from import StateStorageBase, StateContext import json redis_installed = True try: from redis import Redis, ConnectionPool except: redis_installed = False class StateRedisStorage(StateStorageBase): """ This class is for Redis storage. This will work only for states. To use it, just pass this class to: TeleBot(storage=StateRedisStorage()) """ def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=6379, db=0, password=None, prefix='telebot_'): self.redis = ConnectionPool(host=host, port=port, db=db, password=password) #self.con = Redis(connection_pool=self.redis) -> use this when necessary # # {chat_id: {user_id: {'state': None, 'data': {}}, ...}, ...} self.prefix = prefix if not redis_installed: raise Exception("Redis is not installed. Install it via 'pip install redis'") def get_record(self, key): """ Function to get record from database. It has nothing to do with states. Made for backend compatibility """ connection = Redis(connection_pool=self.redis) result = connection.get(self.prefix+str(key)) connection.close() if result: return json.loads(result) return def set_record(self, key, value): """ Function to set record to database. It has nothing to do with states. Made for backend compatibility """ connection = Redis(connection_pool=self.redis) connection.set(self.prefix+str(key), json.dumps(value)) connection.close() return True def delete_record(self, key): """ Function to delete record from database. It has nothing to do with states. Made for backend compatibility """ connection = Redis(connection_pool=self.redis) connection.delete(self.prefix+str(key)) connection.close() return True def set_state(self, chat_id, user_id, state): """ Set state for a particular user in a chat. """ response = self.get_record(chat_id) user_id = str(user_id) if hasattr(state, 'name'): state = if response: if user_id in response: response[user_id]['state'] = state else: response[user_id] = {'state': state, 'data': {}} else: response = {user_id: {'state': state, 'data': {}}} self.set_record(chat_id, response) return True def delete_state(self, chat_id, user_id): """ Delete state for a particular user in a chat. """ response = self.get_record(chat_id) user_id = str(user_id) if response: if user_id in response: del response[user_id] if user_id == str(chat_id): self.delete_record(chat_id) return True else: self.set_record(chat_id, response) return True return False def get_value(self, chat_id, user_id, key): """ Get value for a data of a user in a chat. """ response = self.get_record(chat_id) user_id = str(user_id) if response: if user_id in response: if key in response[user_id]['data']: return response[user_id]['data'][key] return None def get_state(self, chat_id, user_id): """ Get state of a user in a chat. """ response = self.get_record(chat_id) user_id = str(user_id) if response: if user_id in response: return response[user_id]['state'] return None def get_data(self, chat_id, user_id): """ Get data of particular user in a particular chat. """ response = self.get_record(chat_id) user_id = str(user_id) if response: if user_id in response: return response[user_id]['data'] return None def reset_data(self, chat_id, user_id): """ Reset data of a user in a chat. """ response = self.get_record(chat_id) user_id = str(user_id) if response: if user_id in response: response[user_id]['data'] = {} self.set_record(chat_id, response) return True def set_data(self, chat_id, user_id, key, value): """ Set data without interactive data. """ response = self.get_record(chat_id) user_id = str(user_id) if response: if user_id in response: response[user_id]['data'][key] = value self.set_record(chat_id, response) return True return False def get_interactive_data(self, chat_id, user_id): """ Get Data in interactive way. You can use with() with this function. """ return StateContext(self, chat_id, user_id) def save(self, chat_id, user_id, data): response = self.get_record(chat_id) user_id = str(user_id) if response: if user_id in response: response[user_id]['data'] = dict(data, **response[user_id]['data']) self.set_record(chat_id, response) return True