mirror of https://github.com/vlang/v.git synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00

tooling: add tools/compare_v_performance_between_commits

easily compare v performance/size across commits.

* fix eprintln on linux (it now uses stderr, and flushes it).

* flag: cleaner usage information.
This commit is contained in:
Delyan Angelov 2019-09-28 14:17:16 +03:00 committed by Alexander Medvednikov
parent 5c79c0e743
commit 366c50674c
6 changed files with 361 additions and 44 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -8,6 +8,8 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
set -e
msg() {
printf '%s\n' "$*";
if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
msg "Usage: compare_v_to_c_performance COMMIT_BEFORE COMMIT_AFTER"
exit 1
depend_on() {
type "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 || {
printf 'ERR: missing tool "%s"\n' "$1" >&2; exit 1;
depend_on sh
depend_on cp
depend_on rm
depend_on wc
depend_on head
depend_on cc
depend_on strip
depend_on git
depend_on upx
depend_on make
depend_on hyperfine
## NB: cc should be a working, recent, sane C99 compiler
## cc is used by the Makefile to bootstrap v (both gcc/clang work)
## If you are a C/V developer in a unix environment, you most probably
## already have the above installed, with the possible exception of:
## https://github.com/sharkdp/hyperfine
## Installing them is out of scope of this tool.
prepare_v() {
msg "Cloning current v source to $1 ..."
git clone --quiet "$CWD" "$1"
cd "$1"
git checkout --quiet "$2"
msg "Making v and vprod compilers in $1"
make > /dev/null
./v -o v compiler
./v -prod -o vprod compiler
cp v v_stripped
cp vprod vprod_stripped
strip *_stripped
cp v_stripped v_stripped_upxed
cp vprod_stripped vprod_stripped_upxed
upx -qqq --lzma v_stripped_upxed
upx -qqq --lzma vprod_stripped_upxed
wc -c "$1/v" "$1/v_stripped" "$1/v_stripped_upxed" "$1/vprod" "$1/vprod_stripped" "$1/vprod_stripped_upxed" | head -n -1
VVERSION="$($1/v --version)"
GVERSION="$(git rev-parse --short --verify HEAD)"
msg "V version is: $VVERSION , local source commit: $GVERSION"
compare_v_performance() {
msg "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
msg "Compare '$CMD'"
hyperfine --warmup=3 "cd '$B/' && $CMD " "cd '$A/' && $CMD "
# Cleanup artifacts from previous runs of this tool:
rm -rf "$A/" "$B/"
msg "Comparing v compiler performance of commit $COMMIT_B (before) vs commit $COMMIT_A (after) ..."
prepare_v "$B" "$COMMIT_B"
prepare_v "$A" "$COMMIT_A"
compare_v_performance "./v -o x.c compiler"
compare_v_performance "./vprod -o x.c compiler"
compare_v_performance "./vprod -o x compiler"

