module main import os import vweb import time const ( known_users = ['bilbo', 'kent'] ) struct App { vweb.Context port int timeout int global_config shared Config } struct Config { max_ping int } fn exit_after_timeout(timeout_in_ms int) { time.sleep(timeout_in_ms * time.millisecond) println('>> webserver: pid: ${os.getpid()}, exiting ...') exit(0) } fn main() { if os.args.len != 3 { panic('Usage: `vweb_test_server.exe PORT TIMEOUT_IN_MILLISECONDS`') } http_port := os.args[1].int() assert http_port > 0 timeout := os.args[2].int() assert timeout > 0 spawn exit_after_timeout(timeout) // shared config := &Config{ max_ping: 50 } app := &App{ port: http_port timeout: timeout global_config: config } eprintln('>> webserver: pid: ${os.getpid()}, started on http://localhost:${app.port}/ , with maximum runtime of ${app.timeout} milliseconds.') vweb.run_at(app, host: 'localhost', port: http_port, family: .ip)! } // pub fn (mut app App) init_server() { //} pub fn (mut app App) index() vweb.Result { rlock app.global_config { assert app.global_config.max_ping == 50 } return app.text('Welcome to VWeb') } pub fn (mut app App) simple() vweb.Result { return app.text('A simple result') } pub fn (mut app App) html_page() vweb.Result { return app.html('


') } // the following serve custom routes ['/:user/settings'] pub fn (mut app App) settings(username string) vweb.Result { if username !in known_users { return app.not_found() } return app.html('username: ${username}') } ['/:user/:repo/settings'] pub fn (mut app App) user_repo_settings(username string, repository string) vweb.Result { if username !in known_users { return app.not_found() } return app.html('username: ${username} | repository: ${repository}') } ['/json_echo'; post] pub fn (mut app App) json_echo() vweb.Result { // eprintln('>>>>> received http request at /json_echo is: $app.req') app.set_content_type(app.req.header.get(.content_type) or { '' }) return app.ok( } ['/login'; post] pub fn (mut app App) login_form(username string, password string) vweb.Result { return app.html('username: x${username}x | password: x${password}x') } ['/form_echo'; post] pub fn (mut app App) form_echo() vweb.Result { app.set_content_type(app.req.header.get(.content_type) or { '' }) return app.ok(app.form['foo']) } ['/file_echo'; post] pub fn (mut app App) file_echo() vweb.Result { if 'file' !in app.files { app.set_status(500, '') return app.text('no file') } return app.text(app.files['file'][0].data) } // Make sure [post] works without the path [post] pub fn (mut app App) json() vweb.Result { // eprintln('>>>>> received http request at /json is: $app.req') app.set_content_type(app.req.header.get(.content_type) or { '' }) return app.ok( } // Custom 404 page pub fn (mut app App) not_found() vweb.Result { app.set_status(404, 'Not Found') return app.html('404 on "${app.req.url}"') } [host: ''] ['/with_host'] pub fn (mut app App) with_host() vweb.Result { return app.ok('') } pub fn (mut app App) shutdown() vweb.Result { session_key := app.get_cookie('skey') or { return app.not_found() } if session_key != 'superman' { return app.not_found() } spawn app.gracefull_exit() return app.ok('good bye') } fn (mut app App) gracefull_exit() { eprintln('>> webserver: gracefull_exit') time.sleep(100 * time.millisecond) exit(0) }