mirror of https://github.com/vlang/v.git synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00

checker: clean up method_call() (#18443)

This commit is contained in:
yuyi 2023-06-14 19:46:00 +08:00 committed by GitHub
parent cb5d5f8ca5
commit 3fb31b971d
No known key found for this signature in database

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@ -1669,481 +1669,482 @@ fn (mut c Checker) method_call(mut node ast.CallExpr) ast.Type {
unknown_method_msg = err.msg()
if has_method {
// x is Bar[T], x.foo() -> x.foo[T]()
rec_sym := c.table.final_sym(node.left_type)
rec_is_generic := left_type.has_flag(.generic)
mut rec_concrete_types := []ast.Type{}
match rec_sym.info {
ast.Struct, ast.SumType, ast.Interface {
if rec_sym.info.concrete_types.len > 0 {
rec_concrete_types = rec_sym.info.concrete_types.clone()
if rec_is_generic && node.concrete_types.len == 0
&& method.generic_names.len == rec_sym.info.generic_types.len {
node.concrete_types = rec_sym.info.generic_types
} else if !rec_is_generic && rec_sym.info.concrete_types.len > 0
&& node.concrete_types.len > 0
&& rec_sym.info.concrete_types.len + node.concrete_types.len == method.generic_names.len {
t_concrete_types := node.concrete_types.clone()
node.concrete_types = rec_sym.info.concrete_types
node.concrete_types << t_concrete_types
if !has_method {
// TODO: str methods
if method_name == 'str' {
if left_sym.kind == .interface_ {
iname := left_sym.name
c.error('interface `${iname}` does not have a .str() method. Use typeof() instead',
else {}
mut concrete_types := node.concrete_types.map(c.unwrap_generic(it))
if concrete_types.len > 0
&& c.table.register_fn_concrete_types(method.fkey(), concrete_types) {
c.need_recheck_generic_fns = true
node.is_noreturn = method.is_noreturn
node.is_ctor_new = method.is_ctor_new
node.return_type = method.return_type
if !method.is_pub && method.mod != c.mod {
// If a private method is called outside of the module
// its receiver type is defined in, show an error.
// println('warn $method_name lef.mod=$left_type_sym.mod c.mod=$c.mod')
c.error('method `${left_sym.name}.${method_name}` is private', node.pos)
rec_share := method.params[0].typ.share()
if rec_share == .shared_t && (c.locked_names.len > 0 || c.rlocked_names.len > 0) {
c.error('method with `shared` receiver cannot be called inside `lock`/`rlock` block',
if method.params[0].is_mut {
to_lock, pos := c.fail_if_immutable(node.left)
if !node.left.is_lvalue() {
c.error('cannot pass expression as `mut`', node.left.pos())
node.receiver_type = left_type
node.return_type = ast.string_type
if node.args.len > 0 {
c.error('.str() method calls should have no arguments', node.pos)
// node.is_mut = true
if to_lock != '' && rec_share != .shared_t {
c.error('${to_lock} is `shared` and must be `lock`ed to be passed as `mut`',
c.fail_if_unreadable(node.left, left_type, 'receiver')
return ast.string_type
} else if method_name == 'free' {
if !c.is_builtin_mod && !c.inside_unsafe && !method.is_unsafe {
c.warn('manual memory management with `free()` is only allowed in unsafe code',
return ast.void_type
// call struct field fn type
// TODO: can we use SelectorExpr for all? this dosent really belong here
if field := c.table.find_field_with_embeds(left_sym, method_name) {
if field.typ.has_flag(.option) {
c.error('Option function field must be unwrapped first', node.pos)
field_sym := c.table.sym(c.unwrap_generic(field.typ))
if field_sym.kind == .function {
node.is_method = false
node.is_field = true
info := field_sym.info as ast.FnType
c.check_expected_arg_count(mut node, info.func) or { return info.func.return_type }
node.return_type = info.func.return_type
mut earg_types := []ast.Type{}
for i, mut arg in node.args {
targ := c.check_expr_opt_call(arg.expr, c.expr(arg.expr))
arg.typ = targ
earg_types << targ
param := if info.func.is_variadic && i >= info.func.params.len - 1 {
} else {
param_share := param.typ.share()
if param_share == .shared_t
