import dl.loader import dl fn test_dl_loader() ! { $if linux { run_test_invalid_lib_linux()! return } $if windows { run_test_invalid_lib_windows()! run_test_valid_lib_windows()! run_test_invalid_sym_windows()! run_test_valid_sym_windows()! return } $else { eprint('currently not implemented on this platform') } } fn get_or_create_loader(name string, paths []string) !&loader.DynamicLibLoader { return loader.get_or_create_dynamic_lib_loader( key: name paths: paths flags: dl.rtld_now ) } fn run_test_invalid_lib_linux() ! { // ensure a not-existing dl won't be loaded mut dl_loader := get_or_create_loader(@MOD + '.' + @FN + '.' + 'lib', [ 'not-existing-dynamic-link-library', ])! defer { dl_loader.unregister() } h := or { unsafe { nil } } assert isnil(h) } fn run_test_invalid_lib_windows() ! { // ensure a not-existing dl won't be loaded mut dl_loader := get_or_create_loader(@MOD + '.' + @FN + '.' + 'lib', [ 'not-existing-dynamic-link-library', ])! defer { dl_loader.unregister() } h := or { unsafe { nil } } assert isnil(h) } fn run_test_valid_lib_windows() ! { mut dl_loader := get_or_create_loader(@MOD + '.' + @FN + '.' + 'lib', [ 'not-existing-dynamic-link-library', 'shell32', ])! defer { dl_loader.unregister() } h := or { unsafe { nil } } assert !isnil(h) } fn run_test_invalid_sym_windows() ! { mut dl_loader := get_or_create_loader(@MOD + '.' + @FN + '.' + 'lib', ['shell32'])! defer { dl_loader.unregister() } proc := dl_loader.get_sym('CommandLineToArgvW2') or { unsafe { nil } } assert isnil(proc) } fn run_test_valid_sym_windows() ! { mut dl_loader := get_or_create_loader(@MOD + '.' + @FN + '.' + 'lib', [ 'not-existing-dynamic-link-library', 'shell32', ])! defer { dl_loader.unregister() } proc := dl_loader.get_sym('CommandLineToArgvW') or { unsafe { nil } } assert !isnil(proc) }