mirror of https://github.com/eternnoir/pyTelegramBotAPI.git synced 2023-08-10 21:12:57 +03:00

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from abc import ABC
from typing import Optional, Union
from telebot.asyncio_handler_backends import State
from telebot import types
class SimpleCustomFilter(ABC):
Simple Custom Filter base class.
Create child class with check() method.
Accepts only message, returns bool value, that is compared with given in handler.
Child classes should have .key property.
.. code-block:: python3
:caption: Example on creating a simple custom filter.
class ForwardFilter(SimpleCustomFilter):
# Check whether message was forwarded from channel or group.
key = 'is_forwarded'
def check(self, message):
return message.forward_date is not None
key: str = None
async def check(self, message):
Perform a check.
class AdvancedCustomFilter(ABC):
Advanced Custom Filter base class.
Create child class with check() method.
Accepts two parameters, returns bool: True - filter passed, False - filter failed.
message: Message class
text: Filter value given in handler
Child classes should have .key property.
.. code-block:: python3
:caption: Example on creating an advanced custom filter.
class TextStartsFilter(AdvancedCustomFilter):
# Filter to check whether message starts with some text.
key = 'text_startswith'
def check(self, message, text):
return message.text.startswith(text)
key: str = None
async def check(self, message, text):
Perform a check.
class TextFilter:
Advanced text filter to check (types.Message, types.CallbackQuery, types.InlineQuery, types.Poll)
example of usage is in examples/asynchronous_telebot/custom_filters/advanced_text_filter.py
:param equals: string, True if object's text is equal to passed string
:type equals: :obj:`str`
:param contains: list[str] or tuple[str], True if any string element of iterable is in text
:type contains: list[str] or tuple[str]
:param starts_with: string, True if object's text starts with passed string
:type starts_with: :obj:`str`
:param ends_with: string, True if object's text starts with passed string
:type ends_with: :obj:`str`
:param ignore_case: bool (default False), case insensitive
:type ignore_case: :obj:`bool`
:raises ValueError: if incorrect value for a parameter was supplied
:return: None
def __init__(self,
equals: Optional[str] = None,
contains: Optional[Union[list, tuple]] = None,
starts_with: Optional[Union[str, list, tuple]] = None,
ends_with: Optional[Union[str, list, tuple]] = None,
ignore_case: bool = False):
:param equals: string, True if object's text is equal to passed string
:type equals: :obj:`str`
:param contains: list[str] or tuple[str], True if any string element of iterable is in text
:type contains: list[str] or tuple[str]
:param starts_with: string, True if object's text starts with passed string
:type starts_with: :obj:`str`
:param ends_with: string, True if object's text starts with passed string
:type ends_with: :obj:`str`
:param ignore_case: bool (default False), case insensitive
:type ignore_case: :obj:`bool`
:raises ValueError: if incorrect value for a parameter was supplied
:return: None
to_check = sum((pattern is not None for pattern in (equals, contains, starts_with, ends_with)))
if to_check == 0:
raise ValueError('None of the check modes was specified')
self.equals = equals
self.contains = self._check_iterable(contains, filter_name='contains')
self.starts_with = self._check_iterable(starts_with, filter_name='starts_with')
self.ends_with = self._check_iterable(ends_with, filter_name='ends_with')
self.ignore_case = ignore_case
def _check_iterable(self, iterable, filter_name):
if not iterable:
elif not isinstance(iterable, str) and not isinstance(iterable, list) and not isinstance(iterable, tuple):
raise ValueError(f"Incorrect value of {filter_name!r}")
elif isinstance(iterable, str):
iterable = [iterable]
elif isinstance(iterable, list) or isinstance(iterable, tuple):
iterable = [i for i in iterable if isinstance(i, str)]
return iterable
async def check(self, obj: Union[types.Message, types.CallbackQuery, types.InlineQuery, types.Poll]):
:meta private:
if isinstance(obj, types.Poll):
text = obj.question
elif isinstance(obj, types.Message):
text = obj.text or obj.caption
elif isinstance(obj, types.CallbackQuery):
text = obj.data
elif isinstance(obj, types.InlineQuery):
text = obj.query
return False
if self.ignore_case:
text = text.lower()
prepare_func = lambda string: str(string).lower()
prepare_func = str
if self.equals:
result = prepare_func(self.equals) == text
if result:
return True
elif not result and not any((self.contains, self.starts_with, self.ends_with)):
return False
if self.contains:
result = any([prepare_func(i) in text for i in self.contains])
if result:
return True
elif not result and not any((self.starts_with, self.ends_with)):
return False
if self.starts_with:
result = any([text.startswith(prepare_func(i)) for i in self.starts_with])
if result:
return True
elif not result and not self.ends_with:
return False
if self.ends_with:
return any([text.endswith(prepare_func(i)) for i in self.ends_with])
return False
class TextMatchFilter(AdvancedCustomFilter):
Filter to check Text message.
