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// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module json2
import strings
import strconv
import v.scanner
import v.token
import v.util
import v.pref
// `Any` is a sum type that lists the possible types to be decoded and used.
pub type Any = string | int | f64 | any_int | any_float | bool | Null | []Any | map[string]Any
// `Null` struct is a simple representation of the `null` value in JSON.
pub struct Null {}
enum ParseMode {
const (
formfeed_err = 'formfeed not allowed.'
eof_err = 'reached eof. data not closed properly.'
struct Parser {
scanner &scanner.Scanner
p_tok token.Token
tok token.Token
n_tok token.Token
nn_tok token.Token
mode ParseMode = .invalid
n_level int
fn (mut p Parser) next() {
p.p_tok = p.tok
p.tok = p.n_tok
p.n_tok = p.nn_tok
p.nn_tok = p.scanner.scan()
fn (p Parser) emit_error(msg string) string {
source := p.scanner.text
cur := p.tok
mut pp := util.imax(0, util.imin(source.len - 1, cur.pos))
if source.len > 0 {
for ; pp >= 0; pp-- {
if source[pp] == `\r` || source[pp] == `\n` {
column := util.imax(0, cur.pos - pp + cur.len - 1)
line := cur.line_nr
return '[jisoni] ' + msg + ' (At line $line, column $column)'
fn new_parser(srce string) Parser {
mut src := srce
// from v/util/util.v
if src.len >= 3 {
c_text := src.str
unsafe {
if c_text[0] == 0xEF && c_text[1] == 0xBB && c_text[2] == 0xBF {
// skip three BOM bytes
offset_from_begin := 3
src = tos(c_text[offset_from_begin], vstrlen(c_text) - offset_from_begin)
mut p := Parser{
scanner: scanner.new_scanner(src, .parse_comments, &pref.Preferences{}),
return p
fn check_valid_hex(str string) ?bool {
if str.len != 4 {
return error('Hex string must be 4 characters.')
for l in str {
if l.is_hex_digit() { continue }
return error('Provided string is not a hex digit.')
return true
fn (p Parser) is_formfeed() bool {
prev_tok_pos := p.p_tok.pos + p.p_tok.len - 2
if prev_tok_pos < p.scanner.text.len && p.scanner.text[prev_tok_pos] == 0x0c {
return true
return false
fn (p Parser) is_singlequote() bool {
src := p.scanner.text
prev_tok_pos := p.p_tok.pos + p.p_tok.len
return src[prev_tok_pos] == `'`
fn (mut p Parser) detect_parse_mode() {
src := p.scanner.text
if src.len > 1 && src[0].is_digit() && !src[1].is_digit() {
p.mode == .invalid
p.tok = p.scanner.scan()
p.n_tok = p.scanner.scan()
p.nn_tok = p.scanner.scan()
if src.len == 1 && p.tok.kind == .string && p.n_tok.kind == .eof {
p.mode == .invalid
match p.tok.kind {
.lcbr { p.mode = .object }
.lsbr { p.mode = .array }
.number { p.mode = .number }
.key_true, .key_false { p.mode = .bool }
.string { p.mode = .string }
.name {
if p.tok.lit == 'null' {
p.mode = .null
.minus {
if p.n_tok.kind == .number {
p.mode = .number
else {}
fn (mut p Parser) decode_value() ?Any {
mut fi := Any{}
if (p.tok.kind == .lsbr && p.n_tok.kind == .lcbr) || (p.p_tok.kind == p.tok.kind && p.tok.kind == .lsbr) {
if p.n_level == 500 {
return error('Reached maximum nesting level of 500.')
match p.tok.kind {
.lsbr {
item := p.decode_array()?
fi = item
.lcbr {
item := p.decode_object()?
fi = item
.number {
item := p.decode_number()?
fi = item
.key_true {
fi = Any(true)
.key_false {
fi = Any(false)
.name {
if p.tok.lit != 'null' {
return error('Unknown identifier `$p.tok.lit`')
fi = Any(Null{})
.string {
if p.is_singlequote() {
return error('Strings must be in double-quotes.')
