// Implements PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail) data encoding // according to RFC 1421 module pem const ( pem_begin = '-----BEGIN ' pem_end = '\n-----END ' pem_eol = '-----' colon = ':' ) [params] pub struct EncodeConfig { pub mut: // inner text wrap around line_length int = 64 // line ending (alternatively '\r\n') line_ending string = '\n' } // Headers as described in RFC 1421 Section 9 pub enum Header { proctype contentdomain dekinfo origid_asymm origid_symm recipid_asymm recipid_symm cert issuercert micinfo keyinfo crl } // `str` returns the string representation of the header pub fn (header Header) str() string { return match header { .proctype { 'Proc-Type' } .contentdomain { 'Content-Domain' } .dekinfo { 'DEK-Info' } .origid_asymm { 'Originator-ID-Asymmetric' } .origid_symm { 'Originator-ID-Symmetric' } .recipid_asymm { 'Recipient-ID-Asymmetric' } .recipid_symm { 'Recipient-ID-Symmetric' } .cert { 'Originator-Certificate' } .issuercert { 'Issuer-Certificate' } .micinfo { 'MIC-Info' } .keyinfo { 'Key-Info' } .crl { 'CRL' } } } pub struct Block { pub mut: // from preamble block_type string // optional headers headers map[string][]string // decoded contents data []u8 } // free the resources taken by the Block `block` [unsafe] pub fn (mut block Block) free() { $if prealloc { return } unsafe { block.block_type.free() block.headers.free() block.data.free() } } // returns a new `Block` with the specified block_type [inline] pub fn new(block_type string) Block { return Block{ block_type: block_type } } // returns the selected key using the Header enum // // same as `block.headers[key.str()]` [inline] pub fn (block Block) header_by_key(key Header) []string { return block.headers[key.str()] }