tools/performance_compare.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
import os
import flag
const (
tool_version = '0.0.3'
tool_description = '' +
' Compares V executable size and performance,\n' +
' between 2 commits from V\'s local git history.\n' +
' When only one commit is given, it is compared to master.'
struct Context {
cwd string // current working folder
workdir string // the working folder (typically /tmp), where the tool will write
a string // the full path to the 'after' folder inside workdir
b string // the full path to the 'before' folder inside workdir
commit_before string // the git commit for the 'before' state
commit_after string // the git commit for the 'after' state
fn new_context() Context {
return Context{ cwd: os.getwd(), commit_after: 'master' }
////// The stuff in this block may be reusable for other v cli tools? /////////////////
fn run(cmd string) string {
x := os.exec(cmd) or { return '' }
if x.exit_code == 0 { return x.output }
return ''
fn command_exits_with_zero_status(cmd string) bool {
x := os.exec(cmd) or { return false }
if x.exit_code == 0 { return true }
return false
fn tool_must_exist(toolcmd string) {
if command_exits_with_zero_status( 'type $toolcmd' ) { return }
eprintln('Missing tool: $toolcmd')
eprintln('Please try again after you install it.')
fn used_tools_must_exist(tools []string) {
for t in tools {
fn (c Context) compare_versions() {
// Input is validated at this point...
//Cleanup artifacts from previous runs of this tool:
os.chdir( c.workdir )
run('rm -rf "$c.a" "$c.b" ')
println('Comparing v compiler performance of commit $c.commit_before (before) vs commit $c.commit_after (after) ...')
c.prepare_v( c.b , c.commit_before )
c.prepare_v( c.a , c.commit_after )
os.chdir( c.workdir )
c.compare_v_performance( 'v -o source.c compiler' )
c.compare_v_performance( 'vprod -o source.c compiler' )
c.compare_v_performance( 'vprod -o binary compiler' )
fn show_sizes_of_files(files []string) {
for f in files {
size := os.file_size(f)
println('${size:10d} $f')
fn (c &Context) prepare_v( cdir string, commit string ) {
println('Cloning current v source to $cdir ...')
os.system('git clone --quiet \'$c.cwd\' \'$cdir\' ')
os.chdir( cdir )
os.system('git checkout --quiet \'$commit\' ')
println('Making v and vprod compilers in $cdir')
run('./v -o v compiler/ ')
run('./v -prod -o vprod compiler/ ')
run('cp v v_stripped')
run('cp vprod vprod_stripped')
run('strip *_stripped')
run('cp v_stripped v_stripped_upxed')
run('cp vprod_stripped vprod_stripped_upxed')
run('upx -qqq --lzma v_stripped_upxed')
run('upx -qqq --lzma vprod_stripped_upxed')
show_sizes_of_files(["$cdir/v", "$cdir/v_stripped", "$cdir/v_stripped_upxed"])
show_sizes_of_files(["$cdir/vprod", "$cdir/vprod_stripped", "$cdir/vprod_stripped_upxed"])
println("V version is: " + run("$cdir/v --version") + " , local source commit: " + run("git rev-parse --short --verify HEAD") )
fn (c Context) compare_v_performance( cmd string ) {
println('Compare \'$cmd\'')
comparison_cmd := 'hyperfine --warmup=3 \'cd $c.b ; ./$cmd \' \'cd $c.a ; ./$cmd \' '
os.system( comparison_cmd )
fn (c Context) normalized_workpath_for_commit( commit string ) string {
nc := 'v_at_' + commit.replace('^','_').replace('-','_').replace('/','_')
return os.realpath( c.workdir + os.PathSeparator + nc )
fn validate_commit_exists( commit string ){
cmd := 'git cat-file -t ' + "'" + commit + "'"
if !command_exits_with_zero_status(cmd) {
eprintln("Commit: '" + commit + "' does not exist in the current repository.")
fn main(){
mut context := new_context()
mut fp := flag.new_flag_parser(os.args)
fp.version( tool_version )
fp.description( tool_description )
fp.arguments_description('COMMIT_BEFORE [COMMIT_AFTER]')
show_help:=fp.bool('help', false, 'Show this help screen')
context.workdir = os.realpath( fp.string('workdir', '/tmp', 'A writable folder, where the comparison will be done.') )
if( show_help ){
println( fp.usage() )
commits := fp.finalize() or {
eprintln('Error: ' + err)
context.commit_before = commits[0]
if commits.len > 1 { context.commit_after = commits[1] }
validate_commit_exists( context.commit_before )
validate_commit_exists( context.commit_after )
context.b = context.normalized_workpath_for_commit( context.commit_before )
context.a = context.normalized_workpath_for_commit( context.commit_after )
if !os.is_dir( context.workdir ) {
msg := 'Work folder: ' + context.workdir + ' , does not exist.'

View File

@ -94,12 +94,17 @@ pub fn eprintln(s string) {
$if mac {
C.fprintf(stderr, '%.*s\n', s.len, s.str)
$if linux {
C.fprintf(stderr, '%.*s\n', s.len, s.str)
// TODO issues with stderr and cross compiling for Linux
$else {
pub fn print(s string) {
$if windows {

