2019-07-01 18:45:55 +03:00
module os
// Ref - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/winprog/windows-data-types
// A handle to an object.
2019-07-14 23:59:25 +03:00
type HANDLE voidptr
2019-07-01 18:45:55 +03:00
2019-07-14 23:59:25 +03:00
// Ref - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/c-runtime-library/reference/get-osfhandle?view=vs-2019
// get_file_handle retrieves the operating-system file handle that is associated with the specified file descriptor.
2019-07-01 18:45:55 +03:00
pub fn get_file_handle(path string) HANDLE {
2019-07-01 22:31:36 +03:00
mode := 'rb'
2019-07-14 23:59:25 +03:00
_fd := C.fopen(path.cstr(), mode.cstr())
if _fd == 0 {
2019-07-01 18:45:55 +03:00
2019-07-14 23:59:25 +03:00
_handle := C._get_osfhandle(C._fileno(_fd)) // CreateFile? - hah, no -_-
2019-07-01 18:45:55 +03:00
return _handle
2019-07-14 23:59:25 +03:00
// Ref - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/libloaderapi/nf-libloaderapi-getmodulefilenamea
// get_module_filename retrieves the fully qualified path for the file that contains the specified module.
// The module must have been loaded by the current process.
pub fn get_module_filename(handle HANDLE) ?string {
mut sz := int(1024) // Optimized length
mut buf := [byte(0); sz] // Not work for GetModuleFileNameW :(
for {
status := C.GetModuleFileName(handle, &buf, sz)
switch status {
_filename := tos(buf.data, sz)
return _filename
sz += 1024 // increment buffer cluster by 1024
buf = [byte(0); sz] // clear buffer
// Must handled with GetLastError and converted by FormatMessage
return error('Cannot get file name from handle.')