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module big
for a detailed explanation on these internal functions and the algorithms they
are based on refer to https://github.com/vlang/v/pull/18461
import math.bits
// internal struct to make passing montgomery values simpler
struct MontgomeryContext {
n Integer // |modulus|
ni Integer // n^(-1)
rr Integer // for conversions
// montgomery calculates a montgomery context for reductions to montgomery space based on
// the modulus provided in the integer `m`; assume m is odd and m != 0
fn (m Integer) montgomery() MontgomeryContext {
$if debug {
assert m != zero_int
assert m.is_odd()
n := m.abs()
b := u32(n.bit_len())
return MontgomeryContext{
n: n
// r = 2^(log_2(n))
// ri := multiplicative inverse of r in the ring Z/nZ
// ri * r == 1 (mod n)
// ni = ((ri * 2^(log_2(n))) - 1) / n
ni: (one_int.lshift(b).mod_inv(n).lshift(b) - one_int) / n
rr: one_int.lshift(b * 2) % n
// mont_odd calculates `a^x (mod m)`, where `m` is odd by reducing `a` to montgomery space
// and then exponentiating the value using the sliding window method and montgomery multiplication
// -----
// assumes a, x > 1 and m is odd
fn (a Integer) mont_odd(x Integer, m Integer) Integer {
$if debug {
assert a > one_int && x > one_int
assert m.is_odd()
window := get_window_size(u32(x.bit_len()))
mut table := []Integer{len: 1 << window}
ctx := m.montgomery()
aa := if a.signum < 0 || a.abs_cmp(m) >= 0 {
a % m
} else {
table[0] = aa.to_mont(ctx)
d := table[0].mont_mul(table[0], ctx)
for i := 1; i < table.len; i++ {
table[i] = table[i - 1].mont_mul(d, ctx)
mut r := if m.digits.last() & (1 << (32 - 1)) != 0 {
mut rdigits := []u32{len: m.digits.len}
rdigits[0] = -m.digits[0]
for i := 1; i < m.digits.len; i++ {
rdigits[i] = ~m.digits[i]
digits: rdigits
signum: 1
} else {
mut start := true
mut wstart := x.bit_len() - 1
mut wvalue := 0
mut wend := 0
for {
if !x.get_bit(u32(wstart)) {
if !start {
r = r.mont_mul(r, ctx)
if wstart == 0 {
wvalue = 1
wend = 0
for i := 1; i < window; i++ {
if wstart - i < 0 {
if x.get_bit(u32(wstart - i)) {
wvalue <<= (i - wend)
wvalue |= 1
wend = i
j := wend + 1
if !start {
for i := 0; i < j; i++ {
r = r.mont_mul(r, ctx)
r = r.mont_mul(table[wvalue >> 1], ctx)
wstart -= j
wvalue = 0
start = false
if wstart < 0 {
return r.from_mont(ctx)
// mont_even calculates `a^x (mod m)` where `m` is even. This is done by factoring the modulus
// `m` into an odd integer `m1` and an even multiple of 2, which we'll call m2.
// We then calculate:
// x1 = a^x (mod m1)
// x2 = a^x (mod m2)
// Exponentiation with the modulus `m1` can be done using the traditional montgomery method,
// whereas `m2` is done using binary exponentiation modulo `m2`, which is fast seeing as we
// simply mask the low bits.
// The result `y` then satisfies (where `==` denotes congruence):
// y == x1 (mod m1)
// y == x2 (mod m2)
// We then use the Chinese Remainder Theorem (mixed-radix conversion algorithm) to calculate `y`.
// y = x1 + m1 * t
// where
// t = (x2 - x1) * m1^(-1) (mod m2)
// The multiplicative inverse of m1 in Z/m2Z exists since it is odd, therefore we can safely
// use the unchecked internal function.
