module mysql [typedef] struct C.MYSQL_STMT { mysql &C.MYSQL stmt_id u32 } [typedef] struct C.MYSQL_BIND { mut: buffer_type int buffer voidptr buffer_length u32 length &u32 } const ( mysql_type_decimal = C.MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL mysql_type_tiny = C.MYSQL_TYPE_TINY mysql_type_short = C.MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT mysql_type_long = C.MYSQL_TYPE_LONG mysql_type_float = C.MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT mysql_type_double = C.MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE mysql_type_null = C.MYSQL_TYPE_NULL mysql_type_timestamp = C.MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP mysql_type_longlong = C.MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG mysql_type_int24 = C.MYSQL_TYPE_INT24 mysql_type_date = C.MYSQL_TYPE_DATE mysql_type_time = C.MYSQL_TYPE_TIME mysql_type_datetime = C.MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME mysql_type_year = C.MYSQL_TYPE_YEAR mysql_type_varchar = C.MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR mysql_type_bit = C.MYSQL_TYPE_BIT mysql_type_timestamp22 = C.MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP mysql_type_json = C.MYSQL_TYPE_JSON mysql_type_newdecimal = C.MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL mysql_type_enum = C.MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM mysql_type_set = C.MYSQL_TYPE_SET mysql_type_tiny_blob = C.MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB mysql_type_medium_blob = C.MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB mysql_type_long_blob = C.MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB mysql_type_blob = C.MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB mysql_type_var_string = C.MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING mysql_type_string = C.MYSQL_TYPE_STRING mysql_type_geometry = C.MYSQL_TYPE_GEOMETRY mysql_no_data = C.MYSQL_NO_DATA ) fn C.mysql_stmt_init(&C.MYSQL) &C.MYSQL_STMT fn C.mysql_stmt_prepare(&C.MYSQL_STMT, &char, u32) int fn C.mysql_stmt_bind_param(&C.MYSQL_STMT, &C.MYSQL_BIND) bool fn C.mysql_stmt_execute(&C.MYSQL_STMT) int fn C.mysql_stmt_close(&C.MYSQL_STMT) bool fn C.mysql_stmt_free_result(&C.MYSQL_STMT) bool fn C.mysql_stmt_error(&C.MYSQL_STMT) &char fn C.mysql_stmt_result_metadata(&C.MYSQL_STMT) &C.MYSQL_RES fn C.mysql_stmt_field_count(&C.MYSQL_STMT) u16 fn C.mysql_stmt_bind_result(&C.MYSQL_STMT, &C.MYSQL_BIND) bool fn C.mysql_stmt_fetch(&C.MYSQL_STMT) int fn C.mysql_stmt_next_result(&C.MYSQL_STMT) int fn C.mysql_stmt_store_result(&C.MYSQL_STMT) int fn C.mysql_stmt_fetch_column(&C.MYSQL_STMT, &C.MYSQL_BIND, u32, u64) int pub struct Stmt { stmt &C.MYSQL_STMT = &C.MYSQL_STMT(unsafe { nil }) query string mut: binds []C.MYSQL_BIND res []C.MYSQL_BIND } // str returns a text representation of the given mysql statement `s` pub fn (s &Stmt) str() string { return 'mysql.Stmt{ stmt: ${voidptr(s.stmt):x}, query: `${s.query}`, binds.len: ${s.binds.len}, res.len: ${s.res.len} }' } // init_stmt creates a new statement, given the `query` pub fn (db Connection) init_stmt(query string) Stmt { return Stmt{ stmt: C.mysql_stmt_init(db.conn) query: query binds: []C.MYSQL_BIND{} } } // prepare a statement for execution pub fn (stmt Stmt) prepare() ! { res := C.mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt.stmt, stmt.query.str, stmt.query.len) if res != 0 && stmt.get_error_msg() != '' { return stmt.error(res) } } // bind_params binds all the parameters in `stmt` pub fn (stmt Stmt) bind_params() ! { res := C.mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt.stmt, unsafe { &C.MYSQL_BIND( }) if res && stmt.get_error_msg() != '' { return stmt.error(1) } } // execute executes the given `stmt` and waits for the result pub fn (stmt Stmt) execute() !int { res := C.mysql_stmt_execute(stmt.stmt) if res != 0 && stmt.get_error_msg() != '' { return stmt.error(res) } return res } // next retrieves the next available result from the execution of `stmt` pub fn (stmt Stmt) next() !int { res := C.mysql_stmt_next_result(stmt.stmt) if res > 0 && stmt.get_error_msg() != '' { return stmt.error(res) } return res } // gen_metadata executes mysql_stmt_result_metadata over the given `stmt` // It requires that the statement has produced a result set, since the metadata will be for that result set. // See pub fn (stmt Stmt) gen_metadata() &C.MYSQL_RES { return C.mysql_stmt_result_metadata(stmt.stmt) } // fetch_fields retrieves the fields from the metadata result of the execution of `stmt`. // See // See also Result.n_fields for the size of the returned C array. pub fn (stmt Stmt) fetch_fields(res &C.MYSQL_RES) &C.MYSQL_FIELD { return C.mysql_fetch_fields(res) } // fetch_stmt fetches the next row in the result set. It returns the status of the execution of mysql_stmt_fetch . // See pub fn (stmt Stmt) fetch_stmt() !int { res := C.mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt.stmt) if res !in [0, 100] && stmt.get_error_msg() != '' { return stmt.error(res) } return