mirror of https://github.com/vlang/v.git synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00

js: add basic support for running tests, fix string.replace_each (#11314)

This commit is contained in:
playX 2021-08-26 15:20:54 +03:00 committed by GitHub
parent 403da9f36e
commit bdf11d969a
No known key found for this signature in database
8 changed files with 178 additions and 28 deletions

View File

@ -36,3 +36,11 @@ pub fn eprint(s any) {
panic('Cannot `eprint` in a browser, use `println` instead')
// Exits the process in node, and halts execution in the browser
// because `process.exit` is undefined. Workaround for not having
// a 'real' way to exit in the browser.
pub fn exit(c int) {

View File

@ -6,14 +6,6 @@ module builtin
fn (a any) toString()
// Exits the process in node, and halts execution in the browser
// because `process.exit` is undefined. Workaround for not having
// a 'real' way to exit in the browser.
pub fn exit(c int) {
pub fn unwrap(opt any) any {
o := &Option(opt)
if o.state != 0 {

View File

@ -567,16 +567,19 @@ pub fn (s string) replace_each(vals []string) string {
mut idxs := []RepIndex{}
mut idx := 0
mut new_len := s.len
s_ := s.clone()
#function setCharAt(str,index,chr) {
#if(index > str.length-1) return str;
#return str.substring(0,index) + chr + str.substring(index+1);
for rep_i := 0; rep_i < vals.len; rep_i += 2 {
for rep_i := 0; rep_i < vals.len; rep_i = rep_i + 2 {
rep := vals[rep_i]
mut with_ := vals[rep_i + 1]
with_ = with_
for {
idx = s_.index_after(rep, idx)
if idx == -1 {
@ -589,11 +592,16 @@ pub fn (s string) replace_each(vals []string) string {
#s_.str = setCharAt(s_.str,idx + i, String.fromCharCode(127))
idxs << RepIndex{
idx: idx
val_idx: rep_i
rep_idx := RepIndex{
idx: 0
val_idx: 0
// todo: primitives should always be copied
#rep_idx.idx = idx.val
#rep_idx.val_idx = new int(rep_i.val)
idxs << rep_idx
idx += rep.len
new_len += with_.len - rep.len
@ -604,6 +612,9 @@ pub fn (s string) replace_each(vals []string) string {
idxs.sort(a.idx < b.idx)
mut b := ''
#for (let i = 0; i < new_len.val;i++) b.str += String.fromCharCode(127)
new_len = new_len
mut idx_pos := 0
mut cur_idx := idxs[idx_pos]
mut b_i := 0
@ -613,6 +624,7 @@ pub fn (s string) replace_each(vals []string) string {
with_ := vals[cur_idx.val_idx + 1]
for j in 0 .. with_.len {
mut j_ := j
j_ = j_
#b.str = setCharAt(b.str,b_i, with_.str[j])
//#b.str[b_i] = with_.str[j]

View File

@ -357,9 +357,9 @@ pub fn (s string) replace_each(vals []string) string {
// vals: ['rep1, 'with1', 'rep2', 'with2']
rep := vals[rep_i]
with := vals[rep_i + 1]
for {
idx = s_.index_after(rep, idx)
if idx == -1 {
@ -371,6 +371,7 @@ pub fn (s string) replace_each(vals []string) string {
// We need to remember both the position in the string,
// and which rep/with pair it refers to.
idxs << RepIndex{
idx: idx
val_idx: rep_i
@ -380,6 +381,7 @@ pub fn (s string) replace_each(vals []string) string {
new_len += with.len - rep.len
// Dont change the string if there's nothing to replace
if idxs.len == 0 {
return s.clone()

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
module os
$if js_node {
#const $ENV = $process.env
#global.$ENV = $process.env
} $else {
#const $ENV = {}
#global.$ENV = {}
// setenv sets the value of an environment variable with `name` to `value`.

