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synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00
datatypes: add quadtree, add its demo to examples/ (#16087)
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
module main
import datatypes
import gg
import gx
import os
import time
import math
import rand
const (
win_width = 1340
win_height = 640
timer_period = 40 * time.millisecond // defaulted at 25 fps
font_small = gx.TextCfg{
color: gx.black
size: 20
font_large = gx.TextCfg{
color: gx.black
size: 40
struct App {
gg &gg.Context
qt datatypes.Quadtree
players []datatypes.AABB
particles []Particle
retrieveds []datatypes.AABB
nodes []datatypes.Quadtree
width f64 = 1340
height f64 = 640
struct Particle {
pmt datatypes.AABB
speed f64
angle f64
fn (mut p Particle) update() {
p.pmt.x += p.speed * math.cos(p.angle * math.pi / 180)
p.pmt.y += p.speed * math.sin(p.angle * math.pi / 180)
if p.pmt.x < 0 {
p.pmt.x = 0
p.speed = -p.speed
p.angle = -p.angle
if p.pmt.x > 1340 {
p.pmt.x = 1340
p.speed = -p.speed
p.angle = -p.angle
if p.pmt.y < 0 {
p.pmt.y = 0
p.speed = -p.speed
p.angle = 180 - p.angle
if p.pmt.y > 640 {
p.pmt.y = 640
p.speed = -p.speed
p.angle = 180 - p.angle
fn (mut app App) start() {
app.players << datatypes.AABB{1200 * rand.f64(), 500 * rand.f64(), 20, 20}
for mut particle in app.particles {
particle.speed = 10 * rand.f64()
particle.angle = 200 * rand.f64()
app.nodes << app.qt.get_nodes()
fn (mut app App) update() {
app.nodes = []
for mut particle in app.particles {
app.nodes << app.qt.get_nodes()
fn (mut app App) insert_particles() {
mut grid := 10.0
mut gridh := app.qt.perimeter.width / grid
mut gridv := app.qt.perimeter.height / grid
num_particles := 100
for _ in 0 .. num_particles {
mut x := rand_minmax(0, gridh) * grid
mut y := rand_minmax(0, gridv) * grid
mut random_particle := datatypes.AABB{
x: x
y: y
width: rand_minmax(1, 4) * grid
height: rand_minmax(1, 4) * grid
app.particles << Particle{random_particle, 0.0, 0.0}
fn (mut app App) find_particles() {
app.retrieveds = []
app.retrieveds << app.qt.retrieve(app.players[0])
fn main() {
mut app := &App{
gg: 0
app.gg = gg.new_context(
bg_color: gx.white
width: win_width
height: win_height
use_ortho: true
create_window: true
window_title: 'Quadtree Demo'
frame_fn: frame
event_fn: on_event
user_data: app
font_path: os.resource_abs_path('../assets/fonts/RobotoMono-Regular.ttf')
app.qt = app.qt.create(0, 0, 1340, 640, 8, 4, 0)
go app.run()
fn (mut app App) on_mouse_move(mouse_x f32, mouse_y f32) {
for mut player in app.players {
player.x = (mouse_x / gg.window_size_real_pixels().width) * 1340
player.y = (mouse_y / gg.window_size_real_pixels().height) * 640
fn on_event(mut e gg.Event, mut app App) {
match e.typ {
.mouse_move { app.on_mouse_move(e.mouse_x, e.mouse_y) }
else {}
fn (mut app App) run() {
for {
fn frame(app &App) {
fn (app &App) display() {
for player in app.players {
app.gg.draw_rect_filled(f32(player.x), f32(player.y), f32(player.width), f32(player.height),
for particle in app.particles {
app.gg.draw_rect_empty(f32(particle.pmt.x), f32(particle.pmt.y), f32(particle.pmt.width),
f32(particle.pmt.height), gx.blue)
for node in app.nodes {
app.gg.draw_rect_empty(f32(node.perimeter.x), f32(node.perimeter.y), f32(node.perimeter.width),
f32(node.perimeter.height), gx.red)
for retrieved in app.retrieveds {
app.gg.draw_rect_filled(f32(retrieved.x + 1), f32(retrieved.y + 1), f32(retrieved.width - 2),
f32(retrieved.height - 2), gx.green)
app.gg.draw_text(1200, 25, 'Nodes: $app.nodes.len', font_small)
app.gg.draw_text(1200, 50, 'Particles: $app.particles.len', font_small)
fn (app &App) draw() {
fn rand_minmax(min f64, max f64) f64 {
mut val := min + (rand.f64() * (max - min))
return val
@ -27,4 +27,5 @@ println(stack)
- [x] Queue (FIFO)
- [x] Queue (FIFO)
- [x] Min heap (priority queue)
- [x] Min heap (priority queue)
- [x] Set
- [x] Set
- [x] Quadtree
- [ ] ...
- [ ] ...