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
module flag
// module flag for command-line flag parsing
@ -43,15 +44,14 @@
// }
// ```
module flag
// data object storing information about a defined flag
struct Flag {
name string // name as it appears on command line
abbr byte // shortcut
usage string // help message
val_desc string // something like '<arg>' that appears in usage
val_desc string // something like '<arg>' that appears in usage,
// and also the default value, when the flag is not given
@ -66,12 +66,20 @@ pub mut:
min_free_args int
max_free_args int
args_description string
const (
// used for formating usage message
SPACE = ' '
UNDERLINE = '-----------------------------------------------'
// create a new flag set for parsing command line arguments
// TODO use INT_MAX some how
pub fn new_flag_parser(args []string) &FlagParser {
return &FlagParser{args:args, max_free_args: 4048}
return &FlagParser{args:args, max_free_args: MAX_ARGS_NUMBER}
// change the application name to be used in 'usage' output
@ -171,7 +179,7 @@ fn (fs mut FlagParser) parse_bool_value(n string, ab byte) ?string {
// version with abbreviation
//TODO error handling for invalid string to bool conversion
pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) bool_(n string, a byte, v bool, u string) bool {
fs.add_flag(n, a, u, '')
fs.add_flag(n, a, u, '<bool>:'+v.str())
parsed := fs.parse_bool_value(n, a) or {
return v
@ -196,7 +204,7 @@ pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) bool(n string, v bool, u string) bool {
// version with abbreviation
//TODO error handling for invalid string to int conversion
pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) int_(n string, a byte, i int, u string) int {
fs.add_flag(n, a, u, '<int>')
fs.add_flag(n, a, u, '<int>:$i')
parsed := fs.parse_value(n, a) or {
return i
@ -221,7 +229,7 @@ pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) int(n string, i int, u string) int {
// version with abbreviation
//TODO error handling for invalid string to float conversion
pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) float_(n string, a byte, f f32, u string) f32 {
fs.add_flag(n, a, u, '<float>')
fs.add_flag(n, a, u, '<float>:$f')
parsed := fs.parse_value(n, a) or {
return f
@ -245,7 +253,7 @@ pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) float(n string, f f32, u string) f32 {
// the default value is returned
// version with abbreviation
pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) string_(n string, a byte, v, u string) string {
fs.add_flag(n, a, u, '<arg>')
fs.add_flag(n, a, u, '<string>:$v')
parsed := fs.parse_value(n, a) or {
return v
@ -261,6 +269,27 @@ pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) string(n, v, u string) string {
return fs.string_(n, `\0`, v, u)
pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) limit_free_args_to_at_least(n int) {
panic('flag.limit_free_args_to_at_least expect n to be smaller than $MAX_ARGS_NUMBER')
if n <= 0 {
panic('flag.limit_free_args_to_at_least expect n to be a positive number')
fs.min_free_args = n
pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) limit_free_args_to_exactly(n int) {
panic('flag.limit_free_args_to_exactly expect n to be smaller than $MAX_ARGS_NUMBER')
if n < 0 {
panic('flag.limit_free_args_to_exactly expect n to be a non negative number')
fs.min_free_args = n
fs.max_free_args = n
// this will cause an error in finalize() if free args are out of range
// (min, ..., max)
pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) limit_free_args(min, max int) {
@ -271,19 +300,50 @@ pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) limit_free_args(min, max int) {
fs.max_free_args = max
const (
// used for formating usage message
SPACE = ' '
pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) arguments_description(description string){
fs.args_description = description
// collect all given information and
pub fn (fs FlagParser) usage() string {
mut use := '\n'
use += 'usage ${fs.application_name} [options] [ARGS]\n'
positive_min_arg := ( fs.min_free_args > 0 )
positive_max_arg := ( fs.max_free_args > 0 && fs.max_free_args != MAX_ARGS_NUMBER )
no_arguments := ( fs.min_free_args == 0 && fs.max_free_args == 0 )
mut adesc := if fs.args_description.len > 0 { fs.args_description } else { '[ARGS]' }
if no_arguments { adesc = '' }
mut use := ''
use += '$fs.application_name $fs.application_version\n'
use += '$UNDERLINE\n'
use += 'Usage: ${fs.application_name} [options] $adesc\n'
use += '\n'
if fs.application_description != '' {
use += 'Description:\n'
use += '$fs.application_description'
use += '\n\n'
// show a message about the [ARGS]:
if positive_min_arg || positive_max_arg || no_arguments {
if no_arguments {
use += 'This application does not expect any arguments\n\n'
goto end_of_arguments_handling
mut s:= []string
if positive_min_arg { s << 'at least $fs.min_free_args' }
if positive_max_arg { s << 'at most $fs.max_free_args' }
if positive_min_arg && positive_max_arg && fs.min_free_args == fs.max_free_args {
s = ['exactly $fs.min_free_args']
sargs := s.join(' and ')
use += 'The arguments should be $sargs in number.\n\n'
if fs.flags.len > 0 {
use += 'options:\n'
use += 'Options:\n'
for f in fs.flags {
flag_desc := ' --$f.name $f.val_desc'
space := if flag_desc.len > SPACE.len-2 {
@ -292,17 +352,10 @@ pub fn (fs FlagParser) usage() string {
abbr_desc := if f.abbr == `\0` { '' } else { ' -${tos(f.abbr, 1)}\n' }
use += '$abbr_desc$flag_desc$space$f.usage\n'
use += '${abbr_desc}${flag_desc}${space}${f.usage}\n'
use += '\n'
use += '$fs.application_name $fs.application_version\n'
if fs.application_description != '' {
use += '\n'
use += 'description:\n'
use += '$fs.application_description'
return use
@ -319,15 +372,14 @@ pub fn (fs FlagParser) finalize() ?[]string {
return error('Unknown argument \'${a.right(2)}\'')
if fs.args.len < fs.min_free_args {
return error('Expect at least ${fs.min_free_args} arguments')
if fs.args.len < fs.min_free_args && fs.min_free_args > 0 {
return error('Expected at least ${fs.min_free_args} arguments, but given $fs.args.len')
if fs.args.len >= fs.max_free_args {
if fs.max_free_args > 0 {
return error('Expect at most ${fs.max_free_args} arguments')
} else {
return error('Expect no arguments')
if fs.args.len > fs.max_free_args && fs.max_free_args > 0 {
return error('Expected at most ${fs.max_free_args} arguments, but given $fs.args.len')
if fs.args.len > 0 && fs.max_free_args == 0 && fs.min_free_args == 0 {
return error('Expected no arguments, but given $fs.args.len')
return fs.args