View File

@ -81,6 +81,11 @@ mut:
defer_ifdef string
fn (mut g JsGen) write_tests_definitions() {
g.definitions.writeln('globalThis.g_test_oks = 0;')
g.definitions.writeln('globalThis.g_test_fails = 0;')
pub fn gen(files []&ast.File, table &ast.Table, pref &pref.Preferences) string {
mut g := &JsGen{
definitions: strings.new_builder(100)
@ -105,6 +110,8 @@ pub fn gen(files []&ast.File, table &ast.Table, pref &pref.Preferences) string {
mut sg := sourcemap.generate_empty_map()
g.sourcemap = sg.add_map('', '', g.pref.sourcemap_src_included, 0, 0)
mut tests_inited := false
// Get class methods
for file in files {
g.file = file
@ -133,15 +140,22 @@ pub fn gen(files []&ast.File, table &ast.Table, pref &pref.Preferences) string {
g.writeln('Object.defineProperty(array.prototype,"length", { get: function() {return new builtin.int(this.arr.length);}, set: function(l) { this.arr.length = l.valueOf(); } }); ')
g.generated_builtin = true
if g.is_test && !tests_inited {
tests_inited = true
g.writeln('try { init() } catch (_) {}')
// store the current namespace
if g.pref.is_test {
// resolve imports
deps_resolved := graph.resolve()
nodes := deps_resolved.nodes
mut out := g.hashes() + g.definitions.str()
// equality check for js objects
// TODO: Fix msvc bug that's preventing $embed_file('fast_deep_equal.js')
@ -262,6 +276,67 @@ fn (g JsGen) create_sourcemap() string {
return out
pub fn (mut g JsGen) gen_js_main_for_tests() {
g.writeln('(function() { ')
all_tfuncs := g.get_all_test_function_names()
// g.writeln('let bt = start_testing($all_tfuncs.len, "$g.pref.path")')
for tname in all_tfuncs {
tcname := g.js_name(tname)
if g.pref.is_stats {
// g.writeln('bt.testing_step_start("$tcname")')
g.writeln('try { ${tcname}(); } catch (_e) {} ')
if g.pref.is_stats {
// g.writeln('bt.testing_step_end();')
if g.pref.is_stats {
// g.writeln('bt.end_testing();')
fn (g &JsGen) get_all_test_function_names() []string {
mut tfuncs := []string{}
mut tsuite_begin := ''
mut tsuite_end := ''
for _, f in g.table.fns {
if f.name.ends_with('.testsuite_begin') {
tsuite_begin = f.name
if f.name.contains('.test_') {
tfuncs << f.name
if f.name.ends_with('.testsuite_end') {
tsuite_end = f.name
mut all_tfuncs := []string{}
if tsuite_begin.len > 0 {
all_tfuncs << tsuite_begin
all_tfuncs << tfuncs
if tsuite_end.len > 0 {
all_tfuncs << tsuite_end
return all_tfuncs
pub fn (mut g JsGen) enter_namespace(name string) {
if g.namespaces[name] == 0 {
// create a new namespace
@ -936,6 +1011,63 @@ fn (mut g JsGen) expr(node ast.Expr) {
fn (mut g JsGen) gen_assert_metainfo(node ast.AssertStmt) string {
mod_path := g.file.path
fn_name := g.fn_decl.name
line_nr := node.pos.line_nr
src := node.expr.str()
metaname := 'v_assert_meta_info_$g.new_tmp_var()'
g.writeln('let $metaname = {}')
g.writeln('${metaname}.fpath = new builtin.string("$mod_path");')
g.writeln('${metaname}.line_nr = new builtin.int("$line_nr")')
g.writeln('${metaname}.fn_name = new builtin.string("$fn_name")')
metasrc := src
g.writeln('${metaname}.src = "$metasrc"')
match mut node.expr {
ast.InfixExpr {
expr_op_str := node.expr.op.str()
expr_left_str := node.expr.left.str()
expr_right_str := node.expr.right.str()
g.writeln('\t${metaname}.op = new builtin.string("$expr_op_str");')
g.writeln('\t${metaname}.llabel = new builtin.string("$expr_left_str");')
g.writeln('\t${metaname}.rlabel = new builtin.string("$expr_right_str");')
g.write('\t${metaname}.lvalue = new builtin.string("')
g.gen_assert_single_expr(node.expr.left, node.expr.left_type)
g.write('\t${metaname}.rvalue = new builtin.string("')
g.gen_assert_single_expr(node.expr.right, node.expr.right_type)
ast.CallExpr {
g.writeln('\t${metaname}.op = new builtin.string("call");')
else {}
return metaname
fn (mut g JsGen) gen_assert_single_expr(expr ast.Expr, typ ast.Type) {
// eprintln('> gen_assert_single_expr typ: $typ | expr: $expr | typeof(expr): ${typeof(expr)}')
unknown_value := '*unknown value*'
match expr {
ast.CastExpr, ast.IfExpr, ast.IndexExpr, ast.MatchExpr {
ast.PrefixExpr {
ast.TypeNode {
sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(g.unwrap_generic(typ))
else {
g.write(' /* typeof: ' + expr.type_name() + ' type: ' + typ.str() + ' */ ')
fn (mut g JsGen) gen_assert_stmt(a ast.AssertStmt) {
if !a.is_used {
@ -948,12 +1080,14 @@ fn (mut g JsGen) gen_assert_stmt(a ast.AssertStmt) {
s_assertion := a.expr.str().replace('"', "'")
mut mod_path := g.file.path.replace('\\', '\\\\')
if g.is_test {
metaname_ok := g.gen_assert_metainfo(a)
g.writeln(' g_test_oks++;')
g.writeln(' cb_assertion_ok("$mod_path", ${a.pos.line_nr + 1}, "assert $s_assertion", "${g.fn_decl.name}()" );')
g.writeln(' cb_assertion_ok($metaname_ok);')
g.writeln('} else {')
metaname_fail := g.gen_assert_metainfo(a)
g.writeln(' g_test_fails++;')
g.writeln(' cb_assertion_failed("$mod_path", ${a.pos.line_nr + 1}, "assert $s_assertion", "${g.fn_decl.name}()" );')
g.writeln(' exit(1);')
g.writeln(' cb_assertion_failed($metaname_fail);')
g.writeln(' builtin.exit(1);')

