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module pg
import io
#flag -lpq
#flag linux -I/usr/include/postgresql
#flag darwin -I/opt/local/include/postgresql11
2021-09-30 20:00:23 +03:00
#flag darwin -I/opt/homebrew/include
#flag darwin -L/opt/homebrew/lib
#flag windows -I @VEXEROOT/thirdparty/pg/include
#flag windows -L @VEXEROOT/thirdparty/pg/win64
// PostgreSQL Source Code
// https://doxygen.postgresql.org/libpq-fe_8h.html
#include <libpq-fe.h>
2021-04-25 18:57:55 +03:00
// for orm
#include <arpa/inet.h>
2019-11-23 19:45:35 +03:00
pub struct DB {
conn &C.PGconn = unsafe { nil }
2019-11-23 19:45:35 +03:00
pub struct Row {
pub mut:
vals []string
2019-11-23 19:45:35 +03:00
pub struct Config {
2019-08-20 11:08:06 +03:00
host string = 'localhost'
port int = 5432
user string
2019-12-05 22:31:56 +03:00
password string
dbname string
2019-08-20 11:08:06 +03:00
struct C.pg_result {}
struct C.pg_conn {}
pub struct C.PGresult {}
pub struct C.PGconn {}
pub enum ConnStatusType {
// Non-blocking mode only below here
// The existence of these should never be relied upon - they should only be used for user feedback or similar purposes.
started = C.CONNECTION_STARTED // Waiting for connection to be made.
made = C.CONNECTION_MADE // Connection OK; waiting to send.
awaiting_response = C.CONNECTION_AWAITING_RESPONSE // Waiting for a response from the postmaster.
auth_ok = C.CONNECTION_AUTH_OK // Received authentication; waiting for backend startup.
setenv = C.CONNECTION_SETENV // Negotiating environment.
ssl_startup = C.CONNECTION_SSL_STARTUP // Negotiating SSL.
needed = C.CONNECTION_NEEDED // Internal state: connect() needed
check_writable = C.CONNECTION_CHECK_WRITABLE // Check if we could make a writable connection.
consume = C.CONNECTION_CONSUME // Wait for any pending message and consume them.
// gss_startup = C.CONNECTION_GSS_STARTUP // Negotiating GSSAPI; available since PG 12
pub enum ExecStatusType {
empty_query = C.PGRES_EMPTY_QUERY // empty query string was executed
command_ok = C.PGRES_COMMAND_OK // a query command that doesn't return anything was executed properly by the backend
tuples_ok = C.PGRES_TUPLES_OK // a query command that returns tuples was executed properly by the backend, PGresult contains the result tuples
copy_out = C.PGRES_COPY_OUT // Copy Out data transfer in progress
copy_in = C.PGRES_COPY_IN // Copy In data transfer in progress
bad_response = C.PGRES_BAD_RESPONSE // an unexpected response was recv'd from the backend
nonfatal_error = C.PGRES_NONFATAL_ERROR // notice or warning message
fatal_error = C.PGRES_FATAL_ERROR // query failed
copy_both = C.PGRES_COPY_BOTH // Copy In/Out data transfer in progress
single_tuple = C.PGRES_SINGLE_TUPLE // single tuple from larger resultset
fn C.PQconnectdb(const_conninfo &char) &C.PGconn
fn C.PQstatus(const_conn &C.PGconn) int
fn C.PQerrorMessage(const_conn &C.PGconn) &char
fn C.PQexec(res &C.PGconn, const_query &char) &C.PGresult
fn C.PQgetvalue(const_res &C.PGresult, int, int) &char
2020-11-09 10:22:16 +03:00
fn C.PQresultStatus(const_res &C.PGresult) int
fn C.PQntuples(const_res &C.PGresult) int
fn C.PQnfields(const_res &C.PGresult) int
// Params:
// const Oid *paramTypes
// const char *const *paramValues
// const int *paramLengths
// const int *paramFormats
fn C.PQexecParams(conn &C.PGconn, const_command &char, nParams int, const_paramTypes &int, const_paramValues &char, const_paramLengths &int, const_paramFormats &int, resultFormat int) &C.PGresult
fn C.PQputCopyData(conn &C.PGconn, const_buffer &char, nbytes int) int
fn C.PQputCopyEnd(conn &C.PGconn, const_errmsg &char) int
fn C.PQgetCopyData(conn &C.PGconn, buffer &&char, async int) int
// cleanup
fn C.PQclear(res &C.PGresult)
fn C.PQfreemem(ptr voidptr)
fn C.PQfinish(conn &C.PGconn)
// connect makes a new connection to the database server using
// the parameters from the `Config` structure, returning
// a connection error when something goes wrong
pub fn connect(config Config) !DB {
conninfo := 'host=${config.host} port=${config.port} user=${config.user} dbname=${config.dbname} password=${config.password}'
conn := C.PQconnectdb(&char(conninfo.str))
if conn == 0 {
return error('libpq memory allocation error')
status := unsafe { ConnStatusType(C.PQstatus(conn)) }
if status != .ok {
// We force the construction of a new string as the
// error message will be freed by the next `PQfinish`
// call
c_error_msg := unsafe { C.PQerrorMessage(conn).vstring() }
error_msg := '${c_error_msg}'
return error('Connection to a PG database failed: ${error_msg}')
return DB{
conn: conn
2020-05-10 22:16:03 +03:00
fn res_to_rows(res voidptr) []Row {
2019-11-23 19:45:35 +03:00
nr_rows := C.PQntuples(res)
nr_cols := C.PQnfields(res)
2020-11-09 10:22:16 +03:00
2020-05-10 22:16:03 +03:00
mut rows := []Row{}
for i in 0 .. nr_rows {
mut row := Row{}
for j in 0 .. nr_cols {
2019-11-23 19:45:35 +03:00
val := C.PQgetvalue(res, i, j)
sval := unsafe { val.vstring() }
row.vals << sval
rows << row
2020-11-09 10:22:16 +03:00
2020-06-26 12:55:59 +03:00
return rows
2021-02-15 18:53:38 +03:00
// close frees the underlying resource allocated by the database connection
pub fn (db DB) close() {
// q_int submit a command to the database server and
// returns an the first field in the first tuple
// converted to an int. If no row is found or on
// command failure, an error is returned
pub fn (db DB) q_int(query string) !int {
rows := db.exec(query)!
