mirror of https://github.com/shuchkin/simplexlsxgen.git synced 2023-08-10 21:12:59 +03:00

added multisheet support (keeping it compatible to the original version)

This commit is contained in:
Savino Rapillo 2020-11-02 17:34:19 +01:00
parent 0fc338d802
commit 3abb47b9b4

View File

@ -7,10 +7,17 @@
class SimpleXLSXGen {
public $rows;
public $template;
public $curSheet;
private $sheets;
private $template;
private $SI, $SI_KEYS;
public function __construct() {
$this->rows = [];
$this->curSheet = 0;
$this->sheets[0]['rows'] = [];
$this->sheets[0]['Name'] = 'Sheet1';
$this->SI = []; // sharedStrings index & keys
$this->SI_KEYS = [];
$this->template = [
'[Content_Types].xml' => '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Types xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/content-types">
@ -18,12 +25,11 @@ class SimpleXLSXGen {
<Override PartName="/docProps/app.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.extended-properties+xml"/>
<Override PartName="/docProps/core.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.core-properties+xml"/>
<Override PartName="/xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.relationships+xml"/>
<Override PartName="/xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.worksheet+xml"/>
<Override PartName="/xl/sharedStrings.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sharedStrings+xml"/>
<Override PartName="/xl/styles.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.styles+xml"/>
<Override PartName="/xl/workbook.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet.main+xml"/>
/* <Override PartName="/xl/theme/theme1.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.theme+xml"/> */
'_rels/.rels' => '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Relationships xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships">
<Relationship Id="rId1" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/officeDocument" Target="xl/workbook.xml"/>
@ -44,8 +50,7 @@ class SimpleXLSXGen {
'xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels' => '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Relationships xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships">
<Relationship Id="rId1" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/styles" Target="styles.xml"/>
<Relationship Id="rId2" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/worksheet" Target="worksheets/sheet1.xml"/>
<Relationship Id="rId3" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/sharedStrings" Target="sharedStrings.xml"/></Relationships>',
'xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml' => '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<worksheet xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main"><dimension ref="{REF}"/><cols>{COLS}</cols><sheetData>{ROWS}</sheetData></worksheet>',
'xl/sharedStrings.xml' => '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
@ -70,26 +75,45 @@ class SimpleXLSXGen {
'xl/workbook.xml' => '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<workbook xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main" xmlns:r="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships">
<fileVersion appName="'.__CLASS__.'"/>
<sheets><sheet name="Sheet1" sheetId="1" state="visible" r:id="rId2"/></sheets>
<fileVersion appName="'.__CLASS__.'"/><sheets>
// <col min="1" max="1" width="22.1796875" bestFit="1" customWidth="1"/>
// <row r="1" spans="1:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.35"><c r="A1" t="s"><v>0</v></c><c r="B1"><v>100</v></c></row><row r="2" spans="1:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.35"><c r="A2" t="s"><v>1</v></c><c r="B2"><v>200</v></c></row>
// <si><t>Простой шаблон</t></si><si><t>Будем делать генератор</t></si>
public function setSheet($idx, $name = null) {
if (!isset($this->sheets[$idx])) {
$this->sheets[$idx] = [];
$this->sheets[$idx]['rows'] = [];
$this->curSheet = $idx;
if ($name)
$this->sheets[$idx]['Name'] = $name;
else {
if (!isset($this->sheets[$idx]['Name'])) {
