mirror of
synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00
net.http: Response.text
-> Response.body
This commit is contained in:
@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ fn get_all_modules() []string {
println('Failed to search vpm.vlang.io. Status code: $r.status_code')
s := r.text
s := r.body
mut read_len := 0
mut modules := []string{}
for read_len < s.len {
@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ fn get_module_meta_info(name string) ?Mod {
errors << 'Error details: $err'
if r.status_code == 404 || r.text.trim_space() == '404' {
if r.status_code == 404 || r.body.trim_space() == '404' {
errors << 'Skipping module "$name", since "$server_url" reported that "$name" does not exist.'
@ -741,7 +741,7 @@ fn get_module_meta_info(name string) ?Mod {
errors << 'Skipping module "$name", since "$server_url" responded with $r.status_code http status code. Please try again later.'
s := r.text
s := r.body
if s.len > 0 && s[0] != `{` {
errors << 'Invalid json data'
errors << s.trim_space().limit(100) + ' ...'
@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ fn vlang_time(mut wg sync.WaitGroup) ?string {
data := http.get('https://vlang.io/utc_now')?
finish := time.ticks()
println('Finish getting time ${finish - start} ms')
return data.text
return data.body
fn remote_ip(mut wg sync.WaitGroup) ?string {
@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ fn remote_ip(mut wg sync.WaitGroup) ?string {
data := http.get('https://api.ipify.org')?
finish := time.ticks()
println('Finish getting ip ${finish - start} ms')
return data.text
return data.body
fn main() {
@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ fn main() {
t := time.unix(resp.text.int())
t := time.unix(resp.body.int())
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ fn main() {
weather := json.decode(Weather, resp.text) or {
weather := json.decode(Weather, resp.body) or {
println('failed to decode weather json')
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ fn (h ExampleHandler) handle(req Request) Response {
mut status_code := 200
res.text = match req.url {
res.body = match req.url {
'/foo' {
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ fn send_request(mut wg sync.WaitGroup) ?string {
finish := time.ticks()
println('Finish getting time ${finish - start} ms')
return data.text
return data.body
fn main() {
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ fn worker_fetch(p &pool.PoolProcessor, cursor int, worker_id int) voidptr {
println('failed to fetch data from /v0/item/${id}.json')
return pool.no_result
story := json.decode(Story, resp.text) or {
story := json.decode(Story, resp.body) or {
println('failed to decode a story')
return pool.no_result
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ fn main() {
println('failed to fetch data from /v0/topstories.json')
ids := json.decode([]int, resp.text) or {
ids := json.decode([]int, resp.body) or {
println('failed to decode topstories.json')
@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ pub fn download_file(url string, out_file_path string) ? {
return error('received http code $s.status_code')
$if debug_http ? {
println('http.download_file saving $s.text.len bytes')
println('http.download_file saving $s.body.len bytes')
os.write_file(out_file_path, s.text)?
os.write_file(out_file_path, s.body)?
// TODO: implement download_file_with_progress
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ pub fn fetch(config FetchConfig) ?Response {
// get_text sends a GET HTTP request to the URL and returns the text content of the response
pub fn get_text(url string) string {
resp := fetch(url: url, method: .get) or { return '' }
return resp.text
return resp.body
// url_encode_form_data converts mapped data to an URL encoded string
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ fn http_fetch_mock(_methods []string, _config FetchConfig) ?[]Response {
config.method = method_from_str(method)
res := fetch(FetchConfig{ ...config, url: url + lmethod })?
// body := json.decode(HttpbinResponseBody,res.text)?
// body := json.decode(HttpbinResponseBody,res.body)?
