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synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00
tools: add v scan file.v
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
module main
import os
import v.scanner
import v.pref
import v.token
import flag
fn main() {
mut fp := flag.new_flag_parser(os.args#[2..])
fp.application('v scan')
fp.description('\nScan .v source files, and print the V tokens contained in them.')
fp.arguments_description('PATH [PATH]...')
fp.limit_free_args_to_at_least(1) ?
pref := pref.new_preferences()
mut all_paths := fp.remaining_parameters()
for path in all_paths {
mut scanner := scanner.new_scanner_file(path, .parse_comments, pref) ?
mut tok := token.Token{}
for tok.kind != .eof {
tok = scanner.scan()
pos := tok.pos()
location := '$path:${pos.line_nr + 1}:${pos.col + 1}:'
println('${location:-32} | pos: ${pos.pos:-5} | $tok.debug()')
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ const (
'test-all', // runs most of the tests and other checking tools, that will be run by the CI
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ pub fn parse_file(path string, table &ast.Table, comments_mode scanner.CommentsM
eprintln('> ${@MOD}.${@FN} comments_mode: ${comments_mode:-20} | path: $path')
mut p := Parser{
scanner: scanner.new_scanner_file(path, comments_mode, pref)
scanner: scanner.new_scanner_file(path, comments_mode, pref) or { panic(err) }
comments_mode: comments_mode
table: table
pref: pref
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ pub fn parse_vet_file(path string, table_ &ast.Table, pref &pref.Preferences) (&
parent: 0
mut p := Parser{
scanner: scanner.new_scanner_file(path, .parse_comments, pref)
scanner: scanner.new_scanner_file(path, .parse_comments, pref) or { panic(err) }
comments_mode: .parse_comments
table: table_
pref: pref
@ -105,14 +105,11 @@ pub enum CommentsMode {
// new scanner from file.
pub fn new_scanner_file(file_path string, comments_mode CommentsMode, pref &pref.Preferences) &Scanner {
pub fn new_scanner_file(file_path string, comments_mode CommentsMode, pref &pref.Preferences) ?&Scanner {
if !os.is_file(file_path) {
verror('$file_path is not a file')
raw_text := util.read_file(file_path) or {
return voidptr(0)
return error('$file_path is not a .v file')
raw_text := util.read_file(file_path) or { return err }
mut s := &Scanner{
pref: pref
text: raw_text
@ -519,7 +516,7 @@ fn (mut s Scanner) ident_number() string {
fn (mut s Scanner) skip_whitespace() {
for s.pos < s.text.len {
c := s.text[s.pos]
if c == 8 {
if c == 9 {
// tabs are most common
@ -1595,11 +1592,6 @@ fn (mut s Scanner) vet_error(msg string, fix vet.FixKind) {
s.vet_errors << ve
pub fn verror(s string) {
util.verror('scanner error', s)
fn (mut s Scanner) trace(fbase string, message string) {
if s.file_base == fbase {
println('> s.trace | ${fbase:-10s} | $message')
@ -308,10 +308,22 @@ fn build_token_str() []string {
s[Kind.key_none] = 'none'
s[Kind.key_offsetof] = '__offsetof'
s[Kind.key_is] = 'is'
// The following kinds are not for tokens returned by the V scanner.