$this->sheets[$idx]['Name'] = 'Sheet'.$idx;
return $this->sheets[$idx]['Name'];
public static function fromArray( array $rows ) {
$xlsx = new self();
$xlsx->setRows( $rows );
return $xlsx;
public function setRows( $rows ) {
if ( is_array( $rows ) && isset( $rows[0] ) && is_array($rows[0]) ) {
$this->rows = $rows;
} else {
$this->rows = [];
$this->sheets[$this->curSheet]['rows']= [];
public function __toString() {
$fh = fopen( 'php://memory', 'wb' );
if ( ! $fh ) {
@ -105,6 +129,7 @@ class SimpleXLSXGen {
return (string) fread( $fh, $size );
public function saveAs( $filename ) {
$fh = fopen( $filename, 'wb' );
if (!$fh) {
@ -118,9 +143,11 @@ class SimpleXLSXGen {
return true;
public function download() {
return $this->downloadAs( gmdate('YmdHi') . '.xlsx' );
public function downloadAs( $filename ) {
$fh = fopen('php://memory','wb');
if (!$fh) {
@ -149,28 +176,95 @@ class SimpleXLSXGen {
return true;
private function _generate( $fh ) {
private function _saveIt($fh, &$cdrec, $cfilename, &$data) {
$zipSignature = "\x50\x4b\x03\x04"; // local file header signature
$dirSignature = "\x50\x4b\x01\x02"; // central dir header signature
$dirSignatureE= "\x50\x4b\x05\x06"; // end of central dir signature
$zipComments = 'Generated by '.__CLASS__.' PHP class, thanks sergey.shuchkin@gmail.com';
$e = [];
$e['uncsize'] = mb_strlen($data, '8bit');
// $fh = fopen( $filename, 'wb' );
if (!$fh) {
return false;
// if data to compress is too small, just store it
if($e['uncsize'] < 256){
$e['comsize'] = $e['uncsize'];
$e['vneeded'] = 10;
$e['cmethod'] = 0;
$zdata = $data;
} else{ // otherwise, compress it
$zdata = gzcompress($data);
$zdata = substr(substr($zdata, 0, - 4 ), 2); // fix crc bug (thanks to Eric Mueller)
$e['comsize'] = mb_strlen($zdata, '8bit');
$e['vneeded'] = 10;
$e['cmethod'] = 8;
$SI = [];
$SI_KEYS = [];
$e['bitflag'] = 0;
$e['crc_32'] = crc32($data);
// Convert date and time to DOS Format, and set then
$lastmod_timeS = str_pad(decbin(date('s')>=32?date('s')-32:date('s')), 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$lastmod_timeM = str_pad(decbin(date('i')), 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$lastmod_timeH = str_pad(decbin(date('H')), 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$lastmod_dateD = str_pad(decbin(date('d')), 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$lastmod_dateM = str_pad(decbin(date('m')), 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$lastmod_dateY = str_pad(decbin(date('Y')-1980), 7, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
# echo "ModTime: $lastmod_timeS-$lastmod_timeM-$lastmod_timeH (".date("s H H").")\n";
# echo "ModDate: $lastmod_dateD-$lastmod_dateM-$lastmod_dateY (".date("d m Y").")\n";
$e['modtime'] = bindec("$lastmod_timeH$lastmod_timeM$lastmod_timeS");
$e['moddate'] = bindec("$lastmod_dateY$lastmod_dateM$lastmod_dateD");
$e['offset'] = ftell($fh);
/** @noinspection DisconnectedForeachInstructionInspection */
fwrite($fh, $zipSignature);
fwrite($fh, pack('s', $e['vneeded'])); // version_needed
fwrite($fh, pack('s', $e['bitflag'])); // general_bit_flag
fwrite($fh, pack('s', $e['cmethod'])); // compression_method
fwrite($fh, pack('s', $e['modtime'])); // lastmod_time
fwrite($fh, pack('s', $e['moddate'])); // lastmod_date
fwrite($fh, pack('V', $e['crc_32'])); // crc-32
fwrite($fh, pack('I', $e['comsize'])); // compressed_size
fwrite($fh, pack('I', $e['uncsize'])); // uncompressed_size
fwrite($fh, pack('s', mb_strlen($cfilename, '8bit'))); // file_name_length
/** @noinspection DisconnectedForeachInstructionInspection */
fwrite($fh, pack('s', 0)); // extra_field_length
fwrite($fh, $cfilename); // file_name
// ignoring extra_field
fwrite($fh, $zdata);
// Append it to central dir
$e['external_attributes'] = (substr($cfilename, -1) === '/'&&!$zdata)?16:32; // Directory or file name
$e['comments'] = '';
$cdrec .= $dirSignature;
$cdrec .= "\x0\x0"; // version made by
$cdrec .= pack('v', $e['vneeded']); // version needed to extract
