A: As with many other things, Windowshas a completely different and incompatible way of handling
input parsing and drawing primitives, and support has not been implemented yet.
Contributions are definitely welcome though.
Q: My terminal (doesn't receive events / doesn't print anything / prints gibberish characters),
what's up with that?
A: Please check if your terminal. The module has been tested with `xterm`-based terminals on Linux
(like `gnome-terminal` and `konsole`), and `Terminal.app` and `iterm2` on macOS.
If your terminal does not work, open an issue with the output of `echo $TERM`.
Q: There are screen tearing issues when doing large prints
A: This is an issue with how terminals render frames,
as they may decide to do so in the middle of receiving a frame,
and cannot be fully fixed unless your console implements the [synchronized updates spec](https://gitlab.com/gnachman/iterm2/-/wikis/synchronized-updates-spec).
It can be reduced *drastically*, though, by using the rendering methods built in to the module,
and by only painting frames when your app's content has actually changed.
Q: Why does the module only emit `keydown` events, and not `keyup` like `sokol`/`gg`?
A: It's because of the way terminals emit events. Every key event is received as a keypress,
and there isn't a way of telling terminals to send keyboard events differently,
nor a reliable way of converting these into `keydown` / `keyup` events.