import asyncio # for future uses from time import time import aiohttp from telebot import types import json try: import ujson as json except ImportError: import json import os API_URL = '{0}/{1}' from datetime import datetime import telebot from telebot import util class SessionBase: def __init__(self) -> None: self.session = None async def _get_new_session(self): self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession() return self.session session_manager = SessionBase() proxy = None session = None FILE_URL = None CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 15 READ_TIMEOUT = 30 LONG_POLLING_TIMEOUT = 10 # Should be positive, short polling should be used for testing purposes only ( logger = telebot.logger RETRY_ON_ERROR = False RETRY_TIMEOUT = 2 MAX_RETRIES = 15 async def _process_request(token, url, method='get', params=None, files=None, request_timeout=None): params = compose_data(params, files) async with await session_manager._get_new_session() as session: async with session.request(method=method, url=API_URL.format(token, url), data=params, timeout=request_timeout) as response: logger.debug("Request: method={0} url={1} params={2} files={3} request_timeout={4}".format(method, url, params, files, request_timeout).replace(token, token.split(':')[0] + ":{TOKEN}")) json_result = await _check_result(url, response) if json_result: return json_result['result'] def guess_filename(obj): """ Get file name from object :param obj: :return: """ name = getattr(obj, 'name', None) if name and isinstance(name, str) and name[0] != '<' and name[-1] != '>': return os.path.basename(name) def compose_data(params=None, files=None): """ Prepare request data :param params: :param files: :return: """ data = aiohttp.formdata.FormData(quote_fields=False) if params: for key, value in params.items(): data.add_field(key, str(value)) if files: for key, f in files.items(): if isinstance(f, tuple): if len(f) == 2: filename, fileobj = f else: raise ValueError('Tuple must have exactly 2 elements: filename, fileobj') else: filename, fileobj = guess_filename(f) or key, f data.add_field(key, fileobj, filename=filename) return data async def _convert_markup(markup): if isinstance(markup, types.JsonSerializable): return markup.to_json() return markup async def get_me(token): method_url = r'getMe' return await _process_request(token, method_url) async def log_out(token): method_url = r'logOut' return await _process_request(token, method_url) async def close(token): method_url = r'close' return await _process_request(token, method_url) async def get_file(token, file_id): method_url = r'getFile' return await _process_request(token, method_url, params={'file_id': file_id}) async def get_file_url(token, file_id): if FILE_URL is None: return "{0}/{1}".format(token, get_file(token, file_id)['file_path']) else: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences return FILE_URL.format(token, get_file(token, file_id)['file_path']) async def download_file(token, file_path): if FILE_URL is None: url = "{0}/{1}".format(token, file_path) else: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences url = FILE_URL.format(token, file_path) # TODO: rewrite this method async with await session_manager._get_new_session() as session: async with session.get(url, proxy=proxy) as response: result = await if response.status != 200: raise ApiHTTPException('Download file', result) return result async def set_webhook(token, url=None, certificate=None, max_connections=None, allowed_updates=None, ip_address=None, drop_pending_updates = None, timeout=None): method_url = r'setWebhook' payload = { 'url': url if url else "", } files = None if certificate: files = {'certificate': certificate} if max_connections: payload['max_connections'] = max_connections if allowed_updates is not None: # Empty lists should pass payload['allowed_updates'] = json.dumps(allowed_updates) if ip_address is not None: # Empty string should pass payload['ip_address'] = ip_address if drop_pending_updates is not None: # Any bool value should pass payload['drop_pending_updates'] = drop_pending_updates if timeout: payload['timeout'] = timeout return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, files=files) async def delete_webhook(token, drop_pending_updates=None, timeout=None): method_url = r'deleteWebhook' payload = {} if drop_pending_updates is not None: # Any bool value should pass payload['drop_pending_updates'] = drop_pending_updates if timeout: payload['timeout'] = timeout return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload) async def get_webhook_info(token, timeout=None): method_url = r'getWebhookInfo' payload = {} if timeout: payload['timeout'] = timeout return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload) async def get_updates(token, offset=None, limit=None, timeout=None, allowed_updates=None, request_timeout=None): method_name = 'getUpdates' params = {} if offset: params['offset'] = offset elif limit: params['limit'] = limit elif timeout: params['timeout'] = timeout elif allowed_updates: params['allowed_updates'] = allowed_updates return await _process_request(token, method_name, params=params, request_timeout=request_timeout) async def _check_result(method_name, result): """ Checks whether `result` is a valid API response. A result is considered invalid if: - The server returned an HTTP response code other than 200 - The content of the result is invalid JSON. - The method call was unsuccessful (The JSON 'ok' field equals False) :raises ApiException: if one of the above listed cases is applicable :param method_name: The name of the method called :param result: The returned result of the method request :return: The result parsed to a JSON dictionary. """ try: result_json = await result.json(encoding="utf-8") except: if result.status_code != 200: raise ApiHTTPException(method_name, result) else: raise ApiInvalidJSONException(method_name, result) else: if not result_json['ok']: raise ApiTelegramException(method_name, result, result_json) return result_json async def send_message( token, chat_id, text, disable_web_page_preview=None, reply_to_message_id=None, reply_markup=None, parse_mode=None, disable_notification=None, timeout=None, entities=None, allow_sending_without_reply=None): """ Use this method to send text messages. On success, the sent Message is returned. :param token: :param chat_id: :param text: :param disable_web_page_preview: :param reply_to_message_id: :param reply_markup: :param parse_mode: :param disable_notification: :param timeout: :param entities: :param allow_sending_without_reply: :return: """ method_name = 'sendMessage' params = {'chat_id': str(chat_id), 'text': text} if disable_web_page_preview is not None: params['disable_web_page_preview'] = disable_web_page_preview if reply_to_message_id: params['reply_to_message_id'] = reply_to_message_id if reply_markup: params['reply_markup'] = await _convert_markup(reply_markup) if parse_mode: params['parse_mode'] = parse_mode if disable_notification is not None: params['disable_notification'] = disable_notification if timeout: params['timeout'] = timeout if entities: params['entities'] = json.dumps(types.MessageEntity.to_list_of_dicts(entities)) if allow_sending_without_reply is not None: params['allow_sending_without_reply'] = allow_sending_without_reply return await _process_request(token, method_name, params=params) # here shit begins async def get_user_profile_photos(token, user_id, offset=None, limit=None): method_url = r'getUserProfilePhotos' payload = {'user_id': user_id} if offset: payload['offset'] = offset if limit: payload['limit'] = limit