mirror of
synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00
make.bat: fix regression for directory path with spaces (#7253)
This commit is contained in:
@ -97,17 +97,33 @@ if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 exit /b %ERRORLEVEL%
echo Cleanup vc
echo ^> Purge TCC binaries
call :buildcmd "rmdir /s /q "%tcc_dir%"" " "
if !flag_verbose! EQU 1 (
echo [Debug] rmdir /s /q "%tcc_dir%">>"!log_file!"
echo rmdir /s /q "%tcc_dir%"
rmdir /s /q "%tcc_dir%">>"!log_file!" 2>NUL
echo ^> Purge vc repository
call :buildcmd "rmdir /s /q "%vc_dir%"" " "
if !flag_verbose! EQU 1 (
echo [Debug] rmdir /s /q "%vc_dir%">>"!log_file!"
echo rmdir /s /q "%vc_dir%"
rmdir /s /q "%vc_dir%">>"!log_file!" 2>NUL
exit /b 0
echo Cleanup build artifacts
echo ^> Purge debug symbols
call :buildcmd "del *.pdb *.lib *.bak *.out *.ilk *.exp *.obj *.o *.a *.so" " "
if !flag_verbose! EQU 1 (
echo [Debug] del *.pdb *.lib *.bak *.out *.ilk *.exp *.obj *.o *.a *.so>>"!log_file!"
echo del *.pdb *.lib *.bak *.out *.ilk *.exp *.obj *.o *.a *.so
del *.pdb *.lib *.bak *.out *.ilk *.exp *.obj *.o *.a *.so>>"!log_file!" 2>NUL
echo ^> Delete old V executable
call :buildcmd "del v_old.exe v*.exe" " "
if !flag_verbose! EQU 1 (
echo [Debug] del v_old.exe v*.exe>>"!log_file!"
echo del v_old.exe v*.exe
del v_old.exe v*.exe>>"!log_file!" 2>NUL
exit /b 0
@ -127,14 +143,30 @@ if !flag_local! NEQ 1 (
pushd "%vc_dir%" 2>NUL && (
echo Updating vc...
echo ^> Sync with remote !vc_url!
call :buildcmd "cd "%vc_dir%"" " "
call :buildcmd "git pull --quiet" " "
call :buildcmd "cd .." " "
if !flag_verbose! EQU 1 (
echo [Debug] cd "%vc_dir%">>"!log_file!"
echo cd "%vc_dir%"
cd "%vc_dir%">>"!log_file!" 2>NUL
echo [Debug] git pull --quiet>>"!log_file!"
echo git pull --quiet
git pull --quiet>>"!log_file!" 2>NUL
echo [Debug] cd ..>>"!log_file!"
echo cd ..
cd ..>>"!log_file!" 2>NUL
) else (
cd "%vc_dir%">>"!log_file!" 2>NUL
git pull --quiet>>"!log_file!" 2>NUL
cd ..>>"!log_file!" 2>NUL
) || (
echo Cloning vc...
echo ^> Cloning from remote !vc_url!
call :buildcmd "git clone --depth 1 --quiet "%vc_url%"" " "
if !flag_verbose! EQU 1 (
echo [Debug] git clone --depth 1 --quiet %vc_url%>>"!log_file!"
echo git clone --depth 1 --quiet %vc_url%
git clone --depth 1 --quiet %vc_url%>>"!log_file!" 2>NUL
@ -151,15 +183,23 @@ if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (
echo ^> Attempting to build v_win.c with Clang
call :buildcmd "clang -std=c99 -municode -w -o v.exe .\vc\v_win.c" " "
if !flag_verbose! EQU 1 (
echo [Debug] clang -std=c99 -municode -w -o v.exe .\vc\v_win.c>>"!log_File!"
echo clang -std=c99 -municode -w -o v.exe .\vc\v_win.c
clang -std=c99 -municode -w -o v.exe .\vc\v_win.c>>"!log_file!" 2>NUL
REM In most cases, compile errors happen because the version of Clang installed is too old
call :buildcmd "clang --version" " " 1
clang --version>>"!log_file!"
goto :compile_error
echo ^> Compiling with .\v.exe self
call :buildcmd "v.exe -cc clang self" " "
if !flag_verbose! EQU 1 (
echo [Debug] v.exe -cc clang self>>"!log_file!"
echo v.exe -cc clang self
v.exe -cc clang self>>"!log_file!" 2>NUL
if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 goto :compile_error
goto :success
@ -172,15 +212,23 @@ if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (
echo ^> Attempting to build v_win.c with GCC
call :buildcmd "gcc -std=c99 -municode -w -o v.exe .\vc\v_win.c" " "
if !flag_verbose! EQU 1 (
echo [Debug] gcc -std=c99 -municode -w -o v.exe .\vc\v_win.c>>"!log_File!"
echo gcc -std=c99 -municode -w -o v.exe .\vc\v_win.c
gcc -std=c99 -municode -w -o v.exe .\vc\v_win.c>>"!log_File!" 2>NUL
REM In most cases, compile errors happen because the version of GCC installed is too old
call :buildcmd "gcc --version" " " 1
gcc --version>>"!log_File!"
goto :compile_error
echo ^> Compiling with .\v.exe self
call :buildcmd "v.exe self" " "
if !flag_verbose! EQU 1 (
echo [Debug] v.exe -cc gcc self>>"!log_file!"