&& (c.locked_names.len > 0 || c.rlocked_names.len > 0) {
c.error('method with `shared` arguments cannot be called inside `lock`/`rlock` block',
if arg.is_mut {
to_lock, pos := c.fail_if_immutable(arg.expr)
if !param.is_mut {
tok := arg.share.str()
c.error('`${node.name}` parameter ${i + 1} is not `${tok}`, `${tok}` is not needed`',
} else {
if param_share != arg.share {
c.error('wrong shared type `${arg.share.str()}`, expected: `${param_share.str()}`',
if to_lock != '' && param_share != .shared_t {
c.error('${to_lock} is `shared` and must be `lock`ed to be passed as `mut`',
} else {
if param.is_mut {
tok := param.specifier()
c.error('method `${node.name}` parameter ${i + 1} is `${tok}`, so use `${tok} ${arg.expr}` instead',
} else {
c.fail_if_unreadable(arg.expr, targ, 'argument')
if i < info.func.params.len {
exp_arg_typ := info.func.params[i].typ
c.check_expected_call_arg(targ, c.unwrap_generic(exp_arg_typ),
node.language, arg) or {
if targ != ast.void_type {
c.error('${err.msg()} in argument ${i + 1} to `${left_sym.name}.${method_name}`',
node.expected_arg_types = earg_types
node.is_method = true
_, node.from_embed_types = c.table.find_field_from_embeds(left_sym, method_name) or {
return info.func.return_type
return info.func.return_type
if left_sym.kind in [.struct_, .aggregate, .interface_, .sum_type] {
if c.smartcast_mut_pos != token.Pos{} {
c.note('smartcasting requires either an immutable value, or an explicit mut keyword before the value',
if c.smartcast_cond_pos != token.Pos{} {
c.note('smartcast can only be used on the ident or selector, e.g. match foo, match foo.bar',
if left_type != ast.void_type {
suggestion := util.new_suggestion(method_name, left_sym.methods.map(it.name))
c.error(suggestion.say(unknown_method_msg), node.pos)
return ast.void_type
// x is Bar[T], x.foo() -> x.foo[T]()
rec_sym := c.table.final_sym(node.left_type)
rec_is_generic := left_type.has_flag(.generic)
mut rec_concrete_types := []ast.Type{}
match rec_sym.info {
ast.Struct, ast.SumType, ast.Interface {
if rec_sym.info.concrete_types.len > 0 {
rec_concrete_types = rec_sym.info.concrete_types.clone()
if rec_is_generic && node.concrete_types.len == 0
&& method.generic_names.len == rec_sym.info.generic_types.len {
node.concrete_types = rec_sym.info.generic_types
} else if !rec_is_generic && rec_sym.info.concrete_types.len > 0
&& node.concrete_types.len > 0
&& rec_sym.info.concrete_types.len + node.concrete_types.len == method.generic_names.len {
t_concrete_types := node.concrete_types.clone()
node.concrete_types = rec_sym.info.concrete_types
node.concrete_types << t_concrete_types
else {}
mut concrete_types := node.concrete_types.map(c.unwrap_generic(it))
if concrete_types.len > 0 && c.table.register_fn_concrete_types(method.fkey(), concrete_types) {
c.need_recheck_generic_fns = true
node.is_noreturn = method.is_noreturn
node.is_ctor_new = method.is_ctor_new
node.return_type = method.return_type
if !method.is_pub && method.mod != c.mod {
// If a private method is called outside of the module
// its receiver type is defined in, show an error.
// println('warn $method_name lef.mod=$left_type_sym.mod c.mod=$c.mod')
c.error('method `${left_sym.name}.${method_name}` is private', node.pos)
rec_share := method.params[0].typ.share()
if rec_share == .shared_t && (c.locked_names.len > 0 || c.rlocked_names.len > 0) {
c.error('method with `shared` receiver cannot be called inside `lock`/`rlock` block',
if method.params[0].is_mut {
to_lock, pos := c.fail_if_immutable(node.left)
if !node.left.is_lvalue() {
c.error('cannot pass expression as `mut`', node.left.pos())
// node.is_mut = true
if to_lock != '' && rec_share != .shared_t {
c.error('${to_lock} is `shared` and must be `lock`ed to be passed as `mut`',
} else {
c.fail_if_unreadable(node.left, left_type, 'receiver')
if left_sym.language != .js && (!left_sym.is_builtin() && method.mod != 'builtin')
&& method.language == .v && method.no_body {