$cdrec .= "\x0\x0"; // general bit flag
$cdrec .= pack('v', $e['cmethod']); // compression method
$cdrec .= pack('v', $e['modtime']); // lastmod time
$cdrec .= pack('v', $e['moddate']); // lastmod date
$cdrec .= pack('V', $e['crc_32']); // crc32
$cdrec .= pack('V', $e['comsize']); // compressed filesize
$cdrec .= pack('V', $e['uncsize']); // uncompressed filesize
$cdrec .= pack('v', mb_strlen($cfilename,'8bit')); // file name length
$cdrec .= pack('v', 0); // extra field length
$cdrec .= pack('v', mb_strlen($e['comments'],'8bit')); // file comment length
$cdrec .= pack('v', 0); // disk number start
$cdrec .= pack('v', 0); // internal file attributes
$cdrec .= pack('V', $e['external_attributes']); // internal file attributes
$cdrec .= pack('V', $e['offset']); // relative offset of local header
$cdrec .= $cfilename;
$cdrec .= $e['comments'];
private function worksheetEncode(&$sheet, &$data) {
$COLS = [];
$ROWS = [];
if ( count($this->rows) ) {
if ( count($sheet['rows']) ) {
$CUR_ROW = 0;
$COL = [];
foreach( $this->rows as $r ) {
foreach( $sheet['rows'] as $r ) {
$row = '<row r="'.$CUR_ROW.'">';
$CUR_COL = 0;
@ -208,12 +302,18 @@ class SimpleXLSXGen {
} elseif ( preg_match('/^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)$/', $v, $m ) ){
$cv = $this->date2excel($m[1],$m[2],$m[3]);
$cs = 4; // [14] mm-dd-yy
} elseif ( preg_match('/^(\d\d)\/(\d\d)\/(\d\d\d\d)$/', $v, $m ) ){
$cv = $this->date2excel($m[3],$m[2],$m[1]);
$cs = 4; // [14] mm-dd-yy
} elseif ( preg_match('/^(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)$/', $v, $m ) ){
$cv = $this->date2excel(0,0,0,$m[1],$m[2],$m[3]);
$cs = 5; // [14] mm-dd-yy
} elseif ( preg_match('/^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d) (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)$/', $v, $m ) ) {
$cv = $this->date2excel( $m[1], $m[2], $m[3], $m[4], $m[5], $m[6] );
$cs = 6; // [22] m/d/yy h:mm
} elseif ( preg_match('/^(\d\d)\/(\d\d)\/(\d\d\d\d) (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)$/', $v, $m ) ) {
$cv = $this->date2excel( $m[3], $m[2], $m[1], $m[4], $m[5], $m[6] );
$cs = 6; // [22] m/d/yy h:mm
} elseif ( mb_strlen( $v ) > 160 ) {
$ct = 'inlineStr';
$cv = str_replace(['&','<','>',"\x03"],['&amp;','&lt;','&gt;',''], $v);
@ -226,14 +326,14 @@ class SimpleXLSXGen {
$v = str_replace(['&','<','>',"\x03"],['&amp;','&lt;','&gt;',''], $v);
$cv = false;
$skey = '~'.$v;
if ( isset($SI_KEYS[ $skey ]) ) {
$cv = $SI_KEYS[ $skey ];
if ( isset($this->SI_KEYS[ $skey ]) ) {
$cv = $this->SI_KEYS[ $skey ];
if ( $cv === false ) {
$SI[] = $v;
$cv = count( $SI ) - 1;
$SI_KEYS[$skey] = $cv;
$this->SI[] = $v;
$cv = count( $this->SI ) - 1;
$this->SI_KEYS[$skey] = $cv;
} elseif ( is_int( $v ) || is_float( $v ) ) {
@ -248,7 +348,6 @@ class SimpleXLSXGen {
$ROWS[] = $row . "</row>\r\n";
foreach ( $COL as $k => $max ) {
// $COLS[] = '<col min="'.$k.'" max="'.$k.'" width="'.min( $max+1, 60).'" bestFit="true" customWidth="true" />';
$COLS[] = '<col min="'.$k.'" max="'.$k.'" width="'.min( $max+1, 60).'" />';
$REF = 'A1:'.$this->num2name(count($COLS)) . $CUR_ROW;
@ -256,98 +355,82 @@ class SimpleXLSXGen {
$COLS[] = '<col min="1" max="1" bestFit="1" />';
$ROWS[] = '<row r="1"><c r="A1" t="s"><v>0</v></c></row>';
$REF = 'A1:A1';
$SI[] = 'No Data';
$SI_CNT = count($SI);
$SI = '<si><t>'.implode("</t></si>\r\n<si><t>", $SI).'</t></si>';
return str_replace(['{REF}','{COLS}','{ROWS}'],
[ $REF, implode("\r\n", $COLS), implode("\r\n",$ROWS) ],
$data );
$cdrec = '';
private function _generate( $fh ) {
$dirSignatureE= "\x50\x4b\x05\x06"; // end of central dir signature
$zipComments = 'Generated by '.__CLASS__.' PHP class, thanks sergey.shuchkin@gmail.com';
if (!$fh) {
return false;
$cdrec = ''; // central directory content
$entries= 0; // number of zipped files
foreach ($this->template as $cfilename => $data ) {
if ( $cfilename === 'docProps/core.xml' ) {
if ( $cfilename === '[Content_Types].xml' ) {
$s = '';
for ($i=0; $i < count($this->sheets); $i++) {
$s .= '<Override PartName="/xl/worksheets/sheet'.($i+1).
