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module main
import vweb
import time
import os
struct App {
timeout int
global_config shared Config
middlewares map[string][]vweb.Middleware
struct Config {
pub mut:
middleware_text string
fn exit_after_timeout(timeout_in_ms int) {
time.sleep(timeout_in_ms * time.millisecond)
println('>> webserver: pid: ${os.getpid()}, exiting ...')
fn main() {
if os.args.len != 3 {
panic('Usage: `vweb_test_server.exe PORT TIMEOUT_IN_MILLISECONDS`')
http_port := os.args[1].int()
assert http_port > 0
timeout := os.args[2].int()
spawn exit_after_timeout(timeout)
shared config := &Config{}
app := &App{
timeout: timeout
global_config: config
middlewares: {
'/single': [middleware1]
'/single_post': [middleware1]
'/multiple': [middleware1, middleware2]
'/multiple_post': [middleware1, middleware2]
'/combined': [middleware1, middleware2]
'/combined_post': [middleware1, middleware2]
'/admin/': [middleware1]
'/other/': [middleware1, middleware2]
'/redirect': [middleware_redirect]
eprintln('>> webserver: pid: ${os.getpid()}, started on http://localhost:${http_port}/ , with maximum runtime of ${app.timeout} milliseconds.')
vweb.run_at(app, host: 'localhost', port: http_port, family: .ip)!
// normal routes:
[middleware: app_middleware]
pub fn (mut app App) index() vweb.Result {
mut result := ''
rlock app.global_config {
result = app.global_config.middleware_text
return app.text('${result}index')
pub fn (mut app App) single() vweb.Result {
mut result := ''
rlock app.global_config {
result = app.global_config.middleware_text
return app.text('${result}single')
pub fn (mut app App) multiple() vweb.Result {
mut result := ''
rlock app.global_config {
result = app.global_config.middleware_text
return app.text('${result}multiple')
[middleware: app_middleware]
pub fn (mut app App) combined() vweb.Result {
mut result := ''
rlock app.global_config {
result = app.global_config.middleware_text
return app.text('${result}combined')
pub fn (mut app App) nested() vweb.Result {
mut result := ''
rlock app.global_config {
result = app.global_config.middleware_text
return app.text('${result}nested')
// above routes + post
[middleware: app_middleware]
['/index_post'; post]
pub fn (mut app App) index_post() vweb.Result {
mut result := ''
rlock app.global_config {
result = app.global_config.middleware_text
return app.text('${result}index_post:${app.req.data}')
['/single_post'; post]
pub fn (mut app App) single_post() vweb.Result {
mut result := ''
rlock app.global_config {
result = app.global_config.middleware_text
return app.text('${result}single_post:${app.req.data}')
['/multiple_post'; post]
pub fn (mut app App) multiple_post() vweb.Result {
mut result := ''
rlock app.global_config {
result = app.global_config.middleware_text
return app.text('${result}multiple_post:${app.req.data}')
[middleware: app_middleware]
['/combined_post'; post]
pub fn (mut app App) combined_post() vweb.Result {
mut result := ''
rlock app.global_config {
result = app.global_config.middleware_text
return app.text('${result}combined_post:${app.req.data}')
['/admin/nested_post'; post]
pub fn (mut app App) nested_post() vweb.Result {
mut result := ''
rlock app.global_config {
result = app.global_config.middleware_text
return app.text('${result}nested_post:${app.req.data}')
// dynamic routes
pub fn (mut app App) admin_dynamic(dynamic string) vweb.Result {
mut result := ''
rlock app.global_config {
result = app.global_config.middleware_text
return app.text('${result}admin_dynamic:${dynamic}')
[middleware: app_middleware]
pub fn (mut app App) combined_dynamic(dynamic string) vweb.Result {
mut result := ''
rlock app.global_config {
result = app.global_config.middleware_text
return app.text('${result}combined_dynamic:${dynamic}')
// redirect routes:
[middleware: app_redirect]
pub fn (mut app App) app_redirect_route() vweb.Result {
mut result := ''
rlock app.global_config {
result = app.global_config.middleware_text
return app.text('${result}should_never_reach!')
pub fn (mut app App) redirect_route() vweb.Result {
mut result := ''
rlock app.global_config {
result = app.global_config.middleware_text
return app.text('${result}should_never_reach!')
// middleware functions:
pub fn (mut app App) before_request() {
lock app.global_config {
app.global_config.middleware_text = '0'
pub fn (mut app App) app_middleware() bool {
lock app.global_config {
app.global_config.middleware_text += 'app_middleware'
return true
pub fn (mut app App) app_redirect() bool {
return false
fn middleware1(mut ctx vweb.Context) bool {
ctx.conn.write_string('m1') or { panic(err) }
return true
fn middleware2(mut ctx vweb.Context) bool {
ctx.conn.write_string('m2') or { panic(err) }
return true
fn middleware_redirect(mut ctx vweb.Context) bool {
ctx.conn.write_string('m_redirect') or { panic(err) }
return false
// utility functions:
pub fn (mut app App) shutdown() vweb.Result {
session_key := app.get_cookie('skey') or { return app.not_found() }
if session_key != 'superman' {
return app.not_found()
spawn app.gracefull_exit()
return app.ok('good bye')
fn (mut app App) gracefull_exit() {
eprintln('>> webserver: gracefull_exit')
time.sleep(100 * time.millisecond)