c.error('cannot call a method that does not have a body', node.pos)
if node.concrete_types.len > 0 && method.generic_names.len > 0
&& node.concrete_types.len != method.generic_names.len {
plural := if method.generic_names.len == 1 { '' } else { 's' }
c.error('expected ${method.generic_names.len} generic parameter${plural}, got ${node.concrete_types.len}',
for concrete_type in node.concrete_types {
c.ensure_type_exists(concrete_type, node.concrete_list_pos) or {}
if method.return_type == ast.void_type && method.is_conditional
&& method.ctdefine_idx != ast.invalid_type_idx {
node.should_be_skipped = c.evaluate_once_comptime_if_attribute(mut method.attrs[method.ctdefine_idx])
c.check_expected_arg_count(mut node, method) or { return method.return_type }
mut exp_arg_typ := ast.Type(0) // type of 1st arg for special builtin methods
mut param_is_mut := false
mut no_type_promotion := false
if left_sym.info is ast.Chan {
if method_name == 'try_push' {
exp_arg_typ = left_sym.info.elem_type.ref()
} else if method_name == 'try_pop' {
exp_arg_typ = left_sym.info.elem_type
param_is_mut = true
no_type_promotion = true
for i, mut arg in node.args {
if i > 0 || exp_arg_typ == ast.Type(0) {
exp_arg_typ = if method.is_variadic && i >= method.params.len - 1 {
} else {
method.params[i + 1].typ
param_is_mut = false
no_type_promotion = false
exp_arg_sym := c.table.sym(exp_arg_typ)
c.expected_type = exp_arg_typ
mut got_arg_typ := c.check_expr_opt_call(arg.expr, c.expr(arg.expr))
node.args[i].typ = got_arg_typ
if no_type_promotion {
if got_arg_typ != exp_arg_typ {
c.error('cannot use `${c.table.sym(got_arg_typ).name}` as argument for `${method.name}` (`${exp_arg_sym.name}` expected)',
if method.is_variadic && got_arg_typ.has_flag(.variadic) && node.args.len - 1 > i {
c.error('when forwarding a variadic variable, it must be the final argument',
mut final_arg_sym := unsafe { exp_arg_sym }
mut final_arg_typ := exp_arg_typ
if method.is_variadic && exp_arg_sym.info is ast.Array {
final_arg_typ = exp_arg_sym.info.elem_type
final_arg_sym = c.table.sym(final_arg_typ)
param := if method.is_variadic && i >= method.params.len - 1 {
} else {
method.params[i + 1]
if method.is_variadic && arg.expr is ast.ArrayDecompose {
if i > method.params.len - 2 {
c.error('too many arguments in call to `${method.name}`', node.pos)
if method.is_variadic && i >= method.params.len - 2 {
param_sym := c.table.sym(param.typ)
mut expected_type := param.typ
if param_sym.kind == .array {
info := param_sym.array_info()
expected_type = info.elem_type
c.expected_type = expected_type
typ := c.expr(arg.expr)
if i == node.args.len - 1 {
if c.table.sym(typ).kind == .array && arg.expr !is ast.ArrayDecompose
&& c.table.sym(expected_type).kind !in [.sum_type, .interface_]
&& !param.typ.has_flag(.generic) && expected_type != typ {
styp := c.table.type_to_str(typ)
elem_styp := c.table.type_to_str(expected_type)
c.error('to pass `${arg.expr}` (${styp}) to `${method.name}` (which accepts type `...${elem_styp}`), use `...${arg.expr}`',
} else if arg.expr is ast.ArrayDecompose
&& c.table.sym(expected_type).kind == .sum_type
&& expected_type.idx() != typ.idx() {
expected_type_str := c.table.type_to_str(expected_type)
got_type_str := c.table.type_to_str(typ)
c.error('cannot use `...${got_type_str}` as `...${expected_type_str}` in argument ${
i + 1} to `${method_name}`', arg.pos)
} else {
c.fail_if_unreadable(node.left, left_type, 'receiver')
if left_sym.language != .js && (!left_sym.is_builtin() && method.mod != 'builtin')
&& method.language == .v && method.no_body {
c.error('cannot call a method that does not have a body', node.pos)
if node.concrete_types.len > 0 && method.generic_names.len > 0
&& node.concrete_types.len != method.generic_names.len {
plural := if method.generic_names.len == 1 { '' } else { 's' }
c.error('expected ${method.generic_names.len} generic parameter${plural}, got ${node.concrete_types.len}',
for concrete_type in node.concrete_types {