return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload) async def get_chat(token, chat_id): method_url = r'getChat' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id} return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload) async def leave_chat(token, chat_id): method_url = r'leaveChat' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id} return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload) async def get_chat_administrators(token, chat_id): method_url = r'getChatAdministrators' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id} return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload) async def get_chat_member_count(token, chat_id): method_url = r'getChatMemberCount' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id} return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload) async def set_sticker_set_thumb(token, name, user_id, thumb): method_url = r'setStickerSetThumb' payload = {'name': name, 'user_id': user_id} files = {} if thumb: if not isinstance(thumb, str): files['thumb'] = thumb else: payload['thumb'] = thumb return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, files=files or None) async def set_chat_sticker_set(token, chat_id, sticker_set_name): method_url = r'setChatStickerSet' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'sticker_set_name': sticker_set_name} return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload) async def delete_chat_sticker_set(token, chat_id): method_url = r'deleteChatStickerSet' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id} return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload) async def get_chat_member(token, chat_id, user_id): method_url = r'getChatMember' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'user_id': user_id} return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload) async def forward_message( token, chat_id, from_chat_id, message_id, disable_notification=None, timeout=None): method_url = r'forwardMessage' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'from_chat_id': from_chat_id, 'message_id': message_id} if disable_notification is not None: payload['disable_notification'] = disable_notification if timeout: payload['timeout'] = timeout return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload) async def copy_message(token, chat_id, from_chat_id, message_id, caption=None, parse_mode=None, caption_entities=None, disable_notification=None, reply_to_message_id=None, allow_sending_without_reply=None, reply_markup=None, timeout=None): method_url = r'copyMessage' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'from_chat_id': from_chat_id, 'message_id': message_id} if caption is not None: payload['caption'] = caption if parse_mode: payload['parse_mode'] = parse_mode if caption_entities is not None: payload['caption_entities'] = await _convert_entites(caption_entities) if disable_notification is not None: payload['disable_notification'] = disable_notification if reply_to_message_id: payload['reply_to_message_id'] = reply_to_message_id if reply_markup is not None: payload['reply_markup'] = await _convert_markup(reply_markup) if allow_sending_without_reply is not None: payload['allow_sending_without_reply'] = allow_sending_without_reply if timeout: payload['timeout'] = timeout return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload) async def send_dice( token, chat_id, emoji=None, disable_notification=None, reply_to_message_id=None, reply_markup=None, timeout=None, allow_sending_without_reply=None): method_url = r'sendDice' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id} if emoji: payload['emoji'] = emoji if disable_notification is not None: payload['disable_notification'] = disable_notification if reply_to_message_id: payload['reply_to_message_id'] = reply_to_message_id if reply_markup: payload['reply_markup'] = await _convert_markup(reply_markup) if timeout: payload['timeout'] = timeout if allow_sending_without_reply is not None: payload['allow_sending_without_reply'] = allow_sending_without_reply return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload) async def send_photo( token, chat_id, photo, caption=None, reply_to_message_id=None, reply_markup=None, parse_mode=None, disable_notification=None, timeout=None, caption_entities=None, allow_sending_without_reply=None): method_url = r'sendPhoto' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id} files = None if util.is_string(photo): payload['photo'] = photo elif util.is_pil_image(photo): files = {'photo': util.pil_image_to_file(photo)} else: files = {'photo': photo} if caption: payload['caption'] = caption if reply_to_message_id: payload['reply_to_message_id'] = reply_to_message_id if reply_markup: payload['reply_markup'] = await _convert_markup(reply_markup) if parse_mode: payload['parse_mode'] = parse_mode if disable_notification is not None: payload['disable_notification'] = disable_notification if timeout: payload['timeout'] = timeout if caption_entities: payload['caption_entities'] = json.dumps(types.MessageEntity.to_list_of_dicts(caption_entities)) if allow_sending_without_reply is not None: payload['allow_sending_without_reply'] = allow_sending_without_reply return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, files=files, method='post') async def send_media_group( token, chat_id, media, disable_notification=None, reply_to_message_id=None, timeout=None, allow_sending_without_reply=None): method_url = r'sendMediaGroup' media_json, files = await convert_input_media_array(media) payload = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'media': media_json} if disable_notification is not None: payload['disable_notification'] = disable_notification if reply_to_message_id: payload['reply_to_message_id'] = reply_to_message_id if timeout: payload['timeout'] = timeout if allow_sending_without_reply is not None: payload['allow_sending_without_reply'] = allow_sending_without_reply return await _process_request( token, method_url, params=payload, method='post' if files else 'get', files=files if files else None) async def send_location( token, chat_id, latitude, longitude, live_period=None, reply_to_message_id=None, reply_markup=None, disable_notification=None, timeout=None, horizontal_accuracy=None, heading=None, proximity_alert_radius=None, allow_sending_without_reply=None): method_url = r'sendLocation' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'latitude': latitude, 'longitude': longitude} if live_period: payload['live_period'] = live_period if horizontal_accuracy: payload['horizontal_accuracy'] = horizontal_accuracy if heading: payload['heading'] = heading if proximity_alert_radius: payload['proximity_alert_radius'] = proximity_alert_radius if reply_to_message_id: payload['reply_to_message_id'] = reply_to_message_id if allow_sending_without_reply is not None: payload['allow_sending_without_reply'] = allow_sending_without_reply if reply_markup: payload['reply_markup'] = await _convert_markup(reply_markup) if disable_notification is not None: payload['disable_notification'] = disable_notification if timeout: payload['timeout'] = timeout return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload) async def edit_message_live_location( token, latitude, longitude, chat_id=None, message_id=None, inline_message_id=None, reply_markup=None, timeout=None, horizontal_accuracy=None, heading=None, proximity_alert_radius=None): method_url = r'editMessageLiveLocation' payload = {'latitude': latitude, 'longitude': longitude} if chat_id: payload['chat_id'] = chat_id if message_id: payload['message_id'] = message_id if horizontal_accuracy: payload['horizontal_accuracy'] = horizontal_accuracy if heading: payload['heading'] = heading if proximity_alert_radius: payload['proximity_alert_radius'] = proximity_alert_radius if inline_message_id: payload['inline_message_id'] = inline_message_id if reply_markup: payload['reply_markup'] = await _convert_markup(reply_markup) if timeout: payload['timeout'] = timeout return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload) async def stop_message_live_location( token, chat_id=None, message_id=None, inline_message_id=None, reply_markup=None, timeout=None): method_url = r'stopMessageLiveLocation' payload = {} if chat_id: payload['chat_id'] = chat_id if message_id: payload['message_id'] = message_id if inline_message_id: payload['inline_message_id'] = inline_message_id if reply_markup: payload['reply_markup'] = await _convert_markup(reply_markup) if timeout: payload['timeout'] = timeout return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload) async def send_venue( token, chat_id, latitude, longitude, title, address, foursquare_id=None, foursquare_type=None, disable_notification=None, reply_to_message_id=None, reply_markup=None, timeout=None, allow_sending_without_reply=None, google_place_id=None, google_place_type=None): method_url = r'sendVenue' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'latitude': latitude, 'longitude': longitude, 'title': title, 'address': address} if foursquare_id: payload['foursquare_id'] = foursquare_id if foursquare_type: payload['foursquare_type'] = foursquare_type if disable_notification is not None: payload['disable_notification'] = disable_notification if reply_to_message_id: payload['reply_to_message_id'] = reply_to_message_id if reply_markup: payload['reply_markup'] = await _convert_markup(reply_markup) if timeout: payload['timeout'] = timeout if allow_sending_without_reply is not None: payload['allow_sending_without_reply'] = allow_sending_without_reply if google_place_id: payload['google_place_id'] = google_place_id if google_place_type: payload['google_place_type'] = google_place_type return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload) async def send_contact( token, chat_id, phone_number, first_name, last_name=None, vcard=None, disable_notification=None, reply_to_message_id=None, reply_markup=None, timeout=None, allow_sending_without_reply=None): method_url = r'sendContact' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'phone_number': phone_number, 'first_name': first_name} if last_name: payload['last_name'] = last_name if vcard: payload['vcard'] = vcard if disable_notification is not None: payload['disable_notification'] = disable_notification if reply_to_message_id: payload['reply_to_message_id'] = reply_to_message_id if reply_markup: payload['reply_markup'] = await _convert_markup(reply_markup) if timeout: payload['timeout'] = timeout if allow_sending_without_reply is not None: payload['allow_sending_without_reply'] = allow_sending_without_reply return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload) async def send_chat_action(token, chat_id, action, timeout=None): method_url = r'sendChatAction' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'action': action} if timeout: payload['timeout'] = timeout return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload) async def send_video(token, chat_id, data, duration=None, caption=None, reply_to_message_id=None, reply_markup=None, parse_mode=None, supports_streaming=None, disable_notification=None, timeout=None, thumb=None, width=None, height=None, caption_entities=None, allow_sending_without_reply=None): method_url = r'sendVideo' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id} files = None if not util.is_string(data): files = {'video': data} else: payload['video'] = data if duration: payload['duration'] = duration if caption: payload['caption'] = caption if reply_to_message_id: payload['reply_to_message_id'] = reply_to_message_id if reply_markup: payload['reply_markup'] = await _convert_markup(reply_markup) if parse_mode: payload['parse_mode'] = parse_mode if supports_streaming is not None: payload['supports_streaming'] = supports_streaming if disable_notification is not None: payload['disable_notification'] = disable_notification if timeout: payload['timeout'] = timeout if thumb: if not util.is_string(thumb): if files: files['thumb'] = thumb else: files = {'thumb': thumb} else: payload['thumb'] = thumb if width: payload['width'] = width if height: payload['height'] = height if caption_entities: payload['caption_entities'] = json.dumps(types.MessageEntity.to_list_of_dicts(caption_entities)) if allow_sending_without_reply is not None: payload['allow_sending_without_reply'] = allow_sending_without_reply return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, files=files, method='post') async def send_animation( token, chat_id, data, duration=None, caption=None, reply_to_message_id=None, reply_markup=None, parse_mode=None, disable_notification=None, timeout=None, thumb=None, caption_entities=None, allow_sending_without_reply=None): method_url = r'sendAnimation' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id} files = None if not util.is_string(data): files = {'animation': data} else: payload['animation'] = data if duration: payload['duration'] = duration if caption: payload['caption'] = caption if reply_to_message_id: payload['reply_to_message_id'] = reply_to_message_id if reply_markup: payload['reply_markup'] = await _convert_markup(reply_markup) if parse_mode: payload['parse_mode'] = parse_mode if disable_notification is not None: payload['disable_notification'] = disable_notification if timeout: payload['timeout'] = timeout if thumb: if not util.is_string(thumb): if files: files['thumb'] = thumb else: files = {'thumb': thumb} else: payload['thumb'] = thumb if caption_entities: payload['caption_entities'] = json.dumps(types.MessageEntity.to_list_of_dicts(caption_entities)) if allow_sending_without_reply is not None: payload['allow_sending_without_reply'] = allow_sending_without_reply return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, files=files, method='post') async def send_voice(token, chat_id, voice, caption=None, duration=None, reply_to_message_id=None, reply_markup=None, parse_mode=None, disable_notification=None, timeout=None, caption_entities=None, allow_sending_without_reply=None): method_url = r'sendVoice' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id} files = None if not util.is_string(voice): files = {'voice': voice} else: payload['voice'] = voice if caption: payload['caption'] = caption if duration: payload['duration'] = duration if reply_to_message_id: payload['reply_to_message_id'] = reply_to_message_id if reply_markup: payload['reply_markup'] = await _convert_markup(reply_markup) if parse_mode: payload['parse_mode'] = parse_mode if disable_notification is not None: payload['disable_notification'] = disable_notification if timeout: payload['timeout'] = timeout if caption_entities: payload['caption_entities'] = json.dumps(types.MessageEntity.to_list_of_dicts(caption_entities)) if allow_sending_without_reply is not None: payload['allow_sending_without_reply'] = allow_sending_without_reply return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, files=files, method='post') async def send_video_note(token, chat_id, data, duration=None, length=None, reply_to_message_id=None, reply_markup=None, disable_notification=None, timeout=None, thumb=None, allow_sending_without_reply=None): method_url = r'sendVideoNote' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id} files = None if not util.is_string(data): files = {'video_note': data} else: payload['video_note'] = data if duration: payload['duration'] = duration if length and (str(length).isdigit() and int(length) <= 639): payload['length'] = length else: payload['length'] = 639 # seems like it is MAX length size if reply_to_message_id: payload['reply_to_message_id'] = reply_to_message_id if reply_markup: payload['reply_markup'] = await _convert_markup(reply_markup) if disable_notification is not None: payload['disable_notification'] = disable_notification if timeout: payload['timeout'] = timeout if thumb: if not util.is_string(thumb): if files: files['thumb'] = thumb else: files = {'thumb': thumb} else: payload['thumb'] = thumb if allow_sending_without_reply is not None: payload['allow_sending_without_reply'] = allow_sending_without_reply return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, files=files, method='post') async def send_audio(token, chat_id, audio, caption=None, duration=None, performer=None, title=None, reply_to_message_id=None, reply_markup=None, parse_mode=None, disable_notification=None, timeout=None, thumb=None, caption_entities=None, allow_sending_without_reply=None): method_url = r'sendAudio' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id} files = None if not util.is_string(audio): files = {'audio': audio} else: payload['audio'] = audio if caption: payload['caption'] = caption if duration: payload['duration'] = duration if performer: payload['performer'] = performer if title: payload['title'] = title if reply_to_message_id: payload['reply_to_message_id'] = reply_to_message_id if reply_markup: payload['reply_markup'] = await _convert_markup(reply_markup) if parse_mode: payload['parse_mode'] = parse_mode if disable_notification is not None: payload['disable_notification'] = disable_notification if timeout: payload['timeout'] = timeout if thumb: if not util.is_string(thumb): if files: files['thumb'] = thumb else: files = {'thumb': thumb} else: payload['thumb'] = thumb if caption_entities: payload['caption_entities'] = json.dumps(types.MessageEntity.to_list_of_dicts(caption_entities)) if allow_sending_without_reply is not None: payload['allow_sending_without_reply'] = allow_sending_without_reply return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, files=files, method='post') async def send_data(token, chat_id, data, data_type, reply_to_message_id=None, reply_markup=None, parse_mode=None, disable_notification=None, timeout=None, caption=None, thumb=None, caption_entities=None, allow_sending_without_reply=None, disable_content_type_detection=None, visible_file_name=None): method_url = await get_method_by_type(data_type) payload = {'chat_id': chat_id} files = None if not util.is_string(data): file_data = data if visible_file_name: file_data = (visible_file_name, data) files = {data_type: file_data} else: payload[data_type] = data if reply_to_message_id: payload['reply_to_message_id'] = reply_to_message_id if reply_markup: payload['reply_markup'] = await _convert_markup(reply_markup) if parse_mode and data_type == 'document': payload['parse_mode'] = parse_mode if disable_notification is not None: payload['disable_notification'] = disable_notification if timeout: payload['timeout'] = timeout if caption: payload['caption'] = caption if thumb: if not util.is_string(thumb): if files: files['thumb'] = thumb else: files = {'thumb': thumb} else: payload['thumb'] = thumb if caption_entities: payload['caption_entities'] = json.dumps(types.MessageEntity.to_list_of_dicts(caption_entities)) if allow_sending_without_reply is not None: payload['allow_sending_without_reply'] = allow_sending_without_reply if method_url == 'sendDocument' and disable_content_type_detection is not None: payload['disable_content_type_detection'] = disable_content_type_detection return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, files=files, method='post') async def get_method_by_type(data_type): if data_type == 'document': return r'sendDocument' if data_type == 'sticker': return r'sendSticker' async def ban_chat_member(token, chat_id, user_id, until_date=None, revoke_messages=None): method_url = 'banChatMember' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'user_id': user_id} if isinstance(until_date, datetime): payload['until_date'] = until_date.timestamp() else: payload['until_date'] = until_date if revoke_messages is not None: payload['revoke_messages'] = revoke_messages return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post') async def unban_chat_member(token, chat_id, user_id, only_if_banned): method_url = 'unbanChatMember' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'user_id': user_id} if only_if_banned is not None: # None / True / False payload['only_if_banned'] = only_if_banned return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post') async def restrict_chat_member( token, chat_id, user_id, until_date=None, can_send_messages=None, can_send_media_messages=None, can_send_polls=None, can_send_other_messages=None, can_add_web_page_previews=None, can_change_info=None, can_invite_users=None, can_pin_messages=None): method_url = 'restrictChatMember' permissions = {} if can_send_messages is not None: permissions['can_send_messages'] = can_send_messages if can_send_media_messages is not None: permissions['can_send_media_messages'] = can_send_media_messages if can_send_polls is not None: permissions['can_send_polls'] = can_send_polls if can_send_other_messages is not None: permissions['can_send_other_messages'] = can_send_other_messages if can_add_web_page_previews is not None: permissions['can_add_web_page_previews'] = can_add_web_page_previews if can_change_info is not None: permissions['can_change_info'] = can_change_info if can_invite_users is not None: permissions['can_invite_users'] = can_invite_users if can_pin_messages is not None: permissions['can_pin_messages'] = can_pin_messages permissions_json = json.dumps(permissions) payload = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'user_id': user_id, 'permissions': permissions_json} if until_date is not None: if isinstance(until_date, datetime): payload['until_date'] = until_date.timestamp() else: payload['until_date'] = until_date return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post') async def promote_chat_member( token, chat_id, user_id, can_change_info=None, can_post_messages=None, can_edit_messages=None, can_delete_messages=None, can_invite_users=None, can_restrict_members=None, can_pin_messages=None, can_promote_members=None, is_anonymous=None, can_manage_chat=None, can_manage_voice_chats=None): method_url = 'promoteChatMember' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'user_id': user_id} if can_change_info is not None: payload['can_change_info'] = can_change_info if can_post_messages is not None: payload['can_post_messages'] = can_post_messages if can_edit_messages is not None: payload['can_edit_messages'] = can_edit_messages if can_delete_messages is not None: payload['can_delete_messages'] = can_delete_messages if can_invite_users is not None: payload['can_invite_users'] = can_invite_users if can_restrict_members is not None: payload['can_restrict_members'] = can_restrict_members if can_pin_messages is not None: payload['can_pin_messages'] = can_pin_messages if can_promote_members is not None: payload['can_promote_members'] = can_promote_members if is_anonymous is not None: payload['is_anonymous'] = is_anonymous if can_manage_chat is not None: payload['can_manage_chat'] = can_manage_chat if can_manage_voice_chats is not None: payload['can_manage_voice_chats'] = can_manage_voice_chats return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post') async