// Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module term // format_esc produces an ANSI escape code, for selecting the graphics rendition of the following // text. Each of the attributes that can be passed in `code`, separated by `;`, will be in effect, // until the terminal encounters another SGR ANSI escape code. For more details about the different // codes, and their meaning, see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#SGR_(Select_Graphic_Rendition)_parameters pub fn format_esc(code string) string { return '\x1b[${code}m' } // format returns ANSI escape coded `msg` formatted with a preceding // `open` and a succeeding `close`. // For instance, `format('hi', '9', '29')` returns `'\x1b[9mhi\x1b[29m'`, // or 'hi' with strikethrough, where `'\x1b[9m'` represents // crossed out/strikethrough text and `'\x1b[29m'` turns off strikethrough. pub fn format(msg string, open string, close string) string { return '\x1b[${open}m${msg}\x1b[${close}m' } // format_rgb returns ANSI escape coded `msg` formatted with a preceding // `open`, a succeeding `close` and the provided RGB colors `r`, `g`, and `b`. pub fn format_rgb(r int, g int, b int, msg string, open string, close string) string { return '\x1b[${open};2;${r};${g};${b}m${msg}\x1b[${close}m' } // rbg returns the `msg` with the foreground in the specified RGB color // For example, `rgb(0, 255, 0, 'hi')` returns the `'hi'` string in // lime color. pub fn rgb(r int, g int, b int, msg string) string { return format_rgb(r, g, b, msg, '38', '39') } // bg_rgb returns the `msg` with the background in the specified RGB color. // For example, `bg_rgb(255, 0, 0, 'hi')` returns the text `'hi'` in // red color. pub fn bg_rgb(r int, g int, b int, msg string) string { return format_rgb(r, g, b, msg, '48', '49') } // hex returns the `msg` with the foreground in the specified `hex` color // For example, `rgb(255, 'hi')` returns the `'hi'` string in // blue color, which is `(0, 0, 255)` in RGB. pub fn hex(hex int, msg string) string { return format_rgb(hex >> 16, hex >> 8 & 0xFF, hex & 0xFF, msg, '38', '39') } // hex returns the `msg` with the background in the specified `hex` color // For example, `bg_rgb(255, 'hi')` returns the `'hi'` string in // a background of blue color, which is `(0, 0, 255)` in RGB. pub fn bg_hex(hex int, msg string) string { return format_rgb(hex >> 16, hex >> 8 & 0xFF, hex & 0xFF, msg, '48', '49') } // reset resets all formatting for `msg`. pub fn reset(msg string) string { return format(msg, '0', '0') } // bold returns the given `msg` in bold. pub fn bold(msg string) string { return format(msg, '1', '22') } // dim returns the dimmed `msg`. pub fn dim(msg string) string { return format(msg, '2', '22') } // italic returns the given `msg` in italic. pub fn italic(msg string) string { return format(msg, '3', '23') } // underline returns the underlined `msg`. pub fn underline(msg string) string { return format(msg, '4', '24') } // slow_blink will surround the `msg` with ANSI escape codes for blinking (less than 150 times per minute). pub fn slow_blink(msg string) string { return format(msg, '5', '25') } // rapid_blink will surround the `msg` with ANSI escape codes for blinking (over 150 times per minute). // Note that unlike slow_blink, this is not very widely supported. pub fn rapid_blink(msg string) string { return format(msg, '6', '26') } // inverse inverses the given `msg`. pub fn inverse(msg string) string { return format(msg, '7', '27') } // hidden hides the given `msg`. pub fn hidden(msg string) string { return format(msg, '8', '28') } // strikethrough returns the given `msg` in strikethrough. pub fn strikethrough(msg string) string { return format(msg, '9', '29') } // black formats the `msg` in black. pub fn black(msg string) string { return format(msg, '30', '39') } // red formats the `msg` in red. pub fn red(msg string) string { return format(msg, '31', '39') } // green formats the `msg` in green. pub fn green(msg string) string { return