c.ensure_type_exists(concrete_type, node.concrete_list_pos) or {}
if method.return_type == ast.void_type && method.is_conditional
&& method.ctdefine_idx != ast.invalid_type_idx {
node.should_be_skipped = c.evaluate_once_comptime_if_attribute(mut method.attrs[method.ctdefine_idx])
c.check_expected_arg_count(mut node, method) or { return method.return_type }
mut exp_arg_typ := ast.Type(0) // type of 1st arg for special builtin methods
mut param_is_mut := false
mut no_type_promotion := false
if left_sym.info is ast.Chan {
if method_name == 'try_push' {
exp_arg_typ = left_sym.info.elem_type.ref()
} else if method_name == 'try_pop' {
exp_arg_typ = left_sym.info.elem_type
param_is_mut = true
no_type_promotion = true
c.expected_type = param.typ
for i, mut arg in node.args {
if i > 0 || exp_arg_typ == ast.Type(0) {
exp_arg_typ = if method.is_variadic && i >= method.params.len - 1 {
} else {
method.params[i + 1].typ
param_is_mut = false
no_type_promotion = false
exp_arg_sym := c.table.sym(exp_arg_typ)
c.expected_type = exp_arg_typ
mut got_arg_typ := c.check_expr_opt_call(arg.expr, c.expr(arg.expr))
node.args[i].typ = got_arg_typ
if no_type_promotion {
if got_arg_typ != exp_arg_typ {
c.error('cannot use `${c.table.sym(got_arg_typ).name}` as argument for `${method.name}` (`${exp_arg_sym.name}` expected)',
if method.is_variadic && got_arg_typ.has_flag(.variadic) && node.args.len - 1 > i {
c.error('when forwarding a variadic variable, it must be the final argument',
mut final_arg_sym := unsafe { exp_arg_sym }
mut final_arg_typ := exp_arg_typ
if method.is_variadic && exp_arg_sym.info is ast.Array {
final_arg_typ = exp_arg_sym.info.elem_type
final_arg_sym = c.table.sym(final_arg_typ)
param := if method.is_variadic && i >= method.params.len - 1 {
param_is_mut = param_is_mut || param.is_mut
param_share := param.typ.share()
if param_share == .shared_t && (c.locked_names.len > 0 || c.rlocked_names.len > 0) {
c.error('method with `shared` arguments cannot be called inside `lock`/`rlock` block',
if arg.is_mut {
to_lock, pos := c.fail_if_immutable(arg.expr)
if !param_is_mut {
tok := arg.share.str()
c.error('`${node.name}` parameter `${param.name}` is not `${tok}`, `${tok}` is not needed`',
} else {
method.params[i + 1]
if method.is_variadic && arg.expr is ast.ArrayDecompose {
if i > method.params.len - 2 {
c.error('too many arguments in call to `${method.name}`', node.pos)
if method.is_variadic && i >= method.params.len - 2 {
param_sym := c.table.sym(param.typ)
mut expected_type := param.typ
if param_sym.kind == .array {
info := param_sym.array_info()
expected_type = info.elem_type
c.expected_type = expected_type
typ := c.expr(arg.expr)
if i == node.args.len - 1 {
if c.table.sym(typ).kind == .array && arg.expr !is ast.ArrayDecompose
&& c.table.sym(expected_type).kind !in [.sum_type, .interface_]
&& !param.typ.has_flag(.generic) && expected_type != typ {
styp := c.table.type_to_str(typ)
elem_styp := c.table.type_to_str(expected_type)
c.error('to pass `${arg.expr}` (${styp}) to `${method.name}` (which accepts type `...${elem_styp}`), use `...${arg.expr}`',
} else if arg.expr is ast.ArrayDecompose
&& c.table.sym(expected_type).kind == .sum_type
&& expected_type.idx() != typ.idx() {
expected_type_str := c.table.type_to_str(expected_type)
got_type_str := c.table.type_to_str(typ)
c.error('cannot use `...${got_type_str}` as `...${expected_type_str}` in argument ${
i + 1} to `${method_name}`', arg.pos)
} else {
c.expected_type = param.typ
param_is_mut = param_is_mut || param.is_mut
param_share := param.typ.share()
if param_share == .shared_t && (c.locked_names.len > 0 || c.rlocked_names.len > 0) {
c.error('method with `shared` arguments cannot be called inside `lock`/`rlock` block',
if arg.is_mut {
to_lock, pos := c.fail_if_immutable(arg.expr)
if !param_is_mut {
tok := arg.share.str()
c.error('`${node.name}` parameter `${param.name}` is not `${tok}`, `${tok}` is not needed`',
if param_share != arg.share {
