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module main
import term.ui as tui
// The color palette, taken from Google's Material design
const (
colors = [
tui.Color{239, 154, 154}
tui.Color{244, 143, 177}
tui.Color{206, 147, 216}
tui.Color{179, 157, 219}
tui.Color{159, 168, 218}
tui.Color{144, 202, 249}
tui.Color{129, 212, 250}
tui.Color{128, 222, 234}
tui.Color{128, 203, 196}
tui.Color{165, 214, 167}
tui.Color{197, 225, 165}
tui.Color{230, 238, 156}
tui.Color{255, 245, 157}
tui.Color{255, 224, 130}
tui.Color{255, 204, 128}
tui.Color{255, 171, 145}
tui.Color{188, 170, 164}
tui.Color{238, 238, 238}
tui.Color{176, 190, 197}
], [
tui.Color{244, 67, 54}
tui.Color{233, 30, 99}
tui.Color{156, 39, 176}
tui.Color{103, 58, 183}
tui.Color{63, 81, 181}
tui.Color{33, 150, 243}
tui.Color{3, 169, 244}
tui.Color{0, 188, 212}
tui.Color{0, 150, 136}
tui.Color{76, 175, 80}
tui.Color{139, 195, 74}
tui.Color{205, 220, 57}
tui.Color{255, 235, 59}
tui.Color{255, 193, 7}
tui.Color{255, 152, 0}
tui.Color{255, 87, 34}
tui.Color{121, 85, 72}
tui.Color{120, 120, 120}
tui.Color{96, 125, 139}
], [
tui.Color{198, 40, 40}
tui.Color{173, 20, 87}
tui.Color{106, 27, 154}
tui.Color{69, 39, 160}
tui.Color{40, 53, 147}
tui.Color{21, 101, 192}
tui.Color{2, 119, 189}
tui.Color{0, 131, 143}
tui.Color{0, 105, 92}
tui.Color{46, 125, 50}
tui.Color{85, 139, 47}
tui.Color{158, 157, 36}
tui.Color{249, 168, 37}
tui.Color{255, 143, 0}
tui.Color{239, 108, 0}
tui.Color{216, 67, 21}
tui.Color{78, 52, 46}
tui.Color{33, 33, 33}
tui.Color{55, 71, 79}
const (
frame_rate = 30 // fps
msg_display_time = 5 * frame_rate
w = 200
h = 100
space = ' '
spaces = ' '
select_color = 'Select color:'
select_size = 'Size: '
help_1 = ''
help_2 = ' HELP '
help_3 = ''
struct App {
tui &tui.Context = 0
header_text []string
mouse_pos Point
msg string
msg_hide_tick int
primary_color tui.Color = colors[1][6]
secondary_color tui.Color = colors[1][9]
drawing [][]tui.Color = [][]tui.Color{ len: h, init: []tui.Color{ len: w } }
size int = 1
should_redraw bool = true
is_dragging bool
struct Point {
x int
y int
fn main() {
mut app := &App{}
app.tui = tui.init(
user_data: app
frame_fn: frame
event_fn: event
frame_rate: frame_rate
hide_cursor: true
fn frame(x voidptr) {
mut app := &App(x)
mut redraw := app.should_redraw
if app.msg != '' && app.tui.frame_count >= app.msg_hide_tick {
app.msg = ''
redraw = true
if redraw {
app.should_redraw = false
fn event(event &tui.Event, x voidptr) {
mut app := &App(x)
match event.typ {
.mouse_down {
app.is_dragging = true
if app.tui.window_height - event.y < 5 {
} else {
} .mouse_up {
app.is_dragging = false
} .mouse_drag {
app.mouse_pos = { x: event.x, y: event.y }
} .mouse_move {
app.mouse_pos = { x: event.x, y: event.y }
} .mouse_scroll {
if event.direction == .down { app.inc_size() } else { app.dec_size() }
} .key_down {
match event.code {
.c {
app.drawing = [][]tui.Color{ len: h, init: []tui.Color{ len: w } }
} .escape {
} else {}
} else {}
app.should_redraw = true
fn (mut app App) render(paint_only bool) {
if !paint_only {
fn (mut app App) set_pixel(x_ int, y_ int, c tui.Color) {
// Term coords start at 1, and adjust for the header
x, y := x_ - 1, y_ - 4
if y < 0 || app.tui.window_height - y < 3 { return }
if y >= app.drawing.len || x < 0 || x >= app.drawing[0].len { return }
app.drawing[y][x] = c
fn (mut app App) paint(event &tui.Event) {
