json_dict = {'force_reply': True} if self.selective: json_dict['selective'] = True return json.dumps(json_dict) class ReplyKeyboardHide(JsonSerializable): def __init__(self, selective=None): self.selective = selective def to_json(self): json_dict = {'hide_keyboard': True} if self.selective: json_dict['selective'] = True return json.dumps(json_dict) class ReplyKeyboardMarkup(JsonSerializable): def __init__(self, resize_keyboard=None, one_time_keyboard=None, selective=None, row_width=3): self.resize_keyboard = resize_keyboard self.one_time_keyboard = one_time_keyboard self.selective = selective self.row_width = row_width self.keyboard = [] def add(self, *args): """ This function adds strings to the keyboard, while not exceeding row_width. E.g. ReplyKeyboardMarkup#add("A", "B", "C") yields the json result {keyboard: [["A"], ["B"], ["C"]]} when row_width is set to 1. When row_width is set to 2, the following is the result of this function: {keyboard: [["A", "B"], ["C"]]} See https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#replykeyboardmarkup :param args: strings to append to the keyboard """ i = 1 row = [] for string in args: row.append(string) if i % self.row_width == 0: self.keyboard.append(row) row = [] i += 1 if len(row) > 0: self.keyboard.append(row) def row(self, *args): """ Adds a list of strings to the keyboard. This function does not consider row_width. ReplyKeyboardMarkup#row("A")#row("B", "C")#to_json() outputs '{keyboard: [["A"], ["B", "C"]]}' See https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#replykeyboardmarkup :param args: strings :return: self, to allow function chaining. """ self.keyboard.append(args) return self def to_json(self): """ Converts this object to its json representation following the Telegram API guidelines described here: https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#replykeyboardmarkup :return: """ json_dict = {'keyboard': self.keyboard} if self.one_time_keyboard: json_dict['one_time_keyboard'] = True if self.resize_keyboard: json_dict['resize_keyboard'] = True if self.selective: json_dict['selective'] = True return json.dumps(json_dict)