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module clipboard
#include <libkern/OSAtomic.h>
#include <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#flag -framework Cocoa
pub struct Clipboard {
pb voidptr
last_cb_serial i64
foo int // TODO remove, for mut hack
fn new_clipboard() &Clipboard{
pb := voidptr(0)
#pb = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard];
cb := &Clipboard{
pb: pb
return cb
fn (cb &Clipboard) check_availability() bool {
return cb.pb != C.NULL
2020-05-17 14:51:18 +03:00
fn (mut cb Clipboard) clear(){
cb.foo = 0
#[cb->pb clearContents];
2020-05-17 14:51:18 +03:00
fn (mut cb Clipboard) free(){
cb.foo = 0
//nothing to free
fn (cb &Clipboard) has_ownership() bool {
if cb.last_cb_serial == 0 {return false}
#return [cb->pb changeCount] == cb->last_cb_serial;
return false
2019-11-24 06:27:02 +03:00
fn C.OSAtomicCompareAndSwapLong()
2020-05-17 14:51:18 +03:00
fn (mut cb Clipboard) set_text(text string) bool {
cb.foo = 0
#NSString *ns_clip;
ret := false
#ns_clip = [[ NSString alloc ] initWithBytesNoCopy:text.str length:text.len encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding freeWhenDone: false];
#[cb->pb declareTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSStringPboardType] owner:nil];
#ret = [cb->pb setString:ns_clip forType:NSStringPboardType];
#[ns_clip release];
mut serial := 0
#serial = [cb->pb changeCount];
C.OSAtomicCompareAndSwapLong(cb.last_cb_serial, serial, &cb.last_cb_serial)
return ret
2020-05-17 14:51:18 +03:00
fn (mut cb Clipboard) get_text() string {
cb.foo = 0
#NSString *ns_clip;
utf8_clip := byteptr(0)
#ns_clip = [cb->pb stringForType:NSStringPboardType]; //NSPasteboardTypeString
#if (ns_clip == nil) {
# return tos3(""); //in case clipboard is empty
#utf8_clip = [ns_clip UTF8String];
return unsafe { utf8_clip.vstring() }
2019-11-18 13:10:31 +03:00
pub fn new_primary() &Clipboard {
panic('Primary clipboard is not supported on non-Linux systems.')