1.`subscribe(name string, handler EventHandlerFn)` - subscribe to an event
2.`subscribe_once(name string, handler EventHandlerFn)` - subscribe only once to an event
3.`subscribe_method(name string, handler EventHandlerFn, reciever voidptr)` - subscribe to an event and also recieve the `reciever` as a parameter. Since it's not yet possible to send methods as parameters, this is the workaround.
4.`is_subscribed(name string)` - check if we are subscribed to an event
5.`unsubscribe(name string)` - unsubscribe from an event
1. Each `EventBus` instance has it's own registry (i.e. there is no global event registry so you can't just subscribe to anevent wherever you are.
2. Each `EventBus` has a `Subscriber` instance which will need to be either exposed or you can make small public helper functions specific to your module like (`onPress`, `onError`) and etc.
3. The `eventbus` module has some helpers to ease getting/setting of Params (since V doesn't support empty interfaces yet or reflection) so use them (see usage above).
This is mainly for security because the if publisher & subscriber are both passed around, a client can easily publish events acting as the server. So a client should only be able to use the Subscriber methods.