// WakaTime Default Settings // Use this as a reference when editing your local User settings. // This settings file will be overwritten when upgrading. { // Debug mode. Set to true for verbose logging. Defaults to false. "debug": false, // Proxy with format https://user:pass@host:port or socks5://user:pass@host:port or domain\\user:pass. "proxy": "", // Ignore files; Files (including absolute paths) that match one of these // POSIX regular expressions will not be logged. "ignore": ["^/tmp/", "^/etc/", "^/var/(?!www/).*", "COMMIT_EDITMSG$", "PULLREQ_EDITMSG$", "MERGE_MSG$", "TAG_EDITMSG$"], // Include files; Files (including absolute paths) that match one of these // POSIX regular expressions will bypass your ignore setting. "include": [".*"], // Status bar for surfacing errors and displaying today's coding time. Set // to false to hide. Defaults to true. "status_bar_enabled": true, // Show today's coding activity in WakaTime status bar item. // Defaults to true. "status_bar_coding_activity": true, // Obfuscate file paths when sending to API. Your dashboard will no longer display coding activity per file. "hidefilenames": false }