def set_chat_administrator_custom_title(token, chat_id, user_id, custom_title): method_url = 'setChatAdministratorCustomTitle' payload = { 'chat_id': chat_id, 'user_id': user_id, 'custom_title': custom_title } return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post') async def ban_chat_sender_chat(token, chat_id, sender_chat_id): method_url = 'banChatSenderChat' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'sender_chat_id': sender_chat_id} return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post') async def unban_chat_sender_chat(token, chat_id, sender_chat_id): method_url = 'unbanChatSenderChat' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'sender_chat_id': sender_chat_id} return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post') async def set_chat_permissions(token, chat_id, permissions): method_url = 'setChatPermissions' payload = { 'chat_id': chat_id, 'permissions': permissions.to_json() } return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post') async def create_chat_invite_link(token, chat_id, name, expire_date, member_limit, creates_join_request): method_url = 'createChatInviteLink' payload = { 'chat_id': chat_id } if expire_date is not None: if isinstance(expire_date, datetime): payload['expire_date'] = expire_date.timestamp() else: payload['expire_date'] = expire_date if member_limit: payload['member_limit'] = member_limit if creates_join_request is not None: payload['creates_join_request'] = creates_join_request if name: payload['name'] = name return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post') async def edit_chat_invite_link(token, chat_id, invite_link, name, expire_date, member_limit, creates_join_request): method_url = 'editChatInviteLink' payload = { 'chat_id': chat_id, 'invite_link': invite_link } if expire_date is not None: if isinstance(expire_date, datetime): payload['expire_date'] = expire_date.timestamp() else: payload['expire_date'] = expire_date if member_limit is not None: payload['member_limit'] = member_limit if name: payload['name'] = name if creates_join_request is not None: payload['creates_join_request'] = creates_join_request return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post') async def revoke_chat_invite_link(token, chat_id, invite_link): method_url = 'revokeChatInviteLink' payload = { 'chat_id': chat_id, 'invite_link': invite_link } return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post') async def export_chat_invite_link(token, chat_id): method_url = 'exportChatInviteLink' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id} return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post') async def approve_chat_join_request(token, chat_id, user_id): method_url = 'approveChatJoinRequest' payload = { 'chat_id': chat_id, 'user_id': user_id } return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post') async def decline_chat_join_request(token, chat_id, user_id): method_url = 'declineChatJoinRequest' payload = { 'chat_id': chat_id, 'user_id': user_id } return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post') async def set_chat_photo(token, chat_id, photo): method_url = 'setChatPhoto' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id} files = None if util.is_string(photo): payload['photo'] = photo elif util.is_pil_image(photo): files = {'photo': util.pil_image_to_file(photo)} else: files = {'photo': photo} return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, files=files, method='post') async def delete_chat_photo(token, chat_id): method_url = 'deleteChatPhoto' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id} return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post') async def set_chat_title(token, chat_id, title): method_url = 'setChatTitle' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'title': title} return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post') async def get_my_commands(token, scope=None, language_code=None): method_url = r'getMyCommands' payload = {} if scope: payload['scope'] = scope.to_json() if language_code: payload['language_code'] = language_code return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload) async def set_my_commands(token, commands, scope=None, language_code=None): method_url = r'setMyCommands' payload = {'commands': await _convert_list_json_serializable(commands)} if scope: payload['scope'] = scope.to_json() if language_code: payload['language_code'] = language_code return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post') async def delete_my_commands(token, scope=None, language_code=None): method_url = r'deleteMyCommands' payload = {} if scope: payload['scope'] = scope.to_json() if language_code: payload['language_code'] = language_code return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post') async def set_chat_description(token, chat_id, description): method_url = 'setChatDescription' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id} if description is not None: # Allow empty strings payload['description'] = description return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post') async def pin_chat_message(token, chat_id, message_id, disable_notification=None): method_url = 'pinChatMessage' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'message_id': message_id} if disable_notification is not None: payload['disable_notification'] = disable_notification return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post') async def unpin_chat_message(token, chat_id, message_id): method_url = 'unpinChatMessage' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id} if message_id: payload['message_id'] = message_id return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post') async def unpin_all_chat_messages(token, chat_id): method_url = 'unpinAllChatMessages' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id} return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post') # Updating messages async def edit_message_text(token, text, chat_id=None, message_id=None, inline_message_id=None, parse_mode=None, entities = None, disable_web_page_preview=None, reply_markup=None): method_url = r'editMessageText' payload = {'text': text} if chat_id: payload['chat_id'] = chat_id if message_id: payload['message_id'] = message_id if inline_message_id: payload['inline_message_id'] = inline_message_id if parse_mode: payload['parse_mode'] = parse_mode if entities: payload['entities'] = json.dumps(types.MessageEntity.to_list_of_dicts(entities)) if disable_web_page_preview is not None: payload['disable_web_page_preview'] = disable_web_page_preview if reply_markup: payload['reply_markup'] = await _convert_markup(reply_markup) return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post') async def edit_message_caption(token, caption, chat_id=None, message_id=None, inline_message_id=None, parse_mode=None, caption_entities=None,reply_markup=None): method_url = r'editMessageCaption' payload = {'caption': caption} if chat_id: payload['chat_id'] = chat_id if message_id: payload['message_id'] = message_id if inline_message_id: payload['inline_message_id'] = inline_message_id if parse_mode: payload['parse_mode'] = parse_mode if caption_entities: payload['caption_entities'] = json.dumps(types.MessageEntity.to_list_of_dicts(caption_entities)) if reply_markup: payload['reply_markup'] = await _convert_markup(reply_markup) return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post') async def edit_message_media(token, media, chat_id=None, message_id=None, inline_message_id=None, reply_markup=None): method_url = r'editMessageMedia' media_json, file = convert_input_media(media) payload = {'media': media_json} if chat_id: payload['chat_id'] = chat_id if message_id: payload['message_id'] = message_id if inline_message_id: payload['inline_message_id'] = inline_message_id if reply_markup: payload['reply_markup'] = await _convert_markup(reply_markup) return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, files=file, method='post' if file else 'get') async def edit_message_reply_markup(token, chat_id=None, message_id=None, inline_message_id=None, reply_markup=None): method_url = r'editMessageReplyMarkup' payload = {} if chat_id: payload['chat_id'] = chat_id if message_id: payload['message_id'] = message_id if inline_message_id: payload['inline_message_id'] = inline_message_id if reply_markup: payload['reply_markup'] = await _convert_markup(reply_markup) return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post') async def delete_message(token, chat_id, message_id, timeout=None): method_url = r'deleteMessage' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'message_id': message_id} if timeout: payload['timeout'] = timeout return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post') # Game async def send_game( token, chat_id, game_short_name, disable_notification=None, reply_to_message_id=None, reply_markup=None, timeout=None, allow_sending_without_reply=None): method_url = r'sendGame' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'game_short_name': game_short_name} if disable_notification is not None: payload['disable_notification'] = disable_notification if reply_to_message_id: payload['reply_to_message_id'] = reply_to_message_id if reply_markup: payload['reply_markup'] = await _convert_markup(reply_markup) if timeout: payload['timeout'] = timeout if allow_sending_without_reply is not None: payload['allow_sending_without_reply'] = allow_sending_without_reply return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload) # async def set_game_score(token, user_id, score, force=None, disable_edit_message=None, chat_id=None, message_id=None, inline_message_id=None): """ Use this method to set the score of the specified user in a game. On success, if the message was sent by the bot, returns the edited Message, otherwise returns True. Returns an error, if the new score is not greater than the user's current score in the chat. :param token: Bot's token (you don't need to fill this) :param user_id: User identifier :param score: New score, must be non-negative :param force: (Optional) Pass True, if the high score is allowed to decrease. This can be useful when fixing mistakes or banning cheaters :param disable_edit_message: (Optional) Pass True, if the game message should not be automatically edited to include the current scoreboard :param chat_id: (Optional, required if inline_message_id is not specified) Unique identifier for the target chat (or username of the target channel in the format @channelusername) :param message_id: (Optional, required if inline_message_id is not specified) Unique identifier of the sent message :param inline_message_id: (Optional, required if chat_id and message_id are not specified) Identifier of the inline message :return: """ method_url = r'setGameScore' payload = {'user_id': user_id, 'score': score} if force is not None: payload['force'] = force if chat_id: payload['chat_id'] = chat_id if message_id: payload['message_id'] = message_id if inline_message_id: payload['inline_message_id'] = inline_message_id if disable_edit_message is not None: payload['disable_edit_message'] = disable_edit_message return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload) # async def get_game_high_scores(token, user_id, chat_id=None, message_id=None, inline_message_id=None): """ Use this method to get data for high score tables. Will return the score of the specified user and several of his neighbors in a game. On success, returns an Array of GameHighScore objects. This method will currently return scores for the target user, plus two of his closest neighbors on each side. Will also return the top three users if the user and his neighbors are not among them. Please note that this behavior is subject to change. :param token: Bot's token (you don't need to fill this) :param user_id: Target user id :param chat_id: (Optional, required if inline_message_id is not specified) Unique identifier for the target chat (or username of the target channel in the format @channelusername) :param message_id: (Optional, required if inline_message_id is not specified) Unique identifier of the sent message :param inline_message_id: (Optional, required if chat_id and message_id are not specified) Identifier of the inline message :return: """ method_url = r'getGameHighScores' payload = {'user_id': user_id} if chat_id: payload['chat_id'] = chat_id if message_id: payload['message_id'] = message_id if inline_message_id: payload['inline_message_id'] = inline_message_id return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload) # Payments ( async def send_invoice( token, chat_id, title, description, invoice_payload, provider_token, currency, prices, start_parameter = None, photo_url=None, photo_size=None, photo_width=None, photo_height=None, need_name=None, need_phone_number=None, need_email=None, need_shipping_address=None, send_phone_number_to_provider = None, send_email_to_provider = None, is_flexible=None, disable_notification=None, reply_to_message_id=None, reply_markup=None, provider_data=None, timeout=None, allow_sending_without_reply=None, max_tip_amount=None, suggested_tip_amounts=None): """ Use this method to send invoices. On success, the sent Message is returned. :param token: Bot's token (you don't need to fill this) :param chat_id: Unique identifier for the target private chat :param title: Product name :param description: Product description :param invoice_payload: Bot-defined invoice payload, 1-128 bytes. This will not be displayed to the user, use for your internal processes. :param provider_token: Payments provider token, obtained via @Botfather :param currency: Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code, see :param prices: Price breakdown, a list of components (e.g. product price, tax, discount, delivery cost, delivery tax, bonus, etc.) :param start_parameter: Unique deep-linking parameter that can be used to generate this invoice when used as a start parameter :param photo_url: URL of the product photo for the invoice. Can be a photo of the goods or a marketing image for a service. People like it better when they see what they are paying for. :param photo_size: Photo size :param photo_width: Photo width :param photo_height: Photo height :param need_name: Pass True, if you require the user's full name to complete the order :param need_phone_number: Pass True, if you require the user's phone number to complete the order :param need_email: Pass True, if you require the user's email to complete the order :param need_shipping_address: Pass True, if you require the user's shipping address to complete the order :param is_flexible: Pass True, if the final price depends on the shipping method :param send_phone_number_to_provider: Pass True, if user's phone number should be sent to provider :param send_email_to_provider: Pass True, if user's email address should be sent to provider :param disable_notification: Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound. :param reply_to_message_id: If the message is a reply, ID of the original message :param reply_markup: A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard. If empty, one 'Pay total price' button will be shown. If not empty, the