x_start, y_start := int(f32((event.x - 1) / 2) - app.size / 2 + 1), event.y - app.size / 2
color := if event.button == .primary { app.primary_color } else { app.secondary_color }
for x in x_start .. x_start + app.size {
for y in y_start .. y_start + app.size {
app.set_pixel(x, y, color)
fn (mut app App) draw_content() {
w, mut h := app.tui.window_width / 2, app.tui.window_height - 8
if h > app.drawing.len {
h = app.drawing.len
for row_idx, row in app.drawing[..h] {
app.tui.set_cursor_position(0, row_idx + 4)
mut last := tui.Color{ 0, 0, 0 }
for cell in row[..w] {
if cell.r == 0 && cell.g == 0 && cell.b == 0 {
if !(cell.r == last.r && cell.g == last.g && cell.b == last.b) {
} else {
if !(cell.r == last.r && cell.g == last.g && cell.b == last.b) {
last = cell
fn (mut app App) draw_cursor() {
if app.mouse_pos.y in [3, app.tui.window_height - 5] {
// inside the horizontal separators
cursor_color := if app.is_dragging { tui.Color{ 220, 220, 220 } } else { tui.Color{ 160, 160, 160 } }
if app.mouse_pos.y >= 3 && app.mouse_pos.y <= app.tui.window_height - 4 {
// inside the main content
mut x_start := int(f32((app.mouse_pos.x - 1) / 2) - app.size / 2 + 1) * 2 - 1
mut y_start := app.mouse_pos.y - app.size / 2
mut x_end := x_start + app.size * 2 - 1
mut y_end := y_start + app.size - 1
if x_start < 1 { x_start = 1 }
if y_start < 4 { y_start = 4 }
if x_end > app.tui.window_width { x_end = app.tui.window_width }
if y_end > app.tui.window_height - 5 { y_end = app.tui.window_height - 5 }
app.tui.draw_rect(x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end)
} else {
app.tui.draw_text(app.mouse_pos.x, app.mouse_pos.y, space)
fn (mut app App) draw_header() {
if app.msg != '' {
app.tui.set_color(r: 0, g: 0, b: 0)
app.tui.set_bg_color(r: 220, g: 220, b: 220)
app.tui.draw_text(0, 0, ' $app.msg ')
app.tui.draw_text(3, 2, /* 'tick: $app.tui.frame_count | ' + */ 'terminal size: ($app.tui.window_width, $app.tui.window_height) | primary color: $app.primary_color.hex() | secondary color: $app.secondary_color.hex()')
fn (mut app App) draw_footer() {
ww, wh := app.tui.window_width, app.tui.window_height
app.tui.horizontal_separator(wh - 4)
for i, color_row in colors {
for j, color in color_row {
x := j * 3 + 19
y := wh - 3 + i
app.tui.draw_rect(x, y, x+1, y)
app.tui.draw_text(3, wh - 3, select_color)
app.tui.draw_text(3, wh - 1, select_size)
if ww >= 90 {
app.tui.draw_text(80, wh - 3, help_1)
app.tui.draw_text(80, wh - 2, help_2)
app.tui.draw_text(80, wh - 1, help_3)
fn (mut app App) inc_size() {
if app.size < 20 { app.size++ }
app.show_msg('inc. size: $app.size', 1)
fn (mut app App) dec_size() {
if app.size > 1 { app.size-- }
app.show_msg('dec. size: $app.size', 1)
fn (mut app App) footer_click(event &tui.Event) {
footer_y := 3 - (app.tui.window_height - event.y)
match event.x {
8...11 {
} 12...15 {
} 18...75 {
if (event.x % 3) == 0 { return } // Inside the gap between tiles
idx := footer_y * 19 - 6 + event.x / 3
color := colors[idx / 19][idx % 19]
if event.button == .primary { app.primary_color = color } else { app.secondary_color = color }
app.show_msg('set ${event.button.str().to_lower()} color idx: $idx', 1)
} else {}
fn (mut app App) show_msg(text string, time int) {
frames := time * frame_rate
app.msg_hide_tick = if time > 0 { int(app.tui.frame_count) + frames } else { -1 }
app.msg = text