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2023-03-28 23:55:57 +03:00
// Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module os
pub enum FileType {
struct FilePermission {
2020-05-09 19:34:04 +03:00
read bool
write bool
execute bool
// bitmask returns a 3 bit sequence in the order RWE where
// the bit is set to 1 if the value is true or 0 otherwise.
pub fn (p FilePermission) bitmask() u32 {
mut mask := u32(0)
if p.read {
mask |= 4
if p.write {
mask |= 2
if p.execute {
mask |= 1
return mask
2023-01-09 23:34:36 +03:00
pub struct FileMode {
2020-05-09 19:34:04 +03:00
typ FileType
owner FilePermission
group FilePermission
others FilePermission
// bitmask returns a 9 bit sequence in the order owner + group + others.
// This is a valid bitmask to use with `os.chmod`.
pub fn (m FileMode) bitmask() u32 {
return m.owner.bitmask() << 6 | m.group.bitmask() << 3 | m.others.bitmask()
// inode returns the mode of the file/inode containing inode type and permission information
// it supports windows for regular files but it doesn't matter if you use owner, group or others when checking permissions on windows
pub fn inode(path string) FileMode {
mut attr := C.stat{}
unsafe { C.stat(&char(path.str), &attr) }
mut typ := FileType.regular
if attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IFMT) == u32(C.S_IFDIR) {
typ = .directory
$if !windows {
if attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IFMT) == u32(C.S_IFCHR) {
typ = .character_device
} else if attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IFMT) == u32(C.S_IFBLK) {
typ = .block_device
} else if attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IFMT) == u32(C.S_IFIFO) {
typ = .fifo
} else if attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IFMT) == u32(C.S_IFLNK) {
typ = .symbolic_link
} else if attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IFMT) == u32(C.S_IFSOCK) {
typ = .socket
$if windows {
return FileMode{
typ: typ
owner: FilePermission{
read: (attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IREAD)) != 0
write: (attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IWRITE)) != 0
execute: (attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IEXEC)) != 0
group: FilePermission{
read: (attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IREAD)) != 0
write: (attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IWRITE)) != 0
execute: (attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IEXEC)) != 0
others: FilePermission{
read: (attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IREAD)) != 0
write: (attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IWRITE)) != 0
execute: (attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IEXEC)) != 0
} $else {
return FileMode{
typ: typ
owner: FilePermission{
read: (attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IRUSR)) != 0
write: (attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IWUSR)) != 0
execute: (attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IXUSR)) != 0
group: FilePermission{
read: (attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IRGRP)) != 0
write: (attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IWGRP)) != 0
execute: (attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IXGRP)) != 0
others: FilePermission{
read: (attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IROTH)) != 0
write: (attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IWOTH)) != 0
execute: (attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IXOTH)) != 0