module gx

// TODO: remove these, and use the enum everywhere
pub const (
	align_left  = HorizontalAlign.left
	align_right = HorizontalAlign.right

pub struct TextCfg {
	color          Color = black
	size           int   = 16
	align          HorizontalAlign = .left
	vertical_align VerticalAlign   = .top
	max_width      int
	family         string
	bold           bool
	mono           bool
	italic         bool

pub fn (cfg TextCfg) to_css_string() string {
	mut font_style := ''
	if cfg.bold {
		font_style += 'bold '
	if cfg.mono {
		font_style += 'mono '
	if cfg.italic {
		font_style += 'italic '
	return '$font_style ${cfg.size}px $'