result << res
return result
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ fn test_http_fetch_with_data() {
data: 'hello world'
) or { panic(err) }
for response in responses {
payload := json.decode(HttpbinResponseBody, response.text) or { panic(err) }
payload := json.decode(HttpbinResponseBody, response.body) or { panic(err) }
assert payload.data == 'hello world'
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ fn test_http_fetch_with_params() {
) or { panic(err) }
for response in responses {
// payload := json.decode(HttpbinResponseBody,response.text) or {
// payload := json.decode(HttpbinResponseBody,response.body) or {
// panic(err)
// }
assert response.status() == .ok
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ fn test_http_fetch_with_headers() ? {
header: header
) or { panic(err) }
for response in responses {
// payload := json.decode(HttpbinResponseBody,response.text) or {
// payload := json.decode(HttpbinResponseBody,response.body) or {
// panic(err)
// }
assert response.status() == .ok
@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ fn test_http_get_from_vlang_utc_now() {
println('Test getting current time from $url by http.get')
res := http.get(url) or { panic(err) }
assert res.status() == .ok
assert res.text.len > 0
assert res.text.int() > 1566403696
println('Current time is: $res.text.int()')
assert res.body.len > 0
assert res.body.int() > 1566403696
println('Current time is: $res.body.int()')
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ fn test_public_servers() {
println('Testing http.get on public url: $url ')
res := http.get(url) or { panic(err) }
assert res.status() == .ok
assert res.text.len > 0
assert res.body.len > 0
@ -51,6 +51,6 @@ fn test_relative_redirects() {
} // tempfix periodic: httpbin relative redirects are broken
res := http.get('https://httpbin.org/relative-redirect/3?abc=xyz') or { panic(err) }
assert res.status() == .ok
assert res.text.len > 0
assert res.text.contains('"abc": "xyz"')
assert res.body.len > 0
assert res.body.contains('"abc": "xyz"')
@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ import strconv
// Response represents the result of the request
pub struct Response {
pub mut:
text string
body string
text string [deprecated: 'use Response.body instead'; deprecated_after: '2022-10-03']
header Header
status_code int
status_msg string
@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ pub fn (resp Response) bytes() []u8 {
pub fn (resp Response) bytestr() string {
return 'HTTP/$resp.http_version $resp.status_code $resp.status_msg\r\n' + '${resp.header.render(
version: resp.version()
)}\r\n' + '$resp.text'
)}\r\n' + '$resp.body'
// Parse a raw HTTP response into a Response object
@ -39,16 +40,17 @@ pub fn parse_response(resp string) ?Response {
// Build resp header map and separate the body
start_idx, end_idx := find_headers_range(resp)?
header := parse_headers(resp.substr(start_idx, end_idx))?
mut text := resp.substr(end_idx, resp.len)
mut body := resp.substr(end_idx, resp.len)
if header.get(.transfer_encoding) or { '' } == 'chunked' {
text = chunked.decode(text)
body = chunked.decode(body)
return Response{
http_version: version
status_code: status_code
status_msg: status_msg
header: header
text: text
body: body
text: body // TODO: remove as depreciated
@ -113,18 +115,19 @@ pub struct ResponseConfig {
version Version = .v1_1
status Status = .ok
header Header
text string
body string
text string [deprecated: 'use ResponseConfig.body instead'; deprecated_after: '2022-10-03']
// new_response creates a Response object from the configuration. This
// function will add a Content-Length header if text is not empty.
// function will add a Content-Length header if body is not empty.
pub fn new_response(conf ResponseConfig) Response {
mut resp := Response{
text: conf.text
body: conf.body + conf.text
header: conf.header
if conf.text.len > 0 && !resp.header.contains(.content_length) {
resp.header.add(.content_length, conf.text.len.str())
if resp.body.len > 0 && !resp.header.contains(.content_length) {
resp.header.add(.content_length, resp.body.len.str())
@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ fn test_response_bytestr() ? {
resp := new_response(
status: .ok
text: 'Foo'
text: 'Foo' // TODO: replace with `body` once deprecaped
assert resp.bytestr() == 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n' + 'Content-Length: 3\r\n' + '\r\n' + 'Foo'
resp := new_response(
status: .found
text: 'Foo'
body: 'Foo'
header: new_header(key: .location, value: '/')
lines := resp.bytestr().split_into_lines()
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ fn (d DebugHandler) handle(req Request) Response {
eprintln('[$time.now()] $req.method $req.url - 200')
mut r := Response{
text: req.data
body: req.data
header: req.header
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ fn (mut handler MyHttpHandler) handle(req http.Request) http.Response {
// eprintln('$time.now() | counter: $handler.counter | $req.method $req.url\n$req.header\n$req.data - 200 OK\n')
mut r := http.Response{
text: req.data + ', $req.url'
body: req.data + ', $req.url'
header: req.header
match req.url.all_before('?') {
@ -72,11 +72,11 @@ fn test_server_custom_handler() ? {
time.sleep(10 * time.millisecond)
x := http.fetch(url: 'http://localhost:$cport/endpoint?abc=xyz', data: 'my data')?
assert x.text == 'my data, /endpoint?abc=xyz'
assert x.body == 'my data, /endpoint?abc=xyz'
assert x.status_code == 200
assert x.http_version == '1.1'
y := http.fetch(url: 'http://localhost:$cport/another/endpoint', data: 'abcde')?