first button must be a Pay button :param provider_data: A JSON-serialized data about the invoice, which will be shared with the payment provider. A detailed description of required fields should be provided by the payment provider. :param timeout: :param allow_sending_without_reply: :param max_tip_amount: The maximum accepted amount for tips in the smallest units of the currency :param suggested_tip_amounts: A JSON-serialized array of suggested amounts of tips in the smallest units of the currency. At most 4 suggested tip amounts can be specified. The suggested tip amounts must be positive, passed in a strictly increased order and must not exceed max_tip_amount. :return: """ method_url = r'sendInvoice' payload = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'title': title, 'description': description, 'payload': invoice_payload, 'provider_token': provider_token, 'currency': currency, 'prices': await _convert_list_json_serializable(prices)} if start_parameter: payload['start_parameter'] = start_parameter if photo_url: payload['photo_url'] = photo_url if photo_size: payload['photo_size'] = photo_size if photo_width: payload['photo_width'] = photo_width if photo_height: payload['photo_height'] = photo_height if need_name is not None: payload['need_name'] = need_name if need_phone_number is not None: payload['need_phone_number'] = need_phone_number if need_email is not None: payload['need_email'] = need_email if need_shipping_address is not None: payload['need_shipping_address'] = need_shipping_address if send_phone_number_to_provider is not None: payload['send_phone_number_to_provider'] = send_phone_number_to_provider if send_email_to_provider is not None: payload['send_email_to_provider'] = send_email_to_provider if is_flexible is not None: payload['is_flexible'] = is_flexible if disable_notification is not None: payload['disable_notification'] = disable_notification if reply_to_message_id: payload['reply_to_message_id'] = reply_to_message_id if reply_markup: payload['reply_markup'] = await _convert_markup(reply_markup) if provider_data: payload['provider_data'] = provider_data if timeout: payload['timeout'] = timeout if allow_sending_without_reply is not None: payload['allow_sending_without_reply'] = allow_sending_without_reply if max_tip_amount is not None: payload['max_tip_amount'] = max_tip_amount if suggested_tip_amounts is not None: payload['suggested_tip_amounts'] = json.dumps(suggested_tip_amounts) return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload) async def answer_shipping_query(token, shipping_query_id, ok, shipping_options=None, error_message=None): """ If you sent an invoice requesting a shipping address and the parameter is_flexible was specified, the Bot API will send an Update with a shipping_query field to the bot. Use this method to reply to shipping queries. On success, True is returned. :param token: Bot's token (you don't need to fill this) :param shipping_query_id: Unique identifier for the query to be answered :param ok: Specify True if delivery to the specified address is possible and False if there are any problems (for example, if delivery to the specified address is not possible) :param shipping_options: Required if ok is True. A JSON-serialized array of available shipping options. :param error_message: Required if ok is False. Error message in human readable form that explains why it is impossible to complete the order (e.g. "Sorry, delivery to your desired address is unavailable'). Telegram will display this message to the user. :return: """ method_url = 'answerShippingQuery' payload = {'shipping_query_id': shipping_query_id, 'ok': ok} if shipping_options: payload['shipping_options'] = await _convert_list_json_serializable(shipping_options) if error_message: payload['error_message'] = error_message return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload) async def answer_pre_checkout_query(token, pre_checkout_query_id, ok, error_message=None): """ Once the user has confirmed their payment and shipping details, the Bot API sends the final confirmation in the form of an Update with the field pre_checkout_query. Use this method to respond to such pre-checkout queries. On success, True is returned. Note: The Bot API must receive an answer within 10 seconds after the pre-checkout query was sent. :param token: Bot's token (you don't need to fill this) :param pre_checkout_query_id: Unique identifier for the query to be answered :param ok: Specify True if everything is alright (goods are available, etc.) and the bot is ready to proceed with the order. Use False if there are any problems. :param error_message: Required if ok is False. Error message in human readable form that explains the reason for failure to proceed with the checkout (e.g. "Sorry, somebody just bought the last of our amazing black T-shirts while you were busy filling out your payment details. Please choose a different color or garment!"). Telegram will display this message to the user. :return: """ method_url = 'answerPreCheckoutQuery' payload = {'pre_checkout_query_id': pre_checkout_query_id, 'ok': ok} if error_message: payload['error_message'] = error_message return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload) # InlineQuery async def answer_callback_query(token, callback_query_id, text=None, show_alert=None, url=None, cache_time=None): """ Use this method to send answers to callback queries sent from inline keyboards. The answer will be displayed to the user as a notification at the top of the chat screen or as an alert. On success, True is returned. Alternatively, the user can be redirected to the specified Game URL. For this option to work, you must first create a game for your bot via BotFather and accept the terms. Otherwise, you may use links like that open your bot with a parameter. :param token: Bot's token (you don't need to fill this) :param callback_query_id: Unique identifier for the query to be answered :param text: (Optional) Text of the notification. If not specified, nothing will be shown to the user, 0-200 characters :param show_alert: (Optional) If true, an alert will be shown by the client instead of a notification at the top of the chat screen. Defaults to false. :param url: (Optional) URL that will be opened by the user's client. If you have created a Game and accepted the conditions via @Botfather, specify the URL that opens your game – note that this will only work if the query comes from a callback_game button. Otherwise, you may use links like that open your bot with a parameter. :param cache_time: (Optional) The maximum amount of time in seconds that the result of the callback query may be cached client-side. Telegram apps will support caching starting in version 3.14. Defaults to 0. :return: """ method_url = 'answerCallbackQuery' payload = {'callback_query_id': callback_query_id} if text: payload['text'] = text if show_alert is not None: payload['show_alert'] = show_alert if url: payload['url'] = url if cache_time is not None: payload['cache_time'] = cache_time return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post') async def answer_inline_query(token, inline_query_id, results, cache_time=None, is_personal=None, next_offset=None, switch_pm_text=None, switch_pm_parameter=None): method_url = 'answerInlineQuery' payload = {'inline_query_id': inline_query_id, 'results': await _convert_list_json_serializable(results)} if cache_time is not None: payload['cache_time'] = cache_time if is_personal is not None: payload['is_personal'] = is_personal if next_offset is not None: payload['next_offset'] = next_offset if switch_pm_text: payload['switch_pm_text'] = switch_pm_text if switch_pm_parameter: payload['switch_pm_parameter'] = switch_pm_parameter return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post') async def get_sticker_set(token, name): method_url = 'getStickerSet' return await _process_request(token, method_url, params={'name': name}) async def upload_sticker_file(token, user_id, png_sticker): method_url = 'uploadStickerFile' payload = {'user_id': user_id} files = {'png_sticker': png_sticker} return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, files=files, method='post') async def create_new_sticker_set( token, user_id, name, title, emojis, png_sticker, tgs_sticker, contains_masks=None, mask_position=None): method_url = 'createNewStickerSet' payload = {'user_id': user_id, 'name': name, 'title': title, 'emojis': emojis} stype = 'png_sticker' if png_sticker else 'tgs_sticker' sticker = png_sticker or tgs_sticker files = None if not util.is_string(sticker): files = {stype: sticker} else: payload[stype] = sticker if contains_masks is not None: payload['contains_masks'] = contains_masks if mask_position: payload['mask_position'] = mask_position.to_json() return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, files=files, method='post') async def add_sticker_to_set(token, user_id, name, emojis, png_sticker, tgs_sticker, mask_position): method_url = 'addStickerToSet' payload = {'user_id': user_id, 'name': name, 'emojis': emojis} stype = 'png_sticker' if png_sticker else 'tgs_sticker' sticker = png_sticker or tgs_sticker files = None if not util.is_string(sticker): files = {stype: sticker} else: payload[stype] = sticker if mask_position: payload['mask_position'] = mask_position.to_json() return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, files=files, method='post') async def set_sticker_position_in_set(token, sticker, position): method_url = 'setStickerPositionInSet' payload = {'sticker': sticker, 'position': position} return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post') async def delete_sticker_from_set(token, sticker): method_url = 'deleteStickerFromSet' payload = {'sticker': sticker} return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post') # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins async def send_poll( token, chat_id, question, options, is_anonymous = None, type = None, allows_multiple_answers = None, correct_option_id = None, explanation = None, explanation_parse_mode=None, open_period = None, close_date = None, is_closed = None, disable_notification=False, reply_to_message_id=None, allow_sending_without_reply=None, reply_markup=None, timeout=None, explanation_entities=None): method_url = r'sendPoll' payload = { 'chat_id': str(chat_id), 'question': question, 'options': json.dumps(await _convert_poll_options(options))} if is_anonymous is not None: payload['is_anonymous'] = is_anonymous if type is not None: payload['type'] = type if allows_multiple_answers is not None: payload['allows_multiple_answers'] = allows_multiple_answers if correct_option_id is not None: payload['correct_option_id'] = correct_option_id if explanation is not None: payload['explanation'] = explanation if explanation_parse_mode is not None: payload['explanation_parse_mode'] = explanation_parse_mode if open_period is not None: payload['open_period'] = open_period if close_date is not None: if isinstance(close_date, datetime): payload['close_date'] = close_date.timestamp() else: payload['close_date'] = close_date if is_closed is not None: payload['is_closed'] = is_closed if disable_notification: payload['disable_notification'] = disable_notification if reply_to_message_id is not None: payload['reply_to_message_id'] = reply_to_message_id if allow_sending_without_reply is not None: payload['allow_sending_without_reply'] = allow_sending_without_reply if reply_markup is not None: payload['reply_markup'] = await _convert_markup(reply_markup) if timeout: payload['timeout'] = timeout if explanation_entities: payload['explanation_entities'] = json.dumps( types.MessageEntity.to_list_of_dicts(explanation_entities)) return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload) async def _convert_list_json_serializable(results): ret = '' for r in results: if isinstance(r, types.JsonSerializable): ret = ret + r.to_json() + ',' if len(ret) > 0: ret = ret[:-1] return '[' + ret + ']' async def _convert_entites(entites): if entites is None: return None elif len(entites) == 0: return [] elif isinstance(entites[0], types.JsonSerializable): return [entity.to_json() for entity in entites] else: return entites async def _convert_poll_options(poll_options): if poll_options is None: return None elif len(poll_options) == 0: return [] elif isinstance(poll_options[0], str): # Compatibility mode with previous bug when only list of string was accepted as poll_options return poll_options elif isinstance(poll_options[0], types.PollOption): return [option.text for option in poll_options] else: return poll_options async def convert_input_media(media): if isinstance(media, types.InputMedia): return media.convert_input_media() return None, None async def convert_input_media_array(array): media = [] files = {} for input_media in array: if isinstance(input_media, types.InputMedia): media_dict = input_media.to_dict() if media_dict['media'].startswith('attach://'): key = media_dict['media'].replace('attach://', '') files[key] = media.append(media_dict) return json.dumps(media), files async def _no_encode(func): def wrapper(key, val): if key == 'filename': return u'{0}={1}'.format(key, val) else: return func(key, val) return wrapper async def stop_poll(token, chat_id, message_id, reply_markup=None): method_url = r'stopPoll' payload = {'chat_id': str(chat_id), 'message_id': message_id} if reply_markup: payload['reply_markup'] = await _convert_markup(reply_markup) return await _process_request(token, method_url, params=payload) # exceptions class ApiException(Exception): """ This class represents a base Exception thrown when a call to the Telegram API fails. In addition to an informative message, it has a `function_name` and a `result` attribute, which respectively contain the name of the failed function and the returned result that made the function to be considered as failed. """ def __init__(self, msg, function_name, result): super(ApiException, self).__init__("A request to the Telegram API was unsuccessful. {0}".format(msg)) self.function_name = function_name self.result = result class ApiHTTPException(ApiException): """ This class represents an Exception thrown when a call to the Telegram API server returns HTTP code that is not 200. """ def __init__(self, function_name, result): super(ApiHTTPException, self).__init__( "The server returned HTTP {0} {1}. Response body:\n[{2}]" \ .format(result.status_code, result.reason, result), function_name, result) class ApiInvalidJSONException(ApiException): """ This class represents an Exception thrown when a call to the Telegram API server returns invalid json. """ def __init__(self, function_name, result): super(ApiInvalidJSONException, self).__init__( "The server returned an invalid JSON response. Response body:\n[{0}]" \ .format(result), function_name, result) class ApiTelegramException(ApiException): """ This class represents an Exception thrown when a Telegram API returns error code. """ def __init__(self, function_name, result, result_json): super(ApiTelegramException, self).__init__( "Error code: {0}. Description: {1}" \ .format(result_json['error_code'], result_json['description']), function_name, result) self.result_json = result_json self.error_code = result_json['error_code']