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module main
import os_js
import os
// VAssertMetaInfo is used during assertions. An instance of it
// is filled in by compile time generated code, when an assertion fails.
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ pub:
const use_relative_paths = can_use_relative_paths()
fn can_use_relative_paths() bool {
return match os_js.getenv('VERROR_PATHS') {
return match os.getenv('VERROR_PATHS') {
'absolute' { false }
else { true }
@ -40,11 +40,13 @@ fn myeprintln(s string) {
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// TODO copy pasta builtin.v fn ___print_assert_failure
fn cb_assertion_failed(i VAssertMetaInfo) {
filepath := if use_relative_paths { i.fpath } else { os_js.real_path(i.fpath) }
filepath := if use_relative_paths { i.fpath } else { os.real_path(i.fpath) }
mut final_filepath := filepath + ':${i.line_nr + 1}:'
mut final_funcname := 'fn ' + i.fn_name.replace('main.', '').replace('__', '.')
mut final_funcname := 'fn ' + i.fn_name
final_src := 'assert ' + i.src
myeprintln('$final_filepath $final_funcname')
if i.op.len > 0 && i.op != 'call' {
mut lvtitle := ' Left value:'
mut rvtitle := ' Right value:'
@ -72,15 +74,15 @@ fn cb_assertion_ok(i &VAssertMetaInfo) {
fn cb_propagate_test_error(line_nr int, file string, mod string, fn_name string, errmsg string) {
filepath := if use_relative_paths { file } else { os_js.real_path(file) }
filepath := if use_relative_paths { file } else { os.real_path(file) }
mut final_filepath := filepath + ':$line_nr:'
mut final_funcname := 'fn ' + fn_name.replace('main.', '').replace('__', '.')
final_msg := errmsg
myeprintln('$final_filepath $final_funcname failed propagation with error: $final_msg')
// TODO: implement os_js.is_file and os_js.read_lines:
// TODO: implement os.is_file and os.read_lines:
if os_js.is_file(file) {
source_lines := os_js.read_lines(file) or { []string{len: line_nr + 1} }
if os.is_file(file) {
source_lines := os.read_lines(file) or { []string{len: line_nr + 1} }
myeprintln('${line_nr:5} | ${source_lines[line_nr - 1]}')

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ mut:
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Called at the start of the test program produced by `v -stats file_test.v`
fn start_testing(total_number_of_tests int, vfilename string) BenchedTests {
pub fn start_testing(total_number_of_tests int, vfilename string) BenchedTests {
mut benched_tests_res := BenchedTests{}
benched_tests_res.total_number_of_tests = total_number_of_tests
benched_tests_res.test_suit_file = vfilename