res } // close disposes the prepared `stmt`. The statement becomes invalid, and should not be used anymore after this call. // If the current statement has pending or unread results, this method cancels them too. // See pub fn (stmt Stmt) close() ! { if !C.mysql_stmt_close(stmt.stmt) && stmt.get_error_msg() != '' { return stmt.error(1) } if !C.mysql_stmt_free_result(stmt.stmt) && stmt.get_error_msg() != '' { return stmt.error(1) } } fn (stmt Stmt) get_error_msg() string { return unsafe { cstring_to_vstring(&char(C.mysql_stmt_error(stmt.stmt))) } } // error returns a proper V error with a human readable description, given the error code returned by MySQL pub fn (stmt Stmt) error(code int) IError { msg := stmt.get_error_msg() return &SQLError{ msg: '${msg} (${code}) (${stmt.query})' code: code } } fn (stmt Stmt) get_field_count() u16 { return C.mysql_stmt_field_count(stmt.stmt) } // bind_bool binds a single boolean value to the statement `stmt` pub fn (mut stmt Stmt) bind_bool(b &bool) { stmt.bind(mysql.mysql_type_tiny, b, 0) } // bind_byte binds a single byte value to the statement `stmt` pub fn (mut stmt Stmt) bind_byte(b &byte) { stmt.bind(mysql.mysql_type_tiny, b, 0) } // bind_u8 binds a single u8 value to the statement `stmt` pub fn (mut stmt Stmt) bind_u8(b &u8) { stmt.bind(mysql.mysql_type_tiny, b, 0) } // bind_i8 binds a single i8 value to the statement `stmt` pub fn (mut stmt Stmt) bind_i8(b &i8) { stmt.bind(mysql.mysql_type_tiny, b, 0) } // bind_i16 binds a single i16 value to the statement `stmt` pub fn (mut stmt Stmt) bind_i16(b &i16) { stmt.bind(mysql.mysql_type_short, b, 0) } // bind_u16 binds a single u16 value to the statement `stmt` pub fn (mut stmt Stmt) bind_u16(b &u16) { stmt.bind(mysql.mysql_type_short, b, 0) } // bind_int binds a single int value to the statement `stmt` pub fn (mut stmt Stmt) bind_int(b &int) { stmt.bind(mysql.mysql_type_long, b, 0) } // bind_u32 binds a single u32 value to the statement `stmt` pub fn (mut stmt Stmt) bind_u32(b &u32) { stmt.bind(mysql.mysql_type_long, b, 0) } // bind_i64 binds a single i64 value to the statement `stmt` pub fn (mut stmt Stmt) bind_i64(b &i64) { stmt.bind(mysql.mysql_type_longlong, b, 0) } // bind_u64 binds a single u64 value to the statement `stmt` pub fn (mut stmt Stmt) bind_u64(b &u64) { stmt.bind(mysql.mysql_type_longlong, b, 0) } // bind_f32 binds a single f32 value to the statement `stmt` pub fn (mut stmt Stmt) bind_f32(b &f32) { stmt.bind(mysql.mysql_type_float, b, 0) } // bind_f64 binds a single f64 value to the statement `stmt` pub fn (mut stmt Stmt) bind_f64(b &f64) { stmt.bind(mysql.mysql_type_double, b, 0) } // bind_text binds a single string value to the statement `stmt` pub fn (mut stmt Stmt) bind_text(b string) { stmt.bind(mysql.mysql_type_string, b.str, u32(b.len)) } // bind binds a single value pointed by `buffer`, to the statement `stmt`. The buffer length must be passed as well in `buf_len`. // Note: it is more convenient to use one of the other bind_XYZ methods. pub fn (mut stmt Stmt) bind(typ int, buffer voidptr, buf_len u32) { stmt.binds << C.MYSQL_BIND{ buffer_type: typ buffer: buffer buffer_length: buf_len length: 0 } } // bind_res will store one result in the statement `stmt` pub fn (mut stmt Stmt) bind_res(fields &C.MYSQL_FIELD, dataptr []&u8, lengths []u32, num_fields int) { for i in 0 .. num_fields { stmt.res << C.MYSQL_BIND{ buffer_type: unsafe { fields[i].@type } buffer: dataptr[i] length: &lengths[i] } } } // bind_result_buffer binds one result value, by calling mysql_stmt_bind_result . // See pub fn (mut stmt Stmt) bind_result_buffer() ! { res := C.mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt.stmt, unsafe { &C.MYSQL_BIND( }) if res && stmt.get_error_msg() != '' { return stmt.error(1) } } // store_result will *buffer the complete result set* from the execution of `stmt` *on the client side*. // Note: result sets are produced by calling mysql_stmt_execute() to executed prepared statements for SQL // statements such as SELECT, SHOW, DESCRIBE, and EXPLAIN. // By default, result sets for successfully executed prepared statements are *not buffered on the client*, // and mysql_stmt_fetch() fetches them one at a time from the server. // Note 2: call store_result, *after* binding data buffers with bind_result_buffer, // and *before* calling fetch_stmt to fetch rows. // See pub fn (mut stmt Stmt) store_result() ! { res := C.mysql_stmt_store_result(stmt.stmt) if res != 0 && stmt.get_error_msg() != '' { return stmt.error(res) } } // fetch_column fetches one column from the current result set row. // `bind` provides the buffer where data should be placed. // It should be set up the same way as for `mysql_stmt_bind_result()`. // `column` indicates which column to fetch. The first column is numbered 0. pub fn (mut stmt Stmt) fetch_column(bind &C.MYSQL_BIND, column int) ! { result := C.mysql_stmt_fetch_column(stmt.stmt, bind, column, 0) if result != 0 && stmt.get_error_msg() != '' { return stmt.error(result) } }