c.error('wrong shared type `${arg.share.str()}`, expected: `${param_share.str()}`',
} else {
if param_share != arg.share {
c.error('wrong shared type `${arg.share.str()}`, expected: `${param_share.str()}`',
if to_lock != '' && param_share != .shared_t {
c.error('${to_lock} is `shared` and must be `lock`ed to be passed as `mut`',
if to_lock != '' && param_share != .shared_t {
c.error('${to_lock} is `shared` and must be `lock`ed to be passed as `mut`',
} else {
if param_is_mut {
tok := if param.typ.has_flag(.shared_f) { 'shared' } else { arg.share.str() }
c.error('method `${node.name}` parameter `${param.name}` is `${tok}`, so use `${tok} ${arg.expr}` instead',
} else {
if param_is_mut {
tok := if param.typ.has_flag(.shared_f) { 'shared' } else { arg.share.str() }
c.error('method `${node.name}` parameter `${param.name}` is `${tok}`, so use `${tok} ${arg.expr}` instead',
} else {
c.fail_if_unreadable(arg.expr, got_arg_typ, 'argument')
c.fail_if_unreadable(arg.expr, got_arg_typ, 'argument')
if concrete_types.len > 0 && method.generic_names.len != rec_concrete_types.len {
concrete_types = c.resolve_fn_generic_args(method, mut node)
if !concrete_types[0].has_flag(.generic) {
c.table.register_fn_concrete_types(method.fkey(), concrete_types)
if concrete_types.len > 0 && method.generic_names.len != rec_concrete_types.len {
concrete_types = c.resolve_fn_generic_args(method, mut node)
if !concrete_types[0].has_flag(.generic) {
c.table.register_fn_concrete_types(method.fkey(), concrete_types)
if exp_arg_typ.has_flag(.generic) {
method_concrete_types := if method.generic_names.len == rec_concrete_types.len {
} else {
if exp_utyp := c.table.resolve_generic_to_concrete(exp_arg_typ, method.generic_names,
exp_arg_typ = exp_utyp
} else {
if got_arg_typ.has_flag(.generic) {
if c.table.cur_fn != unsafe { nil } && c.table.cur_concrete_types.len > 0 {
got_arg_typ = c.unwrap_generic(got_arg_typ)
} else {
if got_utyp := c.table.resolve_generic_to_concrete(got_arg_typ,
method.generic_names, method_concrete_types)
got_arg_typ = got_utyp
} else {
if exp_arg_typ.has_flag(.generic) {
method_concrete_types := if method.generic_names.len == rec_concrete_types.len {
} else {
if left_sym.info is ast.Array && method_name == 'sort_with_compare' {
elem_typ := left_sym.info.elem_type
arg_sym := c.table.sym(arg.typ)
if arg_sym.kind == .function {
func_info := arg_sym.info as ast.FnType
if func_info.func.params.len == 2 {
if func_info.func.params[0].typ.nr_muls() != elem_typ.nr_muls() + 1 {
arg_typ_str := c.table.type_to_str(func_info.func.params[0].typ)
expected_typ_str := c.table.type_to_str(elem_typ.ref())
c.error('sort_with_compare callback function parameter `${func_info.func.params[0].name}` with type `${arg_typ_str}` should be `${expected_typ_str}`',
if func_info.func.params[1].typ.nr_muls() != elem_typ.nr_muls() + 1 {
arg_typ_str := c.table.type_to_str(func_info.func.params[1].typ)
expected_typ_str := c.table.type_to_str(elem_typ.ref())
c.error('sort_with_compare callback function parameter `${func_info.func.params[1].name}` with type `${arg_typ_str}` should be `${expected_typ_str}`',
// Handle expected interface
if final_arg_sym.kind == .interface_ {
if c.type_implements(got_arg_typ, final_arg_typ, arg.expr.pos()) {
if !got_arg_typ.is_ptr() && !got_arg_typ.is_pointer() && !c.inside_unsafe {
got_arg_typ_sym := c.table.sym(got_arg_typ)
if got_arg_typ_sym.kind != .interface_ {
c.mark_as_referenced(mut &arg.expr, true)
if got_arg_typ !in [ast.voidptr_type, ast.nil_type]
&& !c.check_multiple_ptr_match(got_arg_typ, param.typ, param, arg) {
got_typ_str, expected_typ_str := c.get_string_names_of(got_arg_typ,
c.error('cannot use `${got_typ_str}` as `${expected_typ_str}` in argument ${i +
1} to `${method_name}`', arg.pos)
if exp_utyp := c.table.resolve_generic_to_concrete(exp_arg_typ, method.generic_names,
exp_arg_typ = exp_utyp
} else {
if final_arg_sym.kind == .none_ && param.typ.has_flag(.generic) {
c.error('cannot use `none` as generic argument', arg.pos)