.. code-block:: python3
:caption: Example on using this filter:
# your function
key = 'text'
async def check(self, message, text):
:meta private:
if isinstance(text, TextFilter):
return await text.check(message)
elif type(text) is list:
return message.text in text
return text == message.text
class TextContainsFilter(AdvancedCustomFilter):
Filter to check Text message.
key: text
.. code-block:: python3
:caption: Example on using this filter:
# Will respond if any message.text contains word 'account'
# your function
key = 'text_contains'
async def check(self, message, text):
:meta private:
if not isinstance(text, str) and not isinstance(text, list) and not isinstance(text, tuple):
raise ValueError("Incorrect text_contains value")
elif isinstance(text, str):
text = [text]
elif isinstance(text, list) or isinstance(text, tuple):
text = [i for i in text if isinstance(i, str)]
return any([i in message.text for i in text])
class TextStartsFilter(AdvancedCustomFilter):
Filter to check whether message starts with some text.
.. code-block:: python3
:caption: Example on using this filter:
# Will work if message.text starts with 'sir'.
# your function
key = 'text_startswith'
async def check(self, message, text):
:meta private:
return message.text.startswith(text)
class ChatFilter(AdvancedCustomFilter):
Check whether chat_id corresponds to given chat_id.
.. code-block:: python3
:caption: Example on using this filter:
# your function
key = 'chat_id'
async def check(self, message, text):
:meta private:
if isinstance(message, types.CallbackQuery):
return message.message.chat.id in text
return message.chat.id in text
class ForwardFilter(SimpleCustomFilter):
Check whether message was forwarded from channel or group.
.. code-block:: python3
:caption: Example on using this filter:
# your function
key = 'is_forwarded'
async def check(self, message):
:meta private:
return message.forward_date is not None
class IsReplyFilter(SimpleCustomFilter):
Check whether message is a reply.
.. code-block:: python3
:caption: Example on using this filter:
# your function
key = 'is_reply'
async def check(self, message):
:meta private:
if isinstance(message, types.CallbackQuery):
return message.message.reply_to_message is not None
return message.reply_to_message is not None
class LanguageFilter(AdvancedCustomFilter):
Check users language_code.
.. code-block:: python3
:caption: Example on using this filter:
# your function
key = 'language_code'
async def check(self, message, text):
:meta private:
if type(text) is list:
return message.from_user.language_code in text
return message.from_user.language_code == text
class IsAdminFilter(SimpleCustomFilter):
Check whether the user is administrator / owner of the chat.
.. code-block:: python3
:caption: Example on using this filter:
@bot.message_handler(chat_types=['supergroup'], is_chat_admin=True)
# your function
key = 'is_chat_admin'
def __init__(self, bot):
self._bot = bot
async def check(self, message):
:meta private:
if isinstance(message, types.CallbackQuery):
result = await self._bot.get_chat_member(message.message.chat.id, message.from_user.id)
return result.status ('creator', 'administrator')
result = await self._bot.get_chat_member(message.chat.id, message.from_user.id)
return result.status in ['creator', 'administrator']
class StateFilter(AdvancedCustomFilter):
Filter to check state.
.. code-block:: python3
:caption: Example on using this filter:
# your function
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
key = 'state'
async def check(self, message, text):
:meta private:
if text == '*': return True
# needs to work with callbackquery
if isinstance(message, types.Message):
chat_id = message.chat.id
user_id = message.from_user.id
if isinstance(message, types.CallbackQuery):
chat_id = message.message.chat.id
user_id = message.from_user.id
message = message.message
if isinstance(text, list):
new_text = []
for i in text:
if isinstance(i, State): i = i.name
text = new_text
elif isinstance(text, State):
text = text.name
if message.chat.type in ['group', 'supergroup']:
group_state = await self.bot.current_states.get_state(user_id, chat_id)
if group_state == text:
return True
elif type(text) is list and group_state in text:
return True
user_state = await self.bot.current_states.get_state(user_id, chat_id)
if user_state == text:
return True
elif type(text) is list and user_state in text:
return True
class IsDigitFilter(SimpleCustomFilter):
Filter to check whether the string is made up of only digits.
.. code-block:: python3
:caption: Example on using this filter:
# your function
key = 'is_digit'
async def check(self, message):
:meta private:
return message.text.isdigit()