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@ -145,6 +145,7 @@ fn test_finalize_returns_error_for_unknown_flags() {
fn test_allow_to_build_usage_message() {
mut fp := flag.new_flag_parser([]string)
fp.limit_free_args(1, 4)
fp.description('some short information about this tool')
@ -158,13 +159,14 @@ fn test_allow_to_build_usage_message() {
usage := fp.usage()
mut all_strings_found := true
for s in ['flag_tool', 'v0.0.0',
'an_int <int>', 'a_bool', 'bool_without', 'a_float <float>', 'a_string <arg>',
'an_int <int>', 'a_bool', 'bool_without', 'a_float <float>', 'a_string <string>:not_stuff',
'some int to define',
'some bool to define',
'this should appear on the next line',
'some float as well',
'your credit card number',
'usage', 'options:', 'description:',
'The arguments should be at least 1 and at most 4 in number.',
'Usage', 'Options:', 'Description:',
'some short information about this tool'] {
if !usage.contains(s) {
eprintln(' missing \'$s\' in usage message')
@ -181,7 +183,7 @@ fn test_if_no_description_given_usage_message_does_not_contain_descpription() {
fp.bool('a_bool', false, '')
assert !fp.usage().contains('description:')
assert !fp.usage().contains('Description:')
fn test_if_no_options_given_usage_message_does_not_contain_options() {
@ -189,7 +191,7 @@ fn test_if_no_options_given_usage_message_does_not_contain_options() {
assert !fp.usage().contains('options:')
assert !fp.usage().contains('Options:')
fn test_free_args_could_be_limited() {
@ -206,7 +208,7 @@ fn test_error_for_to_few_free_args() {
mut fp1 := flag.new_flag_parser(['a', 'b', 'c'])
fp1.limit_free_args(5, 6)
args := fp1.finalize() or {
assert err == 'Expect at least 5 arguments'
assert err.starts_with('Expected at least 5 arguments')
assert args.len < 0 // expect an error and need to use args
@ -216,7 +218,7 @@ fn test_error_for_to_much_free_args() {
mut fp1 := flag.new_flag_parser(['a', 'b', 'c'])
fp1.limit_free_args(1, 2)
args := fp1.finalize() or {
assert err == 'Expect at most 2 arguments'
assert err.starts_with('Expected at most 2 arguments')
assert args.len < 0 // expect an error and need to use args
@ -226,7 +228,7 @@ fn test_could_expect_no_free_args() {
mut fp1 := flag.new_flag_parser(['a'])
fp1.limit_free_args(0, 0)
args := fp1.finalize() or {
assert err == 'Expect no arguments'
assert err.starts_with('Expected no arguments')
assert args.len < 0 // expect an error and need to use args