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synced 2023-08-10 21:12:57 +03:00
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445 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import requests
import telebot
from telebot import types
from telebot import util
logger = telebot.logger
API_URL = "https://api.telegram.org/bot{0}/{1}"
FILE_URL = "https://api.telegram.org/file/bot{0}/{1}"
def _make_request(token, method_name, method='get', params=None, files=None, base_url=API_URL):
Makes a request to the Telegram API.
:param token: The bot's API token. (Created with @BotFather)
:param method_name: Name of the API method to be called. (E.g. 'getUpdates')
:param method: HTTP method to be used. Defaults to 'get'.
:param params: Optional parameters. Should be a dictionary with key-value pairs.
:param files: Optional files.
:return: The result parsed to a JSON dictionary.
request_url = base_url.format(token, method_name)
logger.debug("Request: method={0} url={1} params={2} files={3}".format(method, request_url, params, files))
read_timeout = READ_TIMEOUT
if params:
if 'timeout' in params: read_timeout = params['timeout'] + 10
result = requests.request(method, request_url, params=params, files=files, timeout=(CONNECT_TIMEOUT, read_timeout))
logger.debug("The server returned: '{0}'".format(result.text.encode('utf8')))
return _check_result(method_name, result)['result']
def _check_result(method_name, result):
Checks whether `result` is a valid API response.
A result is considered invalid if:
- The server returned an HTTP response code other than 200
- The content of the result is invalid JSON.
- The method call was unsuccessful (The JSON 'ok' field equals False)
:raises ApiException: if one of the above listed cases is applicable
:param method_name: The name of the method called
:param result: The returned result of the method request
:return: The result parsed to a JSON dictionary.
if result.status_code != 200:
msg = 'The server returned HTTP {0} {1}. Response body:\n[{2}]' \
.format(result.status_code, result.reason, result.text.encode('utf8'))
raise ApiException(msg, method_name, result)
result_json = result.json()
msg = 'The server returned an invalid JSON response. Response body:\n[{0}]' \
raise ApiException(msg, method_name, result)
if not result_json['ok']:
msg = 'Error code: {0} Description: {1}' \
.format(result_json['error_code'], result_json['description'])
raise ApiException(msg, method_name, result)
return result_json
def get_me(token):
method_url = r'getMe'
return _make_request(token, method_url)
def get_file(token, file_id):
method_url = r'getFile'
return _make_request(token, method_url, params={'file_id': file_id})
def download_file(token, file_path):
url = FILE_URL.format(token, file_path)
result = requests.get(url)
if result.status_code != 200:
msg = 'The server returned HTTP {0} {1}. Response body:\n[{2}]' \
.format(result.status_code, result.reason, result.text)
raise ApiException(msg, 'Download file', result)
return result.content
def send_message(token, chat_id, text, disable_web_page_preview=None, reply_to_message_id=None, reply_markup=None,
parse_mode=None, disable_notification=None):
Use this method to send text messages. On success, the sent Message is returned.
:param token:
:param chat_id:
:param text:
:param disable_web_page_preview:
:param reply_to_message_id:
:param reply_markup:
method_url = r'sendMessage'
payload = {'chat_id': str(chat_id), 'text': text}
if disable_web_page_preview:
payload['disable_web_page_preview'] = disable_web_page_preview
if reply_to_message_id:
payload['reply_to_message_id'] = reply_to_message_id
if reply_markup:
payload['reply_markup'] = _convert_markup(reply_markup)
if parse_mode:
payload['parse_mode'] = parse_mode
if disable_notification:
payload['disable_notification'] = disable_notification
return _make_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post')
def set_webhook(token, url=None, certificate=None):
method_url = r'setWebhook'
payload = {
'url': url if url else "",
files = None
if certificate:
files = {'certificate': certificate}
return _make_request(token, method_url, params=payload, files=files)
def get_updates(token, offset=None, limit=None, timeout=None):
method_url = r'getUpdates'
payload = {}
if offset:
payload['offset'] = offset
if limit:
payload['limit'] = limit
if timeout:
payload['timeout'] = timeout
return _make_request(token, method_url, params=payload)
def get_user_profile_photos(token, user_id, offset=None, limit=None):
method_url = r'getUserProfilePhotos'
payload = {'user_id': user_id}
if offset:
payload['offset'] = offset
if limit:
payload['limit'] = limit
return _make_request(token, method_url, params=payload)
def forward_message(token, chat_id, from_chat_id, message_id, disable_notification=None):
method_url = r'forwardMessage'
payload = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'from_chat_id': from_chat_id, 'message_id': message_id}