// They are used just for organisation/ease of checking:
s[Kind.keyword_beg] = 'keyword_beg'
s[Kind.keyword_end] = 'keyword_end'
s[Kind.str_inter] = 'str_inter'
$if debug_build_token_str ? {
for k, v in s {
if v == '' {
eprintln('>>> ${@MOD}.${@METHOD} missing k: $k | .${kind_to_string(Kind(k))}')
return s
const token_str = build_token_str()
pub const token_str = build_token_str()
pub const keywords = build_keys()
@ -357,6 +369,12 @@ pub fn (t Token) str() string {
return s
pub fn (t Token) debug() string {
ks := kind_to_string(t.kind)
s := if t.lit == '' { t.kind.str() } else { t.lit }
return 'tok: .${ks:-12} | lit: `$s`'
// Representation of highest and lowest precedence
pub const lowest_prec = 0
@ -475,3 +493,244 @@ pub fn (kind Kind) is_infix() bool {
.le, .logical_or, .xor, .not_in, .key_is, .not_is, .and, .dot, .pipe, .amp, .left_shift,
.right_shift, .unsigned_right_shift, .arrow]
pub fn kind_to_string(k Kind) string {
return match k {
.unknown { 'unknown' }
.eof { 'eof' }
.name { 'name' }
.number { 'number' }
.string { 'string' }
.str_inter { 'str_inter' }
.chartoken { 'chartoken' }
.plus { 'plus' }
.minus { 'minus' }
.mul { 'mul' }
.div { 'div' }
.mod { 'mod' }
.xor { 'xor' }
.pipe { 'pipe' }
.inc { 'inc' }
.dec { 'dec' }
.and { 'and' }
.logical_or { 'logical_or' }
.not { 'not' }
.bit_not { 'bit_not' }
.question { 'question' }
.comma { 'comma' }
.semicolon { 'semicolon' }
.colon { 'colon' }
.arrow { 'arrow' }
.amp { 'amp' }
.hash { 'hash' }
.dollar { 'dollar' }
.at { 'at' }
.str_dollar { 'str_dollar' }
.left_shift { 'left_shift' }
.right_shift { 'right_shift' }
.unsigned_right_shift { 'unsigned_right_shift' }
.not_in { 'not_in' }
.not_is { 'not_is' }
.assign { 'assign' }
.decl_assign { 'decl_assign' }
.plus_assign { 'plus_assign' }
.minus_assign { 'minus_assign' }
.div_assign { 'div_assign' }
.mult_assign { 'mult_assign' }
.xor_assign { 'xor_assign' }
.mod_assign { 'mod_assign' }
.or_assign { 'or_assign' }
.and_assign { 'and_assign' }
.right_shift_assign { 'right_shift_assign' }
.left_shift_assign { 'left_shift_assign' }
.unsigned_right_shift_assign { 'unsigned_right_shift_assign' }
.lcbr { 'lcbr' }
.rcbr { 'rcbr' }
.lpar { 'lpar' }
.rpar { 'rpar' }
.lsbr { 'lsbr' }
.nilsbr { 'nilsbr' }
.rsbr { 'rsbr' }
.eq { 'eq' }
.ne { 'ne' }
.gt { 'gt' }
.lt { 'lt' }
.ge { 'ge' }
.le { 'le' }
.comment { 'comment' }
.nl { 'nl' }
.dot { 'dot' }
.dotdot { 'dotdot' }
.ellipsis { 'ellipsis' }
.keyword_beg { 'keyword_beg' }
.key_as { 'key_as' }
.key_asm { 'key_asm' }
.key_assert { 'key_assert' }
.key_atomic { 'key_atomic' }
.key_break { 'key_break' }
.key_const { 'key_const' }
.key_continue { 'key_continue' }
.key_defer { 'key_defer' }
.key_else { 'key_else' }
.key_enum { 'key_enum' }
.key_false { 'key_false' }
.key_for { 'key_for' }
.key_fn { 'key_fn' }
.key_global { 'key_global' }
.key_go { 'key_go' }
.key_goto { 'key_goto' }
.key_if { 'key_if' }
.key_import { 'key_import' }
.key_in { 'key_in' }
.key_interface { 'key_interface' }
.key_is { 'key_is' }
.key_match { 'key_match' }
.key_module { 'key_module' }
.key_mut { 'key_mut' }
.key_shared { 'key_shared' }
.key_lock { 'key_lock' }
.key_rlock { 'key_rlock' }
.key_none { 'key_none' }
.key_return { 'key_return' }
.key_select { 'key_select' }
.key_sizeof { 'key_sizeof' }
.key_isreftype { 'key_isreftype' }
.key_likely { 'key_likely' }
.key_unlikely { 'key_unlikely' }
.key_offsetof { 'key_offsetof' }
.key_struct { 'key_struct' }
.key_true { 'key_true' }
.key_type { 'key_type' }
.key_typeof { 'key_typeof' }
.key_dump { 'key_dump' }
.key_orelse { 'key_orelse' }
.key_union { 'key_union' }
.key_pub { 'key_pub' }
.key_static { 'key_static' }
.key_volatile { 'key_volatile' }
.key_unsafe { 'key_unsafe' }
.keyword_end { 'keyword_end' }
._end_ { '_end_' }