'.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.worksheet+xml"/>';
$data = str_replace('{SHEETS}', $s, $data);
$this->_saveIt($fh, $cdrec, $cfilename, $data);
elseif ( $cfilename === 'xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels' ) {
$s = '';
for ($i=0; $i < count($this->sheets); $i++) {
$s .= '<Relationship Id="rId'.($i+2).'" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/worksheet"'.
' Target="worksheets/sheet'.($i+1).".xml\"/>\n";
$s .= '<Relationship Id="rId'.($i+2).'" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/sharedStrings" Target="sharedStrings.xml"/></Relationships>';
$data = str_replace('{SHEETS}', $s, $data);
$this->_saveIt($fh, $cdrec, $cfilename, $data);
elseif ( $cfilename === 'xl/workbook.xml' ) {
$s = '';
for ($i=0; $i < count($this->sheets); $i++) {
$s .= '<sheet name="'.$this->sheets[$i]['Name'].'" sheetId="'.($i+1).'" state="visible" r:id="rId'.($i+2).'"/>';
$data = str_replace('{SHEETS}', $s, $data);
$this->_saveIt($fh, $cdrec, $cfilename, $data);
elseif ( $cfilename === 'docProps/core.xml' ) {
$data = str_replace('{DATE}', gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z'), $data);
$this->_saveIt($fh, $cdrec, $cfilename, $data);
} elseif ( $cfilename === 'xl/sharedStrings.xml' ) {
$data = str_replace(['{CNT}', '{STRINGS}'], [ $SI_CNT, $SI ], $data );
if (!count($this->SI)) {
$this->SI[] = 'No Data';
$si_cnt = count($this->SI);
$this->SI = '<si><t>'.implode("</t></si>\r\n<si><t>", $this->SI).'</t></si>';
$data = str_replace(['{CNT}', '{STRINGS}'], [ $si_cnt, $this->SI ], $data );
$this->_saveIt($fh, $cdrec, $cfilename, $data);
} elseif ( $cfilename === 'xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml' ) {
$data = str_replace(['{REF}','{COLS}','{ROWS}'],[ $REF, implode("\r\n", $COLS), implode("\r\n",$ROWS) ], $data );
for ($i=0; $i < count($this->sheets); $i++) {
$filename = 'xl/worksheets/sheet'.($i+1).'.xml';
$data1 = $this->worksheetEncode($this->sheets[$i], $data);
$this->_saveIt($fh, $cdrec, $filename, $data1);
$e = [];
$e['uncsize'] = mb_strlen($data, '8bit');
// if data to compress is too small, just store it
if($e['uncsize'] < 256){
$e['comsize'] = $e['uncsize'];
$e['vneeded'] = 10;
$e['cmethod'] = 0;
$zdata = $data;
} else{ // otherwise, compress it
$zdata = gzcompress($data);
$zdata = substr(substr($zdata, 0, - 4 ), 2); // fix crc bug (thanks to Eric Mueller)
$e['comsize'] = mb_strlen($zdata, '8bit');
$e['vneeded'] = 10;
$e['cmethod'] = 8;
else {
$this->_saveIt($fh, $cdrec, $cfilename, $data);
$e['bitflag'] = 0;
$e['crc_32'] = crc32($data);
// Convert date and time to DOS Format, and set then
$lastmod_timeS = str_pad(decbin(date('s')>=32?date('s')-32:date('s')), 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$lastmod_timeM = str_pad(decbin(date('i')), 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$lastmod_timeH = str_pad(decbin(date('H')), 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$lastmod_dateD = str_pad(decbin(date('d')), 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$lastmod_dateM = str_pad(decbin(date('m')), 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$lastmod_dateY = str_pad(decbin(date('Y')-1980), 7, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
