module img import benchmark import sim pub fn image_worker(mut writer PPMWriter, result_chan chan &sim.SimResult, settings ImageSettings) { width := settings.width height := settings.height total_pixels := width * height // as new pixels come in, write them to the image file mut current_index := u64(0) mut pixel_buf := []ValidColor{len: total_pixels, init: ValidColor{ valid: false }} mut bmark := benchmark.new_benchmark() for { result := <-result_chan or { break } // find the closest magnet pixel_buf[].Color = compute_pixel(result) pixel_buf[].valid = true for current_index < total_pixels && pixel_buf[current_index].valid { bmark.step() writer.handle_pixel(pixel_buf[current_index].Color) or { sim.log(@MOD + '.' + @FN + ': pixel handler failed. Error ${err}') break } bmark.ok() current_index++ } } bmark.stop() println(bmark.total_message(@FN)) writer.write() or { panic('Could not write image') } }