2020-08-18 09:07:06 +03:00
import gg
import gx
import os
import rand
import sokol.sapp
struct Tile {
id int
points int
picname string
struct Pos {
x int = -1
y int = -1
struct ImageLabel {
pos Pos
dim Pos
struct TextLabel {
text string
pos Pos
cfg gx.TextCfg
const (
window_title = 'V 2048'
window_width = 562
window_height = 580
points_label = TextLabel{
text: 'Points: '
pos: Pos{10, 5}
cfg: gx.TextCfg{
2020-08-19 08:10:42 +03:00
align: .left
2020-08-18 09:07:06 +03:00
size: 24
color: gx.rgb(0, 0, 0)
moves_label = TextLabel{
text: 'Moves: '
pos: Pos{window_width - 160, 5}
cfg: gx.TextCfg{
2020-08-19 08:10:42 +03:00
align: .left
2020-08-18 09:07:06 +03:00
size: 24
color: gx.rgb(0, 0, 0)
game_over_label = TextLabel{
text: 'Game Over'
pos: Pos{80, 220}
cfg: gx.TextCfg{
2020-08-19 08:10:42 +03:00
align: .left
2020-08-18 09:07:06 +03:00
size: 100
color: gx.rgb(0, 0, 255)
victory_image_label = ImageLabel{
pos: Pos{80, 220}
dim: Pos{430, 130}
all_tiles = [
Tile{0, 0, '1.png'},
Tile{1, 2, '2.png'},
Tile{2, 4, '4.png'},
Tile{3, 8, '8.png'},
Tile{4, 16, '16.png'},
Tile{5, 32, '32.png'},
Tile{6, 64, '64.png'},
Tile{7, 128, '128.png'},
Tile{8, 256, '256.png'},
Tile{9, 512, '512.png'},
Tile{10, 1024, '1024.png'},
Tile{11, 2048, '2048.png'},
struct TileImage {
tile Tile
image gg.Image
struct Board {
field [4][4]int
points int
shifts int
fn new_board(sb []string) Board {
mut b := Board{}
for y := 0; y < 4; y++ {
for x := 0; x < 4; x++ {
2020-09-08 01:38:24 +03:00
b.field[y][x] = sb[y][x] - 64
2020-08-18 09:07:06 +03:00
return b
fn (b Board) transpose() Board {
mut res := b
for y := 0; y < 4; y++ {
for x := 0; x < 4; x++ {
res.field[y][x] = b.field[x][y]
return res
fn (b Board) hmirror() Board {
mut res := b
for y := 0; y < 4; y++ {
for x := 0; x < 4; x++ {
res.field[y][x] = b.field[y][4 - x - 1]
return res
struct TileLine {
ypos int
field [5]int
points int
shifts int
2020-08-24 11:12:52 +03:00
2020-08-18 09:07:06 +03:00
fn (t TileLine) to_left() TileLine {
right_border_idx := 5
mut res := t
mut zeros := 0
mut nonzeros := 0
// gather meta info about the line:
for x := 0; x < 4; x++ {
if res.field[x] == 0 {
} else {
if nonzeros == 0 {
// when all the tiles are empty, there is nothing left to do
return res
if zeros > 0 {
// we have some 0s, do shifts to compact them:
mut remaining_zeros := zeros
for x := 0; x < right_border_idx - 1; x++ {
for res.field[x] == 0 && remaining_zeros > 0 {
for k := x; k < right_border_idx; k++ {
res.field[k] = res.field[k + 1]
// At this point, the non 0 tiles are all on the left, with no empty spaces
// between them. we can safely merge them, when they have the same value:
for x := 0; x < right_border_idx - 1; x++ {
if res.field[x] == 0 {
if res.field[x] == res.field[x + 1] {
for k := x; k < right_border_idx; k++ {
res.field[k] = res.field[k + 1]
res.points += all_tiles[res.field[x]].points
return res
fn (b Board) to_left() Board {
mut res := b
for y := 0; y < 4; y++ {
2020-09-08 01:38:24 +03:00
mut hline := TileLine{
ypos: y
2020-08-18 09:07:06 +03:00
for x := 0; x < 4; x++ {
hline.field[x] = b.field[y][x]
reshline := hline.to_left()
res.shifts += reshline.shifts
res.points += reshline.points
for x := 0; x < 4; x++ {
res.field[y][x] = reshline.field[x]
return res
enum GameState {
struct App {
gg &gg.Context
tiles []TileImage
victory_image gg.Image
board Board
undo []Board
atickers [4][4]int
state GameState = .play
moves int
fn (mut app App) new_image(imagename string) gg.Image {
ipath := os.resource_abs_path(os.join_path('assets', imagename))
return app.gg.create_image(ipath)
fn (mut app App) new_tile(t Tile) TileImage {
mut timage := TileImage{
tile: t
timage.image = app.new_image(t.picname)
return timage
fn (mut app App) load_tiles() {
for t in all_tiles {
app.tiles << app.new_tile(t)
fn (mut app App) update_tickers() {
for y := 0; y < 4; y++ {
for x := 0; x < 4; x++ {
mut old := app.atickers[y][x]
if old > 0 {
app.atickers[y][x] = old
fn (app &App) draw() {
plabel := '$points_label.text ${app.board.points:08}'
