module main import os import term import regex import os.cmdline // Finder is entity that contains all the logic struct Finder { mut: symbol Symbol visib Visibility mutab Mutability name string modul string receiver string dirs []string matches []Match } fn (mut fdr Finder) configure_from_arguments(args []string) { match args.len { 1 { = args[0] } else { fdr.symbol.set_from_str(args[0]) if fdr.symbol == .method && !args[1].contains('.') { make_and_print_error('method require a special notation:', [ 'Receiver.method', ], '${args[1]}') } else if fdr.symbol == .method { temp_args := args[1].split('.') fdr.receiver = temp_args[0] = temp_args[1] } else { = args[1] } if'-') { make_and_print_error('It seems you forgot positional arg name:', [], } fdr.visib.set_from_str(cmdline.option(args, '-vis', '${Visibility.all}')) if fdr.symbol == .var && fdr.visib != .all { make_and_print_error('-vis $fdr.visib just can be setted with symbol_type:', ['fn', 'method', 'const', 'struct', 'enum', 'interface', 'regexp'], '$fdr.symbol') } fdr.mutab.set_from_str(cmdline.option(args, '-mut', '${Mutability.any}')) if fdr.symbol != .var && fdr.mutab != .any { make_and_print_error('-mut $fdr.mutab just can be setted with symbol_type:', ['var'], '$fdr.symbol') } fdr.modul = cmdline.option(args, '-mod', '') fdr.dirs = cmdline.options(args, '-dir') } } } fn (mut fdr Finder) search_for_matches() { // Define where search mut recursive := true mut paths_to_search := []string{} if fdr.dirs.len == 0 && fdr.modul == '' { paths_to_search << [current_dir, vmod_dir] if vlib_dir !in paths_to_search { paths_to_search << vlib_dir } paths_to_search << vmod_paths } else if fdr.dirs.len == 0 && fdr.modul != '' { paths_to_search << if fdr.modul == 'main' { current_dir } else { resolve_module(fdr.modul) or { panic(err)} } } else if fdr.dirs.len != 0 && fdr.modul == '' { recursive = false paths_to_search << or { panic(err) }) } else { recursive = false paths_to_search << if fdr.modul == 'main' { current_dir } else { resolve_module(fdr.modul) or { panic(err)} } paths_to_search << or { panic(err) }) } // for p in paths_to_search { // println(p) // } mut files_to_search := []string{} for path in paths_to_search { files_to_search << collect_v_files(path, recursive) or { panic(err) } } // for f in files_to_search { // println(f) // } // Auxiliar rgx sp := r'\s*' op := r'\(' cp := r'\)' // Build regex query sy := '$fdr.symbol' st := if fdr.receiver != '' { '$sp$op$sp[a-z].*$sp$fdr.receiver$cp$sp' } else { '.*' } na := '$' query := match fdr.symbol { .@fn { '.*$sy$sp$na$sp${op}.*${cp}.*' } .method { '.*fn$st$na$sp${op}.*${cp}.*' } .var { '.*$na$sp:=.*' } .@const { '.*$na$sp = .*' } .regexp { '$na' } else { '.*$sy$sp$na${sp}.*' // for struct, enum and interface } } // println(query) for file in files_to_search { fdr.search_within_file(file, query) } } fn (mut fdr Finder) search_within_file(file string, query string) { mut re := regex.regex_opt(query) or { panic(err) } lines := os.read_lines(file) or { panic(err) } mut const_found := if fdr.symbol == .@const { false } else { true } mut n_line := 1 for line in lines { match fdr.visib { .all { if line.contains('const (') { const_found = true } } .@pub { if line.contains('pub const (') { const_found = true } } .pri { if line.contains('const (') && !line.contains('pub') { const_found = true } } } if re.matches_string(line) && (const_found || line.contains('const')) { words := line.split(' ').filter(it != '').map(it.trim('\t')) match fdr.visib { .all {} .@pub { if 'pub' !in words && fdr.symbol != .@const { continue } } .pri { if 'pub' in words && fdr.symbol != .@const { continue } } } match fdr.mutab { .any {} .yes { if 'mut' !in words { continue } } .not { if 'mut' in words { continue } } } fdr.matches << Match{file, n_line, words.join(' ').trim(' {')} } if line.starts_with(')') && fdr.symbol == .@const { const_found = false } n_line++ } } fn (fdr Finder) show_results() { if fdr.matches.len < 1 && (verbose || header) { print(fdr) println(maybe_color(term.bright_yellow, 'No Matches found')) } else if verbose || header { print(fdr) println(maybe_color(term.bright_green, '$fdr.matches.len matches Found\n')) for result in fdr.matches { } } else { for result in fdr.matches { } } } fn (fdr Finder) str() string { v := maybe_color(term.bright_red, '$fdr.visib') m := maybe_color(term.bright_red, '$fdr.mutab') st := if fdr.receiver != '' { ' ( _ $fdr.receiver)' } else { '' } s := maybe_color(term.bright_magenta, '$fdr.symbol') n := maybe_color(term.bright_cyan, '$') mm := if fdr.modul != '' { maybe_color(, '$fdr.modul') } else { '' } dd := if fdr.dirs.len != 0 {, it)) } else { fdr.dirs } dm := if fdr.dirs.len == 0 && fdr.modul == '' { 'all the project scope' } else if fdr.dirs.len == 0 && fdr.modul != '' { 'module $mm' } else if fdr.dirs.len != 0 && fdr.modul == '' { 'directories: $dd' } else { 'module $mm searching within directories: $dd' } return '\nFind: $s$st $n | visibility: $v mutability: $m\nwithin $dm ' } // Match is one result of the search_for_matches() process struct Match { path string [required] line int [required] text string [required] } fn (mtc Match) show() { path := maybe_color(term.bright_magenta, mtc.path) line := maybe_color(term.bright_yellow, '$mtc.line') text := maybe_color(term.bright_green, '$mtc.text') if verbose || format { println('$path\n$line : [ $text ]\n') } else { println('$path:$line: $text') } }