item := p.decode_string() or {
return error(err)
fi = item
else {
if p.tok.kind == .minus && p.n_tok.kind == .number && p.n_tok.pos == p.tok.pos+1 {
d_num := p.decode_number() or {
return error(err)
fi = d_num
return fi
return error('[decode_value] Unknown token `$p.tok.lit`')
if p.is_formfeed() {
return error(formfeed_err)
return fi
fn (mut p Parser) decode_string() ?Any {
mut strwr := strings.new_builder(200)
mut fi := Any{}
for i := 0; i < p.tok.lit.len; i++ {
// s := p.tok.lit[i].str()
// println('$i $s')
if ((i-1 >= 0 && p.tok.lit[i-1] != `/`) || i == 0) && int(p.tok.lit[i]) in [9, 10, 0] {
return error('Character must be escaped with a backslash.')
if i == p.tok.lit.len-1 && p.tok.lit[i] == 92 {
return error('Invalid backslash escape.')
if i+1 < p.tok.lit.len && p.tok.lit[i] == 92 {
peek := p.tok.lit[i+1]
if peek in [`b`, `f`, `n`, `r`, `t`, `u`, `\\`, `"`, `/`] {
if peek == `u` {
if i+5 < p.tok.lit.len {
codepoint := p.tok.lit[i+2..i+6]
check_valid_hex(codepoint) or {
return error(err)
hex_val := strconv.parse_int(codepoint, 16, 0)
i += 5
} else {
return error('Incomplete unicode escape.')
} else {
return error('Invalid backslash escape.')
if peek == 85 {
return error('Unicode endpoints must be in lowercase `u`.')
if int(peek) in [9, 229] {
return error('Unicode endpoint not allowed.')
fi = strwr.str()
return fi
fn (mut p Parser) decode_number() ?Any {
src := p.scanner.text
mut tl := p.tok.lit
mut is_fl := false
sep_by_dot := tl.to_lower().split('.')
if tl.starts_with('0x') && tl.all_after('0x').len <= 2 {
return error('Hex numbers should not be less than or equal to two digits.')
if src[p.p_tok.pos + p.p_tok.len] == `0` && src[p.p_tok.pos + p.p_tok.len + 1].is_digit() {
return error('Leading zeroes in integers are not allowed.')
if tl.starts_with('.') {
return error('Decimals must start with a digit followed by a dot.')
if tl.ends_with('+') || tl.ends_with('-') {
return error('Exponents must have a digit before the sign.')
if sep_by_dot.len > 1 {
// analyze json number structure
// -[digit][dot][digit][E/e][-/+][digit]
is_fl = true
last := sep_by_dot.last()
if last.starts_with('e') {
return error('Exponents must have a digit before the exponent notation.')
if p.p_tok.kind == .minus && p.tok.pos == p.p_tok.pos+1 {
tl = '-' + tl
return if is_fl { Any(tl.f64()) } else { Any(tl.int()) }
fn (mut p Parser) decode_array() ?Any {
mut items := []Any{}
for p.tok.kind != .rsbr {
if p.tok.kind == .eof {
return error(eof_err)
item := p.decode_value() or {
return error(err)
items << item
if p.tok.kind == .comma && p.n_tok.kind !in [.rsbr, .comma] {
if p.tok.kind == .rsbr {
return error('Unknown token `$p.tok.lit` when decoding arrays.')
return Any(items)
fn (mut p Parser) decode_object() ?Any {
mut fields := map[string]Any
mut cur_key := ''
for p.tok.kind != .rcbr {
is_key := p.tok.kind == .string && p.n_tok.kind == .colon
// todo
// if p.is_formfeed() {
// return error(formfeed_err)
// }
if p.tok.kind == .eof {
return error(eof_err)
if p.is_singlequote() {
return error('Object keys must be in single quotes.')
if !is_key {
return error('Invalid token `$p.tok.lit`, expected `string`')
cur_key = p.tok.lit
item := p.decode_value() or {
return error(err)
fields[cur_key] = item
if p.tok.kind == .comma && p.n_tok.kind !in [.rcbr, .comma] {
if p.tok.kind == .rcbr {
return error('Unknown token `$p.tok.lit` when decoding object.')
return Any(fields)