mirror of https://github.com/vlang/v.git synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00

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module picoev
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/event.h>
fn C.kevent(int, changelist voidptr, nchanges int, eventlist voidptr, nevents int, timout &C.timespec) int
fn C.kqueue() int
fn C.EV_SET(kev voidptr, ident int, filter i16, flags u16, fflags u32, data voidptr, udata voidptr)
pub struct C.kevent {
pub mut:
ident int
// uintptr_t
filter i16
flags u16
fflags u32
data voidptr
// intptr_t
udata voidptr
pub struct KqueueLoop {
id int
now i64
kq_id int
// -1 if not changed
changed_fds int
events [1024]C.kevent
changelist [256]C.kevent
type LoopType = KqueueLoop
// create_kqueue_loop creates a new kernel event queue with loop_id=`id`
pub fn create_kqueue_loop(id int) !&KqueueLoop {
mut loop := &KqueueLoop{
id: id
loop.kq_id = C.kqueue()
if loop.kq_id == -1 {
return error('could not create kqueue loop!')
loop.changed_fds = -1
return loop
// ev_set sets a new `kevent` with file descriptor `index`
pub fn (mut pv Picoev) ev_set(index int, operation int, events int) {
// vfmt off
filter := i16(
(if events & picoev_read != 0 { C.EVFILT_READ } else { 0 })
(if events & picoev_write != 0 { C.EVFILT_WRITE } else { 0 })
// vfmt on
C.EV_SET(&pv.loop.changelist[index], pv.loop.changed_fds, filter, operation, 0, 0,
// backend_build uses the lower 8 bits to store the old events and the higher 8
// bits to store the next file descriptor in `Target.backend`
fn backend_build(next_fd int, events u32) int {
return int((u32(next_fd) << 8) | (events & 0xff))
// get the lower 8 bits
fn backend_get_old_events(backend int) int {
return backend & 0xff
// get the higher 8 bits
fn backend_get_next_fd(backend int) int {
return backend >> 8
// apply pending processes all changes for the file descriptors and updates `loop.changelist`
// if `aplly_all` is `true` the changes are immediately applied
fn (mut pv Picoev) apply_pending_changes(apply_all bool) int {
mut total, mut nevents := 0, 0
for pv.loop.changed_fds != -1 {
mut target := pv.file_descriptors[pv.loop.changed_fds]
old_events := backend_get_old_events(target.backend)
if target.events != old_events {
// events have been changed
if old_events != 0 {
pv.ev_set(total, C.EV_DISABLE, old_events)
if target.events != 0 {
pv.ev_set(total, C.EV_ADD | C.EV_ENABLE, int(target.events))
// Apply the changes if the total changes exceed the changelist size
if total + 1 >= pv.loop.changelist.len {
nevents = C.kevent(pv.loop.kq_id, &pv.loop.changelist, total, C.NULL,
0, C.NULL)
assert nevents == 0
total = 0
pv.loop.changed_fds = backend_get_next_fd(target.backend)
target.backend = -1
if apply_all && total != 0 {
nevents = C.kevent(pv.loop.kq_id, &pv.loop.changelist, total, C.NULL, 0, C.NULL)
assert nevents == 0
total = 0
return total
fn (mut pv Picoev) update_events(fd int, events int) int {
// check if fd is in range
assert fd < max_fds
mut target := pv.file_descriptors[fd]
// initialize if adding the fd
if events & picoev_add != 0 {
target.backend = -1
// return if nothing to do
if (events == picoev_del && target.backend == -1)
|| (events != picoev_del && events & picoev_readwrite == target.events) {
return 0
// add to changed list if not yet being done
if target.backend == -1 {
target.backend = backend_build(pv.loop.changed_fds, target.events)
pv.loop.changed_fds = fd
// update events
target.events = u32(events & picoev_readwrite)
// apply immediately if is a DELETE
if events & picoev_del != 0 {
return 0
fn (mut pv Picoev) poll_once(max_wait int) int {
ts := C.timespec{
tv_sec: max_wait
tv_nsec: 0
mut total, mut nevents := 0, 0
// apply changes later when the callback is called.
total = pv.apply_pending_changes(false)
nevents = C.kevent(pv.loop.kq_id, &pv.loop.changelist, total, &pv.loop.events, pv.loop.events.len,
if nevents == -1 {
// the errors we can only rescue
assert C.errno == C.EACCES || C.errno == C.EFAULT || C.errno == C.EINTR
return -1
for i := 0; i < nevents; i++ {
event := pv.loop.events[i]
target := pv.file_descriptors[event.ident]
// changelist errors are fatal
assert event.flags & C.EV_ERROR == 0
if pv.loop.id == target.loop_id && event.filter & (C.EVFILT_READ | C.EVFILT_WRITE) != 0 {
read_events := match int(event.filter) {
else {
// do callback!
unsafe { target.cb(target.fd, read_events, &pv) }
return 0