mlabel := '$moves_label.text ${app.moves:5d}'
app.gg.draw_text(points_label.pos.x, points_label.pos.y, plabel, points_label.cfg)
app.gg.draw_text(moves_label.pos.x, moves_label.pos.y, mlabel, moves_label.cfg)
if app.state == .over {
app.gg.draw_text(game_over_label.pos.x, game_over_label.pos.y, game_over_label.text,
if app.state == .victory {
app.gg.draw_image(victory_image_label.pos.x, victory_image_label.pos.y, victory_image_label.dim.x,
victory_image_label.dim.y, app.victory_image)
fn (app &App) draw_background() {
tw, th := 128, 128
2020-09-08 01:38:24 +03:00
for y := 30; y <= window_height; y += tw {
for x := 0; x <= window_width; x += th {
2020-08-18 09:07:06 +03:00
app.gg.draw_image(x, y, tw, th, app.tiles[0].image)
fn (app &App) draw_tiles() {
border := 10
xstart := 10
ystart := 30
tsize := 128
for y := 0; y < 4; y++ {
for x := 0; x < 4; x++ {
tidx := app.board.field[y][x]
if tidx == 0 {
tile := app.tiles[tidx]
tw := tsize - 10 * app.atickers[y][x]
th := tsize - 10 * app.atickers[y][x]
tx := xstart + x * (tsize + border) + (tsize - tw) / 2
ty := ystart + y * (tsize + border) + (tsize - th) / 2
app.gg.draw_image(tx, ty, tw, th, tile.image)
fn (mut app App) new_game() {
app.board = Board{}
for y := 0; y < 4; y++ {
for x := 0; x < 4; x++ {
app.board.field[y][x] = 0
app.atickers[y][x] = 0
app.state = .play
app.undo = []
app.moves = 0
fn (mut app App) check_for_victory() {
for y := 0; y < 4; y++ {
for x := 0; x < 4; x++ {
fidx := app.board.field[y][x]
if fidx == 11 {
fn (mut app App) check_for_game_over() {
mut zeros := 0
mut remaining_merges := 0
for y := 0; y < 4; y++ {
for x := 0; x < 4; x++ {
fidx := app.board.field[y][x]
if fidx == 0 {
if x > 0 && fidx == app.board.field[y][x - 1] {
if x < 4 - 1 && fidx == app.board.field[y][x + 1] {
if y > 0 && fidx == app.board.field[y - 1][x] {
if y < 4 - 1 && fidx == app.board.field[y + 1][x] {
if remaining_merges == 0 && zeros == 0 {
fn (mut app App) new_random_tile() {
mut etiles := [16]Pos{}
mut empty_tiles_max := 0
for y := 0; y < 4; y++ {
for x := 0; x < 4; x++ {
fidx := app.board.field[y][x]
if fidx == 0 {
etiles[empty_tiles_max] = Pos{x, y}
if empty_tiles_max > 0 {
new_random_tile_index := rand.intn(empty_tiles_max)
empty_pos := etiles[new_random_tile_index]
random_value := 1 + rand.intn(2)
app.board.field[empty_pos.y][empty_pos.x] = random_value
app.atickers[empty_pos.y][empty_pos.x] = 30
fn (mut app App) victory() {
app.state = .victory
fn (mut app App) game_over() {
app.state = .over
2020-09-08 01:38:24 +03:00
type BoardMoveFN = fn (b Board) Board
2020-08-18 09:07:06 +03:00
fn (mut app App) move(move_fn BoardMoveFN) {
old := app.board
new := move_fn(old)
if old.shifts != new.shifts {
app.board = new
app.undo << old
fn (mut app App) on_key_down(key sapp.KeyCode) {
// these keys are independent from the game state:
match key {
.escape {
.n {
2020-09-08 01:38:24 +03:00
// .t {/* fast setup for a victory situation: */ app.board = new_board(['JJ@@', '@@@@', '@@@@', '@@@@'])}
2020-08-18 09:07:06 +03:00
.backspace {
if app.undo.len > 0 {
app.state = .play
app.board = app.undo.pop()
else {}
if app.state == .play {
match key {
.up, .w { app.move(fn (b Board) Board {
return b.transpose().to_left().transpose()
}) }
.left, .a { app.move(fn (b Board) Board {
return b.to_left()
}) }
.down, .s { app.move(fn (b Board) Board {
return b.transpose().hmirror().to_left().hmirror().transpose()
}) }
.right, .d { app.move(fn (b Board) Board {
return b.hmirror().to_left().hmirror()
}) }
else {}
fn on_event(e &sapp.Event, mut app App) {
if e.typ == .key_down {
fn frame(mut app App) {
fn main() {
mut app := &App{
gg: 0
state: .play
app.gg = gg.new_context({
bg_color: gx.white
width: window_width
height: window_height
use_ortho: true
create_window: true
window_title: window_title
frame_fn: frame
event_fn: on_event
user_data: app
font_path: os.resource_abs_path('../assets/fonts/RobotoMono-Regular.ttf')
app.victory_image = app.new_image('victory.png')