assert y.text == 'abcde, /another/endpoint'
assert y.body == 'abcde, /another/endpoint'
assert y.status_code == 200
assert y.status() == .ok
assert y.http_version == '1.1'
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ fn test_http_client_index() ? {
x := http.get('http://$localserver/') or { panic(err) }
assert x.header.get(.content_type)? == 'text/plain'
assert x.text == 'Welcome to VWeb'
assert x.body == 'Welcome to VWeb'
fn test_http_client_404() ? {
@ -139,34 +139,34 @@ fn test_http_client_simple() ? {
x := http.get('http://$localserver/simple') or { panic(err) }
assert x.header.get(.content_type)? == 'text/plain'
assert x.text == 'A simple result'
assert x.body == 'A simple result'
fn test_http_client_html_page() ? {
x := http.get('http://$localserver/html_page') or { panic(err) }
assert x.header.get(.content_type)? == 'text/html'
assert x.text == '<h1>ok</h1>'
assert x.body == '<h1>ok</h1>'
fn test_http_client_settings_page() ? {
x := http.get('http://$localserver/bilbo/settings') or { panic(err) }
assert x.text == 'username: bilbo'
assert x.body == 'username: bilbo'
y := http.get('http://$localserver/kent/settings') or { panic(err) }
assert y.text == 'username: kent'
assert y.body == 'username: kent'
fn test_http_client_user_repo_settings_page() ? {
x := http.get('http://$localserver/bilbo/gostamp/settings') or { panic(err) }
assert x.text == 'username: bilbo | repository: gostamp'
assert x.body == 'username: bilbo | repository: gostamp'
y := http.get('http://$localserver/kent/golang/settings') or { panic(err) }
assert y.text == 'username: kent | repository: golang'
assert y.body == 'username: kent | repository: golang'
z := http.get('http://$localserver/missing/golang/settings') or { panic(err) }
assert z.status() == .not_found
@ -188,8 +188,8 @@ fn test_http_client_json_post() ? {
eprintln('/json_echo endpoint response: $x')
assert x.header.get(.content_type)? == 'application/json'
assert x.text == json_for_ouser
nuser := json.decode(User, x.text) or { User{} }
assert x.body == json_for_ouser
nuser := json.decode(User, x.body) or { User{} }
assert '$ouser' == '$nuser'
x = http.post_json('http://$localserver/json', json_for_ouser) or { panic(err) }
@ -197,8 +197,8 @@ fn test_http_client_json_post() ? {
eprintln('/json endpoint response: $x')
assert x.header.get(.content_type)? == 'application/json'
assert x.text == json_for_ouser
nuser2 := json.decode(User, x.text) or { User{} }
assert x.body == json_for_ouser
nuser2 := json.decode(User, x.body) or { User{} }
assert '$ouser' == '$nuser2'
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ $contents\r
$if debug_net_socket_client ? {
eprintln('/form_echo endpoint response: $x')
assert x.text == contents
assert x.body == contents
fn test_http_client_shutdown_does_not_work_without_a_cookie() {
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ fn test_http_client_shutdown_does_not_work_without_a_cookie() {
assert x.status() == .not_found
assert x.text == '404 Not Found'
assert x.body == '404 Not Found'
fn testsuite_end() {
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ fn testsuite_end() {
assert x.status() == .ok
assert x.text == 'good bye'
assert x.body == 'good bye'
// utility code:
@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ pub const (
http_302 = http.new_response(
status: .found
text: '302 Found'
body: '302 Found'
header: headers_close
http_400 = http.new_response(
status: .bad_request
text: '400 Bad Request'
body: '400 Bad Request'
header: http.new_header(
key: .content_type
value: 'text/plain'
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ pub const (
http_404 = http.new_response(
status: .not_found
text: '404 Not Found'
body: '404 Not Found'
header: http.new_header(
key: .content_type
value: 'text/plain'
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ pub const (
http_500 = http.new_response(
status: .internal_server_error
text: '500 Internal Server Error'
body: '500 Internal Server Error'
header: http.new_header(
key: .content_type
value: 'text/plain'
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ pub fn (mut ctx Context) send_response_to_client(mimetype string, res string) bo
mut resp := http.Response{
header: header.join(vweb.headers_close)
text: res
body: res
@ -25,18 +25,6 @@ fn test_a_vweb_application_compiles() {
vweb.run(&App{}, 18081)
pub fn (mut app App) init_server_old() {
app.db = sqlite.connect('blog.db') or { panic(err) }
app.db.create_table('article', [
'id integer primary key',
"title text default ''",
"text text default ''",
pub fn (mut app App) before_request() {
app.user_id = app.get_cookie('id') or { '0' }
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ fn main() {
resp := http.get('https://example.com')?
// raw decode
raw_person := json2.raw_decode(resp.text)?
raw_person := json2.raw_decode(resp.body)?
// Casting `Any` type / Navigating
person := raw_person.as_map()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user