# echo "ModTime: $lastmod_timeS-$lastmod_timeM-$lastmod_timeH (".date("s H H").")\n";
# echo "ModDate: $lastmod_dateD-$lastmod_dateM-$lastmod_dateY (".date("d m Y").")\n";
$e['modtime'] = bindec("$lastmod_timeH$lastmod_timeM$lastmod_timeS");
$e['moddate'] = bindec("$lastmod_dateY$lastmod_dateM$lastmod_dateD");
$e['offset'] = ftell($fh);
/** @noinspection DisconnectedForeachInstructionInspection */
fwrite($fh, $zipSignature);
fwrite($fh, pack('s', $e['vneeded'])); // version_needed
fwrite($fh, pack('s', $e['bitflag'])); // general_bit_flag
fwrite($fh, pack('s', $e['cmethod'])); // compression_method
fwrite($fh, pack('s', $e['modtime'])); // lastmod_time
fwrite($fh, pack('s', $e['moddate'])); // lastmod_date
fwrite($fh, pack('V', $e['crc_32'])); // crc-32
fwrite($fh, pack('I', $e['comsize'])); // compressed_size
fwrite($fh, pack('I', $e['uncsize'])); // uncompressed_size
fwrite($fh, pack('s', mb_strlen($cfilename, '8bit'))); // file_name_length
/** @noinspection DisconnectedForeachInstructionInspection */
fwrite($fh, pack('s', 0)); // extra_field_length
fwrite($fh, $cfilename); // file_name
// ignoring extra_field
fwrite($fh, $zdata);
// Append it to central dir
$e['external_attributes'] = (substr($cfilename, -1) === '/'&&!$zdata)?16:32; // Directory or file name
$e['comments'] = '';
$cdrec .= $dirSignature;
$cdrec .= "\x0\x0"; // version made by
$cdrec .= pack('v', $e['vneeded']); // version needed to extract
$cdrec .= "\x0\x0"; // general bit flag
$cdrec .= pack('v', $e['cmethod']); // compression method
$cdrec .= pack('v', $e['modtime']); // lastmod time
$cdrec .= pack('v', $e['moddate']); // lastmod date
$cdrec .= pack('V', $e['crc_32']); // crc32
$cdrec .= pack('V', $e['comsize']); // compressed filesize
$cdrec .= pack('V', $e['uncsize']); // uncompressed filesize
$cdrec .= pack('v', mb_strlen($cfilename,'8bit')); // file name length
$cdrec .= pack('v', 0); // extra field length
$cdrec .= pack('v', mb_strlen($e['comments'],'8bit')); // file comment length
$cdrec .= pack('v', 0); // disk number start
$cdrec .= pack('v', 0); // internal file attributes
$cdrec .= pack('V', $e['external_attributes']); // internal file attributes
$cdrec .= pack('V', $e['offset']); // relative offset of local header
$cdrec .= $cfilename;
$cdrec .= $e['comments'];
$before_cd = ftell($fh);
fwrite($fh, $cdrec);
@ -356,8 +439,8 @@ class SimpleXLSXGen {
fwrite($fh, $dirSignatureE);
fwrite($fh, pack('v', 0)); // number of this disk
fwrite($fh, pack('v', 0)); // number of the disk with the start of the central directory
fwrite($fh, pack('v', count( $this->template ))); // total # of entries "on this disk"
fwrite($fh, pack('v', count( $this->template ))); // total # of entries overall
fwrite($fh, pack('v', $entries)); // total # of entries "on this disk"
fwrite($fh, pack('v', $entries)); // total # of entries overall
fwrite($fh, pack('V', mb_strlen($cdrec,'8bit'))); // size of central dir
fwrite($fh, pack('V', $before_cd)); // offset to start of central dir
fwrite($fh, pack('v', mb_strlen($zipComments,'8bit'))); // .zip file comment length
@ -365,6 +448,7 @@ class SimpleXLSXGen {
return true;
public function num2name($num) {
$numeric = ($num - 1) % 26;
$letter = chr( 65 + $numeric );
@ -374,6 +458,7 @@ class SimpleXLSXGen {
return $letter;
public function date2excel($year, $month, $day, $hours=0, $minutes=0, $seconds=0) {
$excelTime = (($hours * 3600) + ($minutes * 60) + $seconds) / 86400;