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
module datatypes
pub struct AABB {
pub mut:
x f64
y f64
width f64
height f64
pub struct Quadtree {
pub mut:
perimeter AABB
capacity int
depth int
level int
particles []AABB
nodes []Quadtree
// create returns a new configurable root node for the tree.
pub fn (mut q Quadtree) create(x f64, y f64, width f64, height f64, capacity int, depth int, level int) Quadtree {
return Quadtree{
perimeter: AABB{
x: x
y: y
width: width
height: height
capacity: capacity
depth: depth
level: level
particles: []AABB{}
nodes: []Quadtree{len: 0, cap: 4}
// insert recursevely adds a particle in the correct index of the tree.
pub fn (mut q Quadtree) insert(p AABB) {
mut indexes := []int{}
if q.nodes.len > 0 {
indexes = q.get_index(p)
for k in 0 .. indexes.len {
q.particles << p
if (q.particles.len > q.capacity) && (q.level < q.depth) {
if q.nodes.len == 0 {
for j in 0 .. q.particles.len {
indexes = q.get_index(q.particles[j])
for k in 0 .. indexes.len {
q.particles = []
// retrieve recursevely checks if a particle is in a specific index of the tree.
pub fn (mut q Quadtree) retrieve(p AABB) []AABB {
mut indexes := q.get_index(p)
mut detected_particles := q.particles.clone()
if q.nodes.len > 0 {
for j in 0 .. indexes.len {
detected_particles << q.nodes[indexes[j]].retrieve(p)
return detected_particles
// clear flushes out nodes and partcles from the tree.
pub fn (mut q Quadtree) clear() {
q.particles = []
for j in 0 .. q.nodes.len {
if q.nodes.len > 0 {
q.nodes = []
// get_nodes recursevely returns the subdivisions the tree has.
pub fn (q Quadtree) get_nodes() []Quadtree {
mut nodes := []Quadtree{}
if q.nodes.len > 0 {
for j in 0 .. q.nodes.len {
nodes << q.nodes[j]
nodes << q.nodes[j].get_nodes()
return nodes
fn (mut q Quadtree) split() {
if q.nodes.len == 4 {
next_level := q.level + 1
child_width := q.perimeter.width / 2
child_height := q.perimeter.height / 2
x := q.perimeter.x
y := q.perimeter.y
q.nodes << Quadtree{
perimeter: AABB{
x: x + child_width
y: y
width: child_width
height: child_height
capacity: q.capacity
depth: q.depth
level: next_level
particles: []AABB{}
nodes: []Quadtree{len: 0, cap: 4}
q.nodes << Quadtree{
perimeter: AABB{
x: x
y: y
width: child_width
height: child_height
capacity: q.capacity
depth: q.depth
level: next_level
particles: []AABB{}
nodes: []Quadtree{len: 0, cap: 4}
q.nodes << Quadtree{
perimeter: AABB{
x: x
y: y + child_height
width: child_width
height: child_height
capacity: q.capacity
depth: q.depth
level: next_level
particles: []AABB{}
nodes: []Quadtree{len: 0, cap: 4}
q.nodes << Quadtree{
perimeter: AABB{
x: x + child_width
y: y + child_height
width: child_width
height: child_height
capacity: q.capacity
depth: q.depth
level: next_level
particles: []AABB{}
nodes: []Quadtree{len: 0, cap: 4}
fn (mut q Quadtree) get_index(p AABB) []int {
mut indexes := []int{}
mut v_midpoint := q.perimeter.x + (q.perimeter.width / 2)
mut h_midpoint := q.perimeter.y + (q.perimeter.height / 2)
mut north := p.y < h_midpoint
mut south := p.y + p.height > h_midpoint
mut west := p.x < v_midpoint
mut east := p.x + p.width > v_midpoint
// top-right quad
if north && east {
indexes << 0
// top-left quad
if north && west {
indexes << 1
// bottom-left quad
if south && west {
indexes << 2
// bottom-right quad
if south && east {
indexes << 3
return indexes
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
module datatypes
fn test_create() {
mut qt := Quadtree{}
test := qt.create(0, 0, 1340, 640, 8, 4, 0)
test_clone := qt.create(0, 0, 1340, 640, 8, 4, 0)
assert test == test_clone
fn test_insert() {
mut qt := Quadtree{}
mut test := qt.create(0, 0, 1340, 640, 8, 4, 0)
mut pt := AABB{
x: 100
y: 50
width: 60
height: 100
assert test.particles == []
assert test.particles[0] == pt
fn test_retrieve() {
mut qt := Quadtree{}
mut test := qt.create(0, 0, 1340, 640, 8, 4, 0)
mut pt := AABB{
x: 100
y: 50
width: 60
height: 100
t := test.retrieve(pt)
assert t[0] == pt
fn test_clear() {
mut qt := Quadtree{}
mut test := qt.create(0, 0, 1340, 640, 8, 4, 0)
mut test_clone := qt.create(0, 0, 1340, 640, 8, 4, 0)
mut pt := AABB{
x: 100
y: 50
width: 60
height: 100
assert test != test_clone
assert test == test_clone
fn test_get_nodes() {
mut qt := Quadtree{}
mut test := qt.create(0, 0, 1340, 640, 8, 4, 0)
t := test.get_nodes()
assert t.len == 4
fn test_split() {
mut qt := Quadtree{}
mut test := qt.create(0, 0, 1340, 640, 8, 4, 0)
t := test.get_nodes()
assert t.len == 4
fn test_get_index() {
mut qt := Quadtree{}
mut test := qt.create(0, 0, 1340, 640, 8, 4, 0)
mut pt := AABB{
x: 100
y: 50
width: 60
height: 100
test.particles << pt
t := test.get_index(pt)
assert t == [1]
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