echo v.exe -cc gcc self
v.exe -cc gcc self>>"!log_file!" 2>NUL
if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 goto :compile_error
goto :success
@ -212,15 +260,23 @@ if exist "%InstallDir%\Common7\Tools\vsdevcmd.bat" (
set ObjFile=.v.c.obj
echo ^> Attempting to build v_win.c with MSVC
call :buildcmd "cl.exe /volatile:ms /Fo%ObjFile% /O2 /MD /D_VBOOTSTRAP vc\v_win.c user32.lib kernel32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib /link /nologo /out:v.exe /incremental:no" " "
if !flag_verbose! EQU 1 (
echo [Debug] cl.exe /volatile:ms /Fo%ObjFile% /O2 /MD /D_VBOOTSTRAP vc\v_win.c user32.lib kernel32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib /link /nologo /out:v.exe /incremental:no>>"!log_file!"
echo cl.exe /volatile:ms /Fo%ObjFile% /O2 /MD /D_VBOOTSTRAP vc\v_win.c user32.lib kernel32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib /link /nologo /out:v.exe /incremental:no
cl.exe /volatile:ms /Fo%ObjFile% /O2 /MD /D_VBOOTSTRAP vc\v_win.c user32.lib kernel32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib /link /nologo /out:v.exe /incremental:no>>"!log_file!" 2>NUL
REM In some cases, compile errors happen because of the MSVC compiler version
call :buildcmd "cl.exe 1>NUL" " " 1
cl.exe 1>NUL 2>"!log_file!"
goto :compile_error
echo ^> Compiling with .\v.exe self
call :buildcmd "v.exe -cc msvc self" " "
if !flag_verbose! EQU 1 (
echo [Debug] v.exe -cc msvc self>>"!log_file!"
echo v.exe -cc msvc self
v.exe -cc msvc self>>"!log_file!" 2>NUL
del %ObjFile%>>"!log_file!" 2>>&1
if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 goto :compile_error
goto :success
@ -228,11 +284,19 @@ goto :success
if [!compiler!] == [] set /a invalid_cc=1
echo ^> Attempting to build v_win.c with TCC
call :buildcmd ""!tcc_exe!" -std=c99 -municode -lws2_32 -lshell32 -ladvapi32 -bt10 -w -o v.exe vc\v_win.c" " "
if !flag_verbose! EQU 1 (
echo [Debug] "!tcc_exe!" -std=c99 -municode -lws2_32 -lshell32 -ladvapi32 -bt10 -w -o v.exe vc\v_win.c>>"!log_file!"
echo "!tcc_exe!" -std=c99 -municode -lws2_32 -lshell32 -ladvapi32 -bt10 -w -o v.exe vc\v_win.c
"!tcc_exe!" -std=c99 -municode -lws2_32 -lshell32 -ladvapi32 -bt10 -w -o v.exe vc\v_win.c>>"!log_file!" 2>NUL
if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 goto :compile_error
echo ^> Compiling with .\v.exe self
call :buildcmd "v.exe -cc "!tcc_exe!" self" " "
if !flag_verbose! EQU 1 (
echo [Debug] v.exe -cc "!tcc_exe!" self>>"!log_file!"
echo v.exe -cc "!tcc_exe!" self
v.exe -cc "!tcc_exe!" self>>"!log_file!" 2>NUL
if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 goto :compile_error
goto :success
@ -240,18 +304,26 @@ goto :success
pushd %tcc_dir% 2>NUL && (
echo Updating TCC
echo ^> Syncing TCC from !tcc_url!
call :buildcmd "git pull --quiet" " "
if !flag_verbose! EQU 1 (
echo [Debug] git pull --quiet>>"!log_file!"
echo git pull --quiet
git pull --quiet>>"!log_file!" 2>NUL
) || (
echo Bootstraping TCC...
echo ^> TCC not found
echo ^> Downloading TCC from !tcc_url!
call :buildcmd "git clone --depth 1 --quiet --single-branch --branch "!tcc_branch!" "!tcc_url!" "%tcc_dir%"" " "
if !flag_verbose! EQU 1 (
echo [Debug] git clone --depth 1 --quiet --single-branch --branch !tcc_branch! !tcc_url! "%tcc_dir%">>"!log_file!"
echo git clone --depth 1 --quiet --single-branch --branch !tcc_branch! !tcc_url! "%tcc_dir%"
git clone --depth 1 --quiet --single-branch --branch !tcc_branch! !tcc_url! "%tcc_dir%">>"!log_file!" 2>NUL
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%i in (`dir %tcc_dir% /b /a /s tcc.exe`) do (
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%i in (`dir "%tcc_dir%" /b /a /s tcc.exe`) do (
set "attrib=%%~ai"
set "dattrib=%attrib:~0,1%"
if /I not "%dattrib%" == "d" set "tcc_exe=%%i"
if /I not "%dattrib%" == "d" set "tcc_exe=%%~sfi"
if [!tcc_exe!] == [] echo ^> TCC not found, even after cloning& goto :error
@ -288,15 +360,6 @@ echo | set /p="V version: "
.\v.exe version
goto :eof
if !flag_verbose! EQU 1 (
echo [Debug] %~1>>"!log_file!"
echo %~2 %~1
if not [%~3] == [] echo.& %~1
%~1>>"!log_file!" 2>>&1
exit /b %ERRORLEVEL%
echo Usage:
echo make.bat [target] [compiler] [options]
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