if param.typ.is_ptr() && !arg.typ.is_real_pointer() && arg.expr.is_literal()
&& !c.pref.translated {
c.error('literal argument cannot be passed as reference parameter `${c.table.type_to_str(param.typ)}`',
c.check_expected_call_arg(c.unwrap_generic(got_arg_typ), exp_arg_typ, node.language,
arg) or {
// str method, allow type with str method if fn arg is string
// Passing an int or a string array produces a c error here
// Deleting this condition results in propper V error messages
// if arg_typ_sym.kind == .string && typ_sym.has_method('str') {
// continue
// }
param_typ_sym := c.table.sym(exp_arg_typ)
arg_typ_sym := c.table.sym(got_arg_typ)
if param_typ_sym.info is ast.Array && arg_typ_sym.info is ast.Array {
param_elem_type := c.table.unaliased_type(param_typ_sym.info.elem_type)
arg_elem_type := c.table.unaliased_type(arg_typ_sym.info.elem_type)
if exp_arg_typ.nr_muls() == got_arg_typ.nr_muls()
&& param_typ_sym.info.nr_dims == arg_typ_sym.info.nr_dims
&& param_elem_type == arg_elem_type {
if got_arg_typ.has_flag(.generic) {
if c.table.cur_fn != unsafe { nil } && c.table.cur_concrete_types.len > 0 {
got_arg_typ = c.unwrap_generic(got_arg_typ)
} else {
if got_utyp := c.table.resolve_generic_to_concrete(got_arg_typ, method.generic_names,
got_arg_typ = got_utyp
} else {
c.error('${err.msg()} in argument ${i + 1} to `${left_sym.name}.${method_name}`',
param_typ_sym := c.table.sym(exp_arg_typ)
if param_typ_sym.kind == .struct_ && got_arg_typ !in [ast.voidptr_type, ast.nil_type]
if left_sym.info is ast.Array && method_name == 'sort_with_compare' {
elem_typ := left_sym.info.elem_type
arg_sym := c.table.sym(arg.typ)
if arg_sym.kind == .function {
func_info := arg_sym.info as ast.FnType
if func_info.func.params.len == 2 {
if func_info.func.params[0].typ.nr_muls() != elem_typ.nr_muls() + 1 {
arg_typ_str := c.table.type_to_str(func_info.func.params[0].typ)
expected_typ_str := c.table.type_to_str(elem_typ.ref())
c.error('sort_with_compare callback function parameter `${func_info.func.params[0].name}` with type `${arg_typ_str}` should be `${expected_typ_str}`',
if func_info.func.params[1].typ.nr_muls() != elem_typ.nr_muls() + 1 {
arg_typ_str := c.table.type_to_str(func_info.func.params[1].typ)
expected_typ_str := c.table.type_to_str(elem_typ.ref())
c.error('sort_with_compare callback function parameter `${func_info.func.params[1].name}` with type `${arg_typ_str}` should be `${expected_typ_str}`',
// Handle expected interface
if final_arg_sym.kind == .interface_ {
if c.type_implements(got_arg_typ, final_arg_typ, arg.expr.pos()) {
if !got_arg_typ.is_ptr() && !got_arg_typ.is_pointer() && !c.inside_unsafe {
got_arg_typ_sym := c.table.sym(got_arg_typ)
if got_arg_typ_sym.kind != .interface_ {
c.mark_as_referenced(mut &arg.expr, true)
if got_arg_typ !in [ast.voidptr_type, ast.nil_type]
&& !c.check_multiple_ptr_match(got_arg_typ, param.typ, param, arg) {
got_typ_str, expected_typ_str := c.get_string_names_of(got_arg_typ, param.typ)
c.error('cannot use `${got_typ_str}` as `${expected_typ_str}` in argument ${i + 1} to `${method_name}`',
if method.is_unsafe && !c.inside_unsafe {
c.warn('method `${left_sym.name}.${method_name}` must be called from an `unsafe` block',
if final_arg_sym.kind == .none_ && param.typ.has_flag(.generic) {
c.error('cannot use `none` as generic argument', arg.pos)
if c.table.cur_fn != unsafe { nil } && !c.table.cur_fn.is_deprecated && method.is_deprecated {
c.deprecate('method', '${left_sym.name}.${method.name}', method.attrs, node.pos)
if param.typ.is_ptr() && !arg.typ.is_real_pointer() && arg.expr.is_literal()
&& !c.pref.translated {
c.error('literal argument cannot be passed as reference parameter `${c.table.type_to_str(param.typ)}`',
c.set_node_expected_arg_types(mut node, method)
if is_method_from_embed {
node.receiver_type = node.from_embed_types.last().derive(method.params[0].typ)
} else if is_generic {
// We need the receiver to be T in cgen.