if rows.len == 0 {
return error('q_int "${query}" not found')
row := rows[0]
if row.vals.len == 0 {
return 0
val := row.vals[0]
2019-11-23 19:45:35 +03:00
return val.int()
// q_string submit a command to the database server and
// returns an the first field in the first tuple
// as a string. If no row is found or on
// command failure, an error is returned
pub fn (db DB) q_string(query string) !string {
rows := db.exec(query)!
if rows.len == 0 {
return error('q_string "${query}" not found')
row := rows[0]
if row.vals.len == 0 {
return ''
val := row.vals[0]
return val
// q_strings submit a command to the database server and
// returns the resulting row set. Alias of `exec`
pub fn (db DB) q_strings(query string) ![]Row {
return db.exec(query)
// exec submit a command to the database server and wait
// for the result, returning an error on failure and a
// row set on success
pub fn (db DB) exec(query string) ![]Row {
res := C.PQexec(db.conn, &char(query.str))
2020-11-09 10:22:16 +03:00
return db.handle_error_or_result(res, 'exec')
fn rows_first_or_empty(rows []Row) !Row {
if rows.len == 0 {
return error('no row')
2019-11-23 19:45:35 +03:00
return rows[0]
2019-11-23 19:45:35 +03:00
pub fn (db DB) exec_one(query string) !Row {
res := C.PQexec(db.conn, &char(query.str))
e := unsafe { C.PQerrorMessage(db.conn).vstring() }
2019-08-09 19:10:59 +03:00
if e != '' {
return error('pg exec error: "${e}"')
2019-08-09 19:10:59 +03:00
row := rows_first_or_empty(res_to_rows(res))!
return row
2019-08-09 19:10:59 +03:00
2020-11-09 10:22:16 +03:00
// exec_param_many executes a query with the provided parameters
pub fn (db DB) exec_param_many(query string, params []string) ![]Row {
unsafe {
mut param_vals := []&char{len: params.len}
for i in 0 .. params.len {
param_vals[i] = &char(params[i].str)
2020-11-09 10:22:16 +03:00
res := C.PQexecParams(db.conn, &char(query.str), params.len, 0, param_vals.data,
0, 0, 0)
return db.handle_error_or_result(res, 'exec_param_many')
2020-02-27 01:17:56 +03:00
2020-01-04 00:07:28 +03:00
pub fn (db DB) exec_param2(query string, param string, param2 string) ![]Row {
2020-11-09 10:22:16 +03:00
return db.exec_param_many(query, [param, param2])
pub fn (db DB) exec_param(query string, param string) ![]Row {
2020-11-09 10:22:16 +03:00
return db.exec_param_many(query, [param])
fn (db DB) handle_error_or_result(res voidptr, elabel string) ![]Row {
e := unsafe { C.PQerrorMessage(db.conn).vstring() }
2020-01-04 00:07:28 +03:00
if e != '' {
2020-11-09 10:22:16 +03:00
return error('pg ${elabel} error:\n${e}')
2020-01-04 00:07:28 +03:00
return res_to_rows(res)
// copy_expert execute COPY commands
// https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/libpq-copy.html
pub fn (db DB) copy_expert(query string, mut file io.ReaderWriter) !int {
mut res := C.PQexec(db.conn, &char(query.str))
status := unsafe { ExecStatusType(C.PQresultStatus(res)) }
defer {
e := unsafe { C.PQerrorMessage(db.conn).vstring() }
if e != '' {
return error('pg copy error:\n${e}')
if status == .copy_in {
2022-04-15 15:35:35 +03:00
mut buf := []u8{len: 4 * 1024}
for {
n := file.read(mut buf) or {
msg := 'pg copy error: Failed to read from input'
C.PQputCopyEnd(db.conn, &char(msg.str))
return err
if n <= 0 {
code := C.PQputCopyData(db.conn, buf.data, n)
if code == -1 {
return error('pg copy error: Failed to send data, code=${code}')
code := C.PQputCopyEnd(db.conn, &char(0))
if code != 1 {
return error('pg copy error: Failed to finish copy command, code: ${code}')
} else if status == .copy_out {
for {
address := &char(0)
n_bytes := C.PQgetCopyData(db.conn, &address, 0)
if n_bytes > 0 {
2022-04-15 15:35:35 +03:00
mut local_buf := []u8{len: n_bytes}
2022-04-15 14:58:56 +03:00
unsafe { C.memcpy(&u8(local_buf.data), address, n_bytes) }
file.write(local_buf) or {
return err
} else if n_bytes == -1 {
} else if n_bytes == -2 {
// consult PQerrorMessage for the reason
return error('pg copy error: read error')
if address != 0 {
return 0