// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file. module main // This module follows a similar convention to Rust: `init` makes the // structure of the program in the _current_ directory, while `new` // makes the program structure in a _sub_ directory. Besides that, the // functionality is essentially the same. import os struct Create { mut: name string description string version string license string } fn cerror(e string) { eprintln('\nerror: ${e}') } fn check_name(name string) string { if name.trim_space().len == 0 { cerror('project name cannot be empty') exit(1) } if name.is_title() { mut cname := name.to_lower() if cname.contains(' ') { cname = cname.replace(' ', '_') } eprintln('warning: the project name cannot be capitalized, the name will be changed to `${cname}`') return cname } if name.contains(' ') { cname := name.replace(' ', '_') eprintln('warning: the project name cannot contain spaces, the name will be changed to `${cname}`') return cname } return name } fn vmod_content(c Create) string { return "Module { name: '${c.name}' description: '${c.description}' version: '${c.version}' license: '${c.license}' dependencies: [] } " } fn main_content() string { return "module main fn main() { println('Hello World!') } " } fn gen_gitignore(name string) string { return '# Binaries for programs and plugins main ${name} *.exe *.exe~ *.so *.dylib *.dll # Ignore common editor/system specific metadata .DS_Store .idea/ .vscode/ *.iml ' } fn gitattributes_content() string { return '* text=auto eol=lf *.bat eol=crlf **/*.v linguist-language=V **/*.vv linguist-language=V **/*.vsh linguist-language=V **/v.mod linguist-language=V ' } fn editorconfig_content() string { return '[*] charset = utf-8 end_of_line = lf insert_final_newline = true trim_trailing_whitespace = true [*.v] indent_style = tab indent_size = 4 ' } fn (c &Create) write_vmod(new bool) { vmod_path := if new { '${c.name}/v.mod' } else { 'v.mod' } os.write_file(vmod_path, vmod_content(c)) or { panic(err) } } fn (c &Create) write_main(new bool) { if !new && (os.exists('${c.name}.v') || os.exists('src/${c.name}.v')) { return } main_path := if new { '${c.name}/${c.name}.v' } else { '${c.name}.v' } os.write_file(main_path, main_content()) or { panic(err) } } fn (c &Create) write_gitattributes(new bool) { gitattributes_path := if new { '${c.name}/.gitattributes' } else { '.gitattributes' } if !new && os.exists(gitattributes_path) { return } os.write_file(gitattributes_path, gitattributes_content()) or { panic(err) } } fn (c &Create) write_editorconfig(new bool) { editorconfig_path := if new { '${c.name}/.editorconfig' } else { '.editorconfig' } if !new && os.exists(editorconfig_path) { return } os.write_file(editorconfig_path, editorconfig_content()) or { panic(err) } } fn (c &Create) create_git_repo(dir string) { // Create Git Repo and .gitignore file if !os.is_dir('${dir}/.git') { res := os.execute('git init ${dir}') if res.exit_code != 0 { cerror('Unable to create git repo') exit(4) } } gitignore_path := '${dir}/.gitignore' if !os.exists(gitignore_path) { os.write_file(gitignore_path, gen_gitignore(c.name)) or {} } } fn create(args []string) { mut c := Create{} c.name = check_name(if args.len > 0 { args[0] } else { os.input('Input your project name: ') }) if c.name == '' { cerror('project name cannot be empty') exit(1) } if c.name.contains('-') { cerror('"${c.name}" should not contain hyphens') exit(1) } if os.is_dir(c.name) { cerror('${c.name} folder already exists') exit(3) } c.description = if args.len > 1 { args[1] } else { os.input('Input your project description: ') } default_version := '0.0.0' c.version = os.input('Input your project version: (${default_version}) ') if c.version == '' { c.version = default_version } default_license := os.getenv_opt('VLICENSE') or { 'MIT' } c.license = os.input('Input your project license: (${default_license}) ') if c.license == '' { c.license = default_license } println('Initialising ...') os.mkdir(c.name) or { panic(err) } c.write_vmod(true) c.write_main(true) c.write_gitattributes(true) c.write_editorconfig(true) c.create_git_repo(c.name) } fn init_project() { mut c := Create{} c.name = check_name(os.file_name(os.getwd())) if !os.exists('v.mod') { c.description = '' c.write_vmod(false) println('Change the description of your project in `v.mod`') } c.write_main(false) c.write_gitattributes(false) c.write_editorconfig(false) c.create_git_repo('.') } fn main() { cmd := os.args[1] match cmd { 'new' { create(os.args[2..]) } 'init' { init_project() } else { cerror('unknown command: ${cmd}') exit(1) } } println('Complete!') }