// See Montgomery Reduction with Even Modulus by Çetin Kaya Koç
// (https://cetinkayakoc.net/docs/j34.pdf)
// -----
// assumes a, x > 1 and m is even
fn (a Integer) mont_even(x Integer, m Integer) Integer {
$if debug {
assert a > one_int && x > one_int
assert !m.is_odd()
// first, get the trailing zeros in m
mut j := u32(0)
for m.digits[j] == 0 {
j = j * 32 + u32(bits.trailing_zeros_32(m.digits[j]))
m1, m2 := m.rshift(j), one_int.lshift(j)
$if debug {
assert m1 * m2 == m
assert m1.is_odd() && !m2.is_odd()
mut x1 := a.mont_odd(x, m1)
mut x2 := a.exp_binary(x, m2)
m2n := u32(m2.bit_len()) - 1
m1i := m1.mod_inv(m2)
$if debug {
assert (m1i * m1).mask_bits(m2n) == one_int
t1 := x1.mask_bits(m2n)
t2 := x2.mask_bits(m2n)
t := (if t2.abs_cmp(t1) >= 0 {
(t2 - t1).mask_bits(m2n)
} else {
// (x2 - x1) % m2 = 1 + ((~((x2 % m2) - (x1 % m2))) % m2)
(t1 - t2).abs().bitwise_not().mask_bits(m2n) + one_int
} * m1i).mask_bits(m2n)
return x1 + m1 * t
// exp_binary calculates `a^x (mod m)`, where m is a power of 2
// -----
// assumes a, x > 1 and m = 2^n
fn (a Integer) exp_binary(x Integer, m Integer) Integer {
$if debug {
assert a > one_int && x > one_int
assert m.is_power_of_2()
n := u32(m.bit_len()) - 1
window := get_window_size(u32(x.bit_len()))
mut table := []Integer{len: 1 << window}
// table[i] = a^i + 1, since a^0 is known to be 1, there is no point
// in eventually multiplying by one, so the for loop part continues until it
// meets a block starting with a set bit
table[0] = a.mask_bits(n)
d := (table[0] * table[0]).mask_bits(n)
for i := 1; i < table.len; i++ {
table[i] = (table[i - 1] * d).mask_bits(n)
mut r := one_int
mut start := true
mut wstart := if x.bit_len() - 1 > n {
} else {
x.bit_len() - 1
mut wend := 0
mut wvalue := 1
for wstart >= 0 {
if !x.get_bit(u32(wstart)) {
// no point squaring while r = 1
if !start {
r = (r * r).mask_bits(n)
if wstart == 0 {
// the bit x[wstart] is now known to be 1, so no reason to check it again
for i := 1; i < window; i++ {
if wstart - i < 0 {
if x.get_bit(u32(wstart - i)) {
wvalue <<= (i - wend) // i - wend is the amount of 0 bits that have been read
wvalue |= 1
wend = i
j := wend + 1
// same as before; r has not been populated yet, so squaring wouldn't do anything
if !start {
for i := 0; i < j; i++ {
r = (r * r).mask_bits(n)
r = (r * table[wvalue >> 1]).mask_bits(n)
wstart -= j
wvalue = 1
wend = 0
start = false
return r.mask_bits(n)
// generally sticking to a window size of 4 for sliding window exponentiation
// works well as the table stays relatively small and the blocks aren't too large.
// though in terms of larger exponents it's faster to use larger windows (going over
// a window size of 6, would cause extremely large table sizes, hindering performance)
// 6 is already a large window to use, requiring 64 elements in the table, so we'll
// limit it to only the largest of exponents
// according to the paper on montgomery multiplication by Shay Gueron, for the
// case of the exponent being 512 bits a window size of 5 is considered optimal
fn get_window_size(n u32) int {
return if n > 768 {
} else if n > 256 {
} else if n > 32 {
} else {
// mont_mul performs multiplication of two variables in montgomery
// space and reduces the result to montgomery space
fn (a Integer) mont_mul(b Integer, ctx MontgomeryContext) Integer {
if (a.digits.len + b.digits.len) > 2 * ctx.n.digits.len {
return zero_int
t := a * b
return t.from_mont(ctx)
fn (a Integer) to_mont(ctx MontgomeryContext) Integer {
return a.mont_mul(ctx.rr, ctx)
// See Fig. 1. "A Montgomery Reduction lemma" in
// Efficient Software Implementations of Modular Exponentiation by Shay Gueron
// (https://eprint.iacr.org/2011/239.pdf)
fn (a Integer) from_mont(ctx MontgomeryContext) Integer {
log2n := u32(ctx.n.bit_len())
r := (a + ((a.mask_bits(log2n) * ctx.ni).mask_bits(log2n) * ctx.n)).rshift(log2n)
return if r.abs_cmp(ctx.n) >= 0 {
r - ctx.n
} else {