format(msg, '32', '39') } // yellow formats the `msg` in yellow. pub fn yellow(msg string) string { return format(msg, '33', '39') } // blue formats the `msg` in blue. pub fn blue(msg string) string { return format(msg, '34', '39') } // magenta formats the `msg` in magenta. pub fn magenta(msg string) string { return format(msg, '35', '39') } // cyan formats the `msg` in cyan. pub fn cyan(msg string) string { return format(msg, '36', '39') } // white formats the `msg` in white. pub fn white(msg string) string { return format(msg, '37', '39') } // bg_black formats the `msg` in black background. pub fn bg_black(msg string) string { return format(msg, '40', '49') } // bg_red formats the `msg` in red background. pub fn bg_red(msg string) string { return format(msg, '41', '49') } // bg_green formats the `msg` in green background. pub fn bg_green(msg string) string { return format(msg, '42', '49') } // bg_yellow formats the `msg` in yellow background. pub fn bg_yellow(msg string) string { return format(msg, '43', '49') } // bg_blue formats the `msg` in blue background. pub fn bg_blue(msg string) string { return format(msg, '44', '49') } // bg_magenta formats the `msg` in magenta background. pub fn bg_magenta(msg string) string { return format(msg, '45', '49') } // bg_cyan formats the `msg` in cyan background. pub fn bg_cyan(msg string) string { return format(msg, '46', '49') } // bg_white formats the `msg` in white background. pub fn bg_white(msg string) string { return format(msg, '47', '49') } // gray formats the `msg` in gray (equivalent to `bright_black`). pub fn gray(msg string) string { return bright_black(msg) } // bright_black formats the `msg` in bright black. pub fn bright_black(msg string) string { return format(msg, '90', '39') } // bright_red formats the `msg` in bright red. pub fn bright_red(msg string) string { return format(msg, '91', '39') } // bright_green formats the `msg` in bright green. pub fn bright_green(msg string) string { return format(msg, '92', '39') } // bright_yellow formats the `msg` in bright yellow. pub fn bright_yellow(msg string) string { return format(msg, '93', '39') } // bright_blue formats the `msg` in bright blue. pub fn bright_blue(msg string) string { return format(msg, '94', '39') } // bright_magenta formats the `msg` in bright magenta. pub fn bright_magenta(msg string) string { return format(msg, '95', '39') } // bright_cyan formats the `msg` in bright cyan. pub fn bright_cyan(msg string) string { return format(msg, '96', '39') } // bright_white formats the `msg` in bright white. pub fn bright_white(msg string) string { return format(msg, '97', '39') } // bright_bg_black formats the `msg` in bright black background. pub fn bright_bg_black(msg string) string { return format(msg, '100', '49') } // bright_bg_red formats the `msg` in bright red background. pub fn bright_bg_red(msg string) string { return format(msg, '101', '49') } // bright_bg_green formats the `msg` in bright green background. pub fn bright_bg_green(msg string) string { return format(msg, '102', '49') } // bright_bg_yellow formats the `msg` in bright yellow background. pub fn bright_bg_yellow(msg string) string { return format(msg, '103', '49') } // bright_bg_blue formats the `msg` in bright blue background. pub fn bright_bg_blue(msg string) string { return format(msg, '104', '49') } // bright_bg_magenta formats the `msg` in bright magenta background. pub fn bright_bg_magenta(msg string) string { return format(msg, '105', '49') } // bright_bg_cyan formats the `msg` in bright cyan background. pub fn bright_bg_cyan(msg string) string { return format(msg, '106', '49') } // bright_bg_white formats the `msg` in bright white background. pub fn bright_bg_white(msg string) string { return format(msg, '107', '49') } // highlight_command highlights the command with an on-brand background // to make CLI commands immediately recognizable. pub fn highlight_command(command string) string { return bright_white(bg_cyan(' ${command} ')) }