// TODO: cant we just set all these to the concrete type in checker? then no need in gen
node.receiver_type = left_type.derive(method.params[0].typ).set_flag(.generic)
} else {
node.receiver_type = method.params[0].typ
c.check_expected_call_arg(c.unwrap_generic(got_arg_typ), exp_arg_typ, node.language,
arg) or {
// str method, allow type with str method if fn arg is string
// Passing an int or a string array produces a c error here
// Deleting this condition results in propper V error messages
// if arg_typ_sym.kind == .string && typ_sym.has_method('str') {
// continue
// }
param_typ_sym := c.table.sym(exp_arg_typ)
arg_typ_sym := c.table.sym(got_arg_typ)
if param_typ_sym.info is ast.Array && arg_typ_sym.info is ast.Array {
param_elem_type := c.table.unaliased_type(param_typ_sym.info.elem_type)
arg_elem_type := c.table.unaliased_type(arg_typ_sym.info.elem_type)
if exp_arg_typ.nr_muls() == got_arg_typ.nr_muls()
&& param_typ_sym.info.nr_dims == arg_typ_sym.info.nr_dims
&& param_elem_type == arg_elem_type {
c.error('${err.msg()} in argument ${i + 1} to `${left_sym.name}.${method_name}`',
if method.generic_names.len != node.concrete_types.len {
// no type arguments given in call, attempt implicit instantiation
c.infer_fn_generic_types(method, mut node)
concrete_types = node.concrete_types.map(c.unwrap_generic(it))
if concrete_types.len > 0 && !concrete_types[0].has_flag(.generic) {
c.table.register_fn_concrete_types(method.fkey(), concrete_types)
c.resolve_fn_generic_args(method, mut node)
param_typ_sym := c.table.sym(exp_arg_typ)
if param_typ_sym.kind == .struct_ && got_arg_typ !in [ast.voidptr_type, ast.nil_type]
&& !c.check_multiple_ptr_match(got_arg_typ, param.typ, param, arg) {
got_typ_str, expected_typ_str := c.get_string_names_of(got_arg_typ, param.typ)
c.error('cannot use `${got_typ_str}` as `${expected_typ_str}` in argument ${i + 1} to `${method_name}`',
if method.is_unsafe && !c.inside_unsafe {
c.warn('method `${left_sym.name}.${method_name}` must be called from an `unsafe` block',
if c.table.cur_fn != unsafe { nil } && !c.table.cur_fn.is_deprecated && method.is_deprecated {
c.deprecate('method', '${left_sym.name}.${method.name}', method.attrs, node.pos)
c.set_node_expected_arg_types(mut node, method)
if is_method_from_embed {
node.receiver_type = node.from_embed_types.last().derive(method.params[0].typ)
} else if is_generic {
// We need the receiver to be T in cgen.
// TODO: cant we just set all these to the concrete type in checker? then no need in gen
node.receiver_type = left_type.derive(method.params[0].typ).set_flag(.generic)
} else {
node.receiver_type = method.params[0].typ
if method.generic_names.len != node.concrete_types.len {
// no type arguments given in call, attempt implicit instantiation
c.infer_fn_generic_types(method, mut node)
concrete_types = node.concrete_types.map(c.unwrap_generic(it))
if concrete_types.len > 0 && !concrete_types[0].has_flag(.generic) {
c.table.register_fn_concrete_types(method.fkey(), concrete_types)
c.resolve_fn_generic_args(method, mut node)
// resolve return generics struct to concrete type
if method.generic_names.len > 0 && method.return_type.has_flag(.generic)
&& c.table.cur_fn != unsafe { nil } && c.table.cur_fn.generic_names.len == 0 {
// resolve return generics struct to concrete type
if method.generic_names.len > 0 && method.return_type.has_flag(.generic)
&& c.table.cur_fn != unsafe { nil } && c.table.cur_fn.generic_names.len == 0 {
node.return_type = c.table.unwrap_generic_type(method.return_type, method.generic_names,
} else {
node.return_type = method.return_type
if node.concrete_types.len > 0 && node.concrete_types.all(!it.has_flag(.generic))
&& method.return_type.has_flag(.generic) && method.generic_names.len > 0
&& method.generic_names.len == node.concrete_types.len {
if typ := c.table.resolve_generic_to_concrete(method.return_type, method.generic_names,
node.return_type = typ
} else {
node.return_type = c.table.unwrap_generic_type(method.return_type, method.generic_names,
} else {
node.return_type = method.return_type
if node.concrete_types.len > 0 && node.concrete_types.all(!it.has_flag(.generic))
&& method.return_type.has_flag(.generic) && method.generic_names.len > 0
&& method.generic_names.len == node.concrete_types.len {