if disable_notification:
payload['disable_notification'] = disable_notification
return _make_request(token, method_url, params=payload)
def send_photo(token, chat_id, photo, caption=None, reply_to_message_id=None, reply_markup=None,
method_url = r'sendPhoto'
payload = {'chat_id': chat_id}
files = None
if not util.is_string(photo):
files = {'photo': photo}
payload['photo'] = photo
if caption:
payload['caption'] = caption
if reply_to_message_id:
payload['reply_to_message_id'] = reply_to_message_id
if reply_markup:
payload['reply_markup'] = _convert_markup(reply_markup)
if disable_notification:
payload['disable_notification'] = disable_notification
return _make_request(token, method_url, params=payload, files=files, method='post')
def send_location(token, chat_id, latitude, longitude, reply_to_message_id=None, reply_markup=None,
method_url = r'sendLocation'
payload = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'latitude': latitude, 'longitude': longitude}
if reply_to_message_id:
payload['reply_to_message_id'] = reply_to_message_id
if reply_markup:
payload['reply_markup'] = _convert_markup(reply_markup)
if disable_notification:
payload['disable_notification'] = disable_notification
return _make_request(token, method_url, params=payload)
def send_venue(token, chat_id, latitude, longitude, title, address, foursquare_id=None, disable_notification=None,
reply_to_message_id=None, reply_markup=None):
method_url = r'sendVenue'
payload = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'latitude': latitude, 'longitude': longitude, 'title': title, 'address': address}
if foursquare_id:
payload['foursquare_id'] = foursquare_id
if disable_notification:
payload['disable_notification'] = disable_notification
if reply_to_message_id:
payload['reply_to_message_id'] = reply_to_message_id
if reply_markup:
payload['reply_markup'] = _convert_markup(reply_markup)
return _make_request(token, method_url, params=payload)
def send_contact(token, chat_id, phone_number, first_name, last_name=None, disable_notification=None,
reply_to_message_id=None, reply_markup=None):
method_url = r'sendContact'
payload = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'phone_number': phone_number, 'first_name': first_name}
if last_name:
payload['last_name'] = last_name
if disable_notification:
payload['disable_notification'] = disable_notification
if reply_to_message_id:
payload['reply_to_message_id'] = reply_to_message_id
if reply_markup:
payload['reply_markup'] = _convert_markup(reply_markup)
return _make_request(token, method_url, params=payload)
def send_chat_action(token, chat_id, action):
method_url = r'sendChatAction'
payload = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'action': action}
return _make_request(token, method_url, params=payload)
def send_video(token, chat_id, data, duration=None, caption=None, reply_to_message_id=None, reply_markup=None,
method_url = r'sendVideo'
payload = {'chat_id': chat_id}
files = None
if not util.is_string(data):
files = {'video': data}
payload['video'] = data
if duration:
payload['duration'] = duration
if caption:
payload['caption'] = caption
if reply_to_message_id:
payload['reply_to_message_id'] = reply_to_message_id
if reply_markup:
payload['reply_markup'] = _convert_markup(reply_markup)
if disable_notification:
payload['disable_notification'] = disable_notification
return _make_request(token, method_url, params=payload, files=files, method='post')
def send_voice(token, chat_id, voice, duration=None, reply_to_message_id=None, reply_markup=None,
method_url = r'sendVoice'
payload = {'chat_id': chat_id}
files = None
if not util.is_string(voice):
files = {'voice': voice}
payload['voice'] = voice
if duration:
payload['duration'] = duration
if reply_to_message_id:
payload['reply_to_message_id'] = reply_to_message_id
if reply_markup:
payload['reply_markup'] = _convert_markup(reply_markup)
if disable_notification:
payload['disable_notification'] = disable_notification
return _make_request(token, method_url, params=payload, files=files, method='post')
def send_audio(token, chat_id, audio, duration=None, performer=None, title=None, reply_to_message_id=None,
reply_markup=None, disable_notification=None):
method_url = r'sendAudio'
payload = {'chat_id': chat_id}
files = None
if not util.is_string(audio):
files = {'audio': audio}
payload['audio'] = audio
if duration:
payload['duration'] = duration
if performer:
payload['performer'] = performer
if title:
payload['title'] = title
if reply_to_message_id:
payload['reply_to_message_id'] = reply_to_message_id
if reply_markup:
payload['reply_markup'] = _convert_markup(reply_markup)
if disable_notification:
payload['disable_notification'] = disable_notification
return _make_request(token, method_url, params=payload, files=files, method='post')