pub fn kind_from_string(s string) ?Kind {
match s {
'unknown' { return .unknown }
'eof' { return .eof }
'name' { return .name }
'number' { return .number }
'string' { return .string }
'str_inter' { return .str_inter }
'chartoken' { return .chartoken }
'plus' { return .plus }
'minus' { return .minus }
'mul' { return .mul }
'div' { return .div }
'mod' { return .mod }
'xor' { return .xor }
'pipe' { return .pipe }
'inc' { return .inc }
'dec' { return .dec }
'and' { return .and }
'logical_or' { return .logical_or }
'not' { return .not }
'bit_not' { return .bit_not }
'question' { return .question }
'comma' { return .comma }
'semicolon' { return .semicolon }
'colon' { return .colon }
'arrow' { return .arrow }
'amp' { return .amp }
'hash' { return .hash }
'dollar' { return .dollar }
'at' { return .at }
'str_dollar' { return .str_dollar }
'left_shift' { return .left_shift }
'right_shift' { return .right_shift }
'unsigned_right_shift' { return .unsigned_right_shift }
'not_in' { return .not_in }
'not_is' { return .not_is }
'assign' { return .assign }
'decl_assign' { return .decl_assign }
'plus_assign' { return .plus_assign }
'minus_assign' { return .minus_assign }
'div_assign' { return .div_assign }
'mult_assign' { return .mult_assign }
'xor_assign' { return .xor_assign }
'mod_assign' { return .mod_assign }
'or_assign' { return .or_assign }
'and_assign' { return .and_assign }
'right_shift_assign' { return .right_shift_assign }
'left_shift_assign' { return .left_shift_assign }
'unsigned_right_shift_assign' { return .unsigned_right_shift_assign }
'lcbr' { return .lcbr }
'rcbr' { return .rcbr }
'lpar' { return .lpar }
'rpar' { return .rpar }
'lsbr' { return .lsbr }
'nilsbr' { return .nilsbr }
'rsbr' { return .rsbr }
'eq' { return .eq }
'ne' { return .ne }
'gt' { return .gt }
'lt' { return .lt }
'ge' { return .ge }
'le' { return .le }
'comment' { return .comment }
'nl' { return .nl }
'dot' { return .dot }
'dotdot' { return .dotdot }
'ellipsis' { return .ellipsis }
'keyword_beg' { return .keyword_beg }
'key_as' { return .key_as }
'key_asm' { return .key_asm }
'key_assert' { return .key_assert }
'key_atomic' { return .key_atomic }
'key_break' { return .key_break }
'key_const' { return .key_const }
'key_continue' { return .key_continue }
'key_defer' { return .key_defer }
'key_else' { return .key_else }
'key_enum' { return .key_enum }
'key_false' { return .key_false }
'key_for' { return .key_for }
'key_fn' { return .key_fn }
'key_global' { return .key_global }
'key_go' { return .key_go }
'key_goto' { return .key_goto }
'key_if' { return .key_if }
'key_import' { return .key_import }
'key_in' { return .key_in }
'key_interface' { return .key_interface }
'key_is' { return .key_is }
'key_match' { return .key_match }
'key_module' { return .key_module }
'key_mut' { return .key_mut }
'key_shared' { return .key_shared }
'key_lock' { return .key_lock }
'key_rlock' { return .key_rlock }
'key_none' { return .key_none }
'key_return' { return .key_return }
'key_select' { return .key_select }
'key_sizeof' { return .key_sizeof }
'key_isreftype' { return .key_isreftype }
'key_likely' { return .key_likely }
'key_unlikely' { return .key_unlikely }
'key_offsetof' { return .key_offsetof }
'key_struct' { return .key_struct }
'key_true' { return .key_true }
'key_type' { return .key_type }
'key_typeof' { return .key_typeof }
'key_dump' { return .key_dump }
'key_orelse' { return .key_orelse }
'key_union' { return .key_union }
'key_pub' { return .key_pub }
'key_static' { return .key_static }
'key_volatile' { return .key_volatile }
'key_unsafe' { return .key_unsafe }
'keyword_end' { return .keyword_end }
'_end_' { return ._end_ }
else { return error('unknown') }
Reference in New Issue
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