import x.json2 as json // import time enum JobTitle { manager executive worker } struct Employee { pub mut: name string age int salary f32 // title JobTitle //! FIXME - decode // sub_employee SubEmployee //! FIXME - decode } struct SubEmployee { pub mut: name string age int salary f32 // title JobTitle //! FIXME - decode } fn test_simple() { sub_employee := SubEmployee{ name: 'João' } x := Employee{'Peter', 28, 95000.5} s := json.encode[Employee](x) assert s == '{"name":"Peter","age":28,"salary":95000.5}' y := json.decode[Employee](s) or { println(err) assert false return } assert == 'Peter' assert y.age == 28 assert y.salary == 95000.5 // assert y.title == .worker //! FIXME // assert == 'Peter' // assert y.sub_employee.age == 0 // assert y.sub_employee.salary == 0.0 // assert y.sub_employee.title == .worker //! FIXME } // const currency_id = 'cconst' // struct Price { // net f64 // currency_id string [json: currencyId] = currency_id // } // struct User2 { // mut: // age int // nums []int // reg_date time.Time // } // // User struct needs to be `pub mut` for now in order to access and manipulate values struct User { pub mut: age int nums []int last_name string [json: lastName] is_registered bool [json: IsRegistered] typ int [json: 'type'] pets string [json: 'pet_animals'; raw] } fn (mut u User) foo() string { return json.encode(u) } fn test_encode_user() { mut usr := User{ age: 10 nums: [1, 2, 3] last_name: 'Johnson' is_registered: true typ: 0 pets: 'foo' } expected := '{"age":10,"nums":[1,2,3],"lastName":"Johnson","IsRegistered":true,"type":0,"pet_animals":"foo"}' out := json.encode[User](usr) // println(out) assert out == expected // Test json.encode on mutable pointers assert == expected } struct Color { pub mut: space string point string [raw] } fn test_raw_json_field() { color := json.decode[Color]('{"space": "YCbCr", "point": {"Y": 123}}') or { assert false Color{} } assert color.point == '{"Y":123}' assert == 'YCbCr' } fn test_bad_raw_json_field() { color := json.decode[Color]('{"space": "YCbCr"}') or { return } assert color.point == '' assert == 'YCbCr' } fn test_encode_map() { expected := '{"one":1,"two":2,"three":3,"four":4}' numbers := { 'one': json.Any(1) 'two': json.Any(2) 'three': json.Any(3) 'four': json.Any(4) } // numbers := { // 'one': 1 // 'two': 2 // 'three': 3 // 'four': 4 // } assert json.encode(numbers) == expected assert numbers.str() == expected } type ID = string type GG = int struct Message { id ID ij GG } fn test_encode_alias_struct() { expected := '{"id":"118499178790780929","ij":999998888}' msg := Message{'118499178790780929', 999998888} out := json.encode[Message](msg) assert out == expected } struct StByteArray { ba []byte } fn test_byte_array() { assert json.encode(StByteArray{ ba: [byte(1), 2, 3, 4, 5] }) == '{"ba":[1,2,3,4,5]}' } struct Bar { x string } fn bar[T](payload string) !Bar { // ?T doesn't work currently result := json.decode[T](payload)! return result } fn test_generic() { result := bar[Bar]('{"x":"test"}') or { Bar{} } assert result.x == 'test' } struct Foo[T] { pub: name string data T } fn test_generic_struct() { foo_int := Foo[int]{'bar', 12} foo_enc := json.encode