def send_data(token, chat_id, data, data_type, reply_to_message_id=None, reply_markup=None, disable_notification=None):
method_url = get_method_by_type(data_type)
payload = {'chat_id': chat_id}
files = None
if not util.is_string(data):
files = {data_type: data}
payload[data_type] = data
if reply_to_message_id:
payload['reply_to_message_id'] = reply_to_message_id
if reply_markup:
payload['reply_markup'] = _convert_markup(reply_markup)
if disable_notification:
payload['disable_notification'] = disable_notification
return _make_request(token, method_url, params=payload, files=files, method='post')
def get_method_by_type(data_type):
if data_type == 'document':
return r'sendDocument'
if data_type == 'sticker':
return r'sendSticker'
def kick_chat_member(token, chat_id, user_id):
method_url = 'kickChatMember'
payload = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'user_id': user_id}
return _make_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post')
def unban_chat_member(token, chat_id, user_id):
method_url = 'unbanChatMember'
payload = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'user_id': user_id}
return _make_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post')
# Updating messages
def edit_message_text(token, text, chat_id=None, message_id=None, inline_message_id=None, parse_mode=None,
disable_web_page_preview=None, reply_markup=None):
method_url = r'editMessageText'
payload = {'text': text}
if chat_id:
payload['chat_id'] = chat_id
if message_id:
payload['message_id'] = message_id
if inline_message_id:
payload['inline_message_id'] = inline_message_id
if parse_mode:
payload['parse_mode'] = parse_mode
if disable_web_page_preview:
payload['disable_web_page_preview'] = disable_web_page_preview
if reply_markup:
payload['reply_markup'] = _convert_markup(reply_markup)
return _make_request(token, method_url, params=payload)
def edit_message_caption(token, caption, chat_id=None, message_id=None, inline_message_id=None, reply_markup=None):
method_url = r'editMessageCaption'
payload = {'caption': caption}
if chat_id:
payload['chat_id'] = chat_id
if message_id:
payload['message_id'] = message_id
if inline_message_id:
payload['inline_message_id'] = inline_message_id
if reply_markup:
payload['reply_markup'] = _convert_markup(reply_markup)
return _make_request(token, method_url, params=payload)
def edit_message_replay_markup(token, chat_id=None, message_id=None, inline_message_id=None, reply_markup=None):
method_url = r'editMessageReplyMarkup'
payload = {}
if chat_id:
payload['chat_id'] = chat_id
if message_id:
payload['message_id'] = message_id
if inline_message_id:
payload['inline_message_id'] = inline_message_id
if reply_markup:
payload['reply_markup'] = _convert_markup(reply_markup)
return _make_request(token, method_url, params=payload)
# InlineQuery
def answer_callback_query(token, callback_query_id, text=None, show_alert=None):
method_url = 'answerCallbackQuery'
payload = {'callback_query_id': callback_query_id}
if text:
payload['text'] = text
if show_alert:
payload['show_alert'] = show_alert
return _make_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post')
def answer_inline_query(token, inline_query_id, results, cache_time=None, is_personal=None, next_offset=None,
switch_pm_text=None, switch_pm_parameter=None):
method_url = 'answerInlineQuery'
payload = {'inline_query_id': inline_query_id, 'results': _convert_inline_results(results)}
if cache_time:
payload['cache_time'] = cache_time
if is_personal:
payload['is_personal'] = is_personal
if next_offset:
payload['next_offset'] = next_offset
if switch_pm_text:
payload['switch_pm_text'] = switch_pm_text
if switch_pm_parameter:
payload['switch_pm_parameter'] = switch_pm_parameter
return _make_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post')
def answer_callback_query(token, callback_query_id, text=None, show_alert=None):
method_url = 'answerCallbackQuery'
payload = {'callback_query_id': callback_query_id}
if text:
payload['text'] = text
if show_alert:
payload['show_alert'] = show_alert
return _make_request(token, method_url, params=payload, method='post')
def _convert_inline_results(results):
ret = ''
for r in results:
if isinstance(r, types.JsonSerializable):
ret = ret + r.to_json() + ','
if len(ret) > 0:
ret = ret[:-1]
return '[' + ret + ']'
def _convert_markup(markup):
if isinstance(markup, types.JsonSerializable):
return markup.to_json()
return markup
class ApiException(Exception):
This class represents an Exception thrown when a call to the Telegram API fails.
In addition to an informative message, it has a `function_name` and a `result` attribute, which respectively
contain the name of the failed function and the returned result that made the function to be considered as
def __init__(self, msg, function_name, result):
super(ApiException, self).__init__("A request to the Telegram API was unsuccessful. {0}".format(msg))
self.function_name = function_name
self.result = result