if typ := c.table.resolve_generic_to_concrete(method.return_type, method.generic_names,
node.return_type = typ
} else {
node.return_type = c.table.unwrap_generic_type(method.return_type, method.generic_names,
if node.concrete_types.len > 0 && method.generic_names.len == 0 {
c.error('a non generic function called like a generic one', node.concrete_list_pos)
if method.generic_names.len > 0 {
if !left_type.has_flag(.generic) {
if left_sym.info is ast.Struct {
if method.generic_names.len == left_sym.info.concrete_types.len {
node.concrete_types = left_sym.info.concrete_types
if node.concrete_types.len > 0 && method.generic_names.len == 0 {
c.error('a non generic function called like a generic one', node.concrete_list_pos)
if method.generic_names.len > 0 {
if !left_type.has_flag(.generic) {
if left_sym.info is ast.Struct {
if method.generic_names.len == left_sym.info.concrete_types.len {
node.concrete_types = left_sym.info.concrete_types
return node.return_type
// TODO: str methods
if method_name == 'str' {
if left_sym.kind == .interface_ {
iname := left_sym.name
c.error('interface `${iname}` does not have a .str() method. Use typeof() instead',
node.receiver_type = left_type
node.return_type = ast.string_type
if node.args.len > 0 {
c.error('.str() method calls should have no arguments', node.pos)
c.fail_if_unreadable(node.left, left_type, 'receiver')
return ast.string_type
} else if method_name == 'free' {
if !c.is_builtin_mod && !c.inside_unsafe && !method.is_unsafe {
c.warn('manual memory management with `free()` is only allowed in unsafe code',
return ast.void_type
// call struct field fn type
// TODO: can we use SelectorExpr for all? this dosent really belong here
if field := c.table.find_field_with_embeds(left_sym, method_name) {
if field.typ.has_flag(.option) {
c.error('Option function field must be unwrapped first', node.pos)
field_sym := c.table.sym(c.unwrap_generic(field.typ))
if field_sym.kind == .function {
node.is_method = false
node.is_field = true
info := field_sym.info as ast.FnType
c.check_expected_arg_count(mut node, info.func) or { return info.func.return_type }
node.return_type = info.func.return_type
mut earg_types := []ast.Type{}
for i, mut arg in node.args {
targ := c.check_expr_opt_call(arg.expr, c.expr(arg.expr))
arg.typ = targ
earg_types << targ
param := if info.func.is_variadic && i >= info.func.params.len - 1 {
} else {
param_share := param.typ.share()
if param_share == .shared_t && (c.locked_names.len > 0 || c.rlocked_names.len > 0) {
c.error('method with `shared` arguments cannot be called inside `lock`/`rlock` block',
if arg.is_mut {
to_lock, pos := c.fail_if_immutable(arg.expr)
if !param.is_mut {
tok := arg.share.str()
c.error('`${node.name}` parameter ${i + 1} is not `${tok}`, `${tok}` is not needed`',
} else {
if param_share != arg.share {
c.error('wrong shared type `${arg.share.str()}`, expected: `${param_share.str()}`',
if to_lock != '' && param_share != .shared_t {
c.error('${to_lock} is `shared` and must be `lock`ed to be passed as `mut`',
} else {
if param.is_mut {
tok := param.specifier()
c.error('method `${node.name}` parameter ${i + 1} is `${tok}`, so use `${tok} ${arg.expr}` instead',
} else {
c.fail_if_unreadable(arg.expr, targ, 'argument')
if i < info.func.params.len {
exp_arg_typ := info.func.params[i].typ
c.check_expected_call_arg(targ, c.unwrap_generic(exp_arg_typ), node.language,
arg) or {
if targ != ast.void_type {
c.error('${err.msg()} in argument ${i + 1} to `${left_sym.name}.${method_name}`',
node.expected_arg_types = earg_types
node.is_method = true
_, node.from_embed_types = c.table.find_field_from_embeds(left_sym, method_name) or {
return info.func.return_type
return info.func.return_type
if left_sym.kind in [.struct_, .aggregate, .interface_, .sum_type] {
if c.smartcast_mut_pos != token.Pos{} {
c.note('smartcasting requires either an immutable value, or an explicit mut keyword before the value',
if c.smartcast_cond_pos != token.Pos{} {
c.note('smartcast can only be used on the ident or selector, e.g. match foo, match foo.bar',
if left_type != ast.void_type {
suggestion := util.new_suggestion(method_name, left_sym.methods.map(it.name))
c.error(suggestion.say(unknown_method_msg), node.pos)
return ast.void_type
return node.return_type
fn (mut c Checker) spawn_expr(mut node ast.SpawnExpr) ast.Type {