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module wasm
enum Section as u8 {
pub enum NumType as u8 {
i32_t = 0x7f
i64_t = 0x7e
f32_t = 0x7d
f64_t = 0x7c
pub enum ValType as u8 {
i32_t = 0x7f
i64_t = 0x7e
f32_t = 0x7d
f64_t = 0x7c
v128_t = 0x7b
funcref_t = 0x70
externref_t = 0x6f
pub enum RefType as u8 {
funcref_t = 0x70
externref_t = 0x6f
// Module contains the WebAssembly module.
// Use the `compile` method to compile the module into a pure byte array.
pub struct Module {
buf []u8
functypes []FuncType
functions map[string]Function
globals []Global
memory ?Memory
start ?string
fn_imports []FunctionImport
global_imports []GlobalImport
segments []DataSegment
struct Global {
typ ValType
is_mut bool
export_name ?string
init ConstExpression
struct GlobalImport {
mod string
name string
typ ValType
is_mut bool
struct FunctionImport {
mod string
name string
tidx int
struct Memory {
name string
export bool
min u32
max ?u32
struct DataSegment {
idx ?int
data []u8
pub type LocalIndex = int
pub type GlobalIndex = int
pub type GlobalImportIndex = int
pub type DataSegmentIndex = int
pub struct FuncType {
parameters []ValType
results []ValType
fn (mut mod Module) new_functype(ft FuncType) int {
// interns existing types
mut idx := mod.functypes.index(ft)
if idx == -1 {
idx = mod.functypes.len
mod.functypes << ft
return idx
// new_function creates a function struct.
pub fn (mut mod Module) new_function(name string, parameters []ValType, results []ValType) Function {
assert name !in mod.functions.keys()
idx := mod.functions.len
tidx := mod.new_functype(FuncType{parameters, results})
return Function{
name: name
tidx: tidx
idx: idx
mod: mod
// assign_memory assigns memory to the current module.
pub fn (mut mod Module) assign_memory(name string, export bool, min u32, max ?u32) {
mod.memory = Memory{
name: name
export: export
min: min
max: max
// assign_start assigns the start function to the current module.
pub fn (mut mod Module) assign_start(name string) {
mod.start = name
// new_function_import imports a new function into the current module.
pub fn (mut mod Module) new_function_import(modn string, name string, parameters []ValType, results []ValType) {
assert !mod.fn_imports.any(it.mod == modn && it.name == name)
tidx := mod.new_functype(FuncType{parameters, results})
mod.fn_imports << FunctionImport{
mod: modn
name: name
tidx: tidx
// commit commits a function to the module, use `export` to export the function.
pub fn (mut mod Module) commit(func Function, export bool) {
assert func.name !in mod.functions.keys()
mod.functions[func.name] = Function{
export: export
// new_data_segment inserts a new data segment at the memory index `pos`.
pub fn (mut mod Module) new_data_segment(pos int, data []u8) DataSegmentIndex {
len := mod.segments.len
mod.segments << DataSegment{
idx: pos
data: data
return len
// new_passive_data_segment inserts a new passive data segment.
pub fn (mut mod Module) new_passive_data_segment(data []u8) {
mod.segments << DataSegment{
data: data
// new_global creates a global and returns it's index.
// If `export_name` is none, the global will not be exported.
// See `global_get`, `global_set`.
pub fn (mut mod Module) new_global(export_name ?string, typ ValType, is_mut bool, init ConstExpression) GlobalIndex {
len := mod.globals.len
mod.globals << Global{
typ: typ
is_mut: is_mut
export_name: export_name
init: init
return len
// new_global_import imports a new global into the current module and returns it's index.
// See `global_import_get`, `global_import_set`.
pub fn (mut mod Module) new_global_import(modn string, name string, typ ValType, is_mut bool) GlobalImportIndex {
assert !mod.fn_imports.any(it.mod == modn && it.name == name)
len := mod.global_imports.len
mod.global_imports << GlobalImport{
mod: modn
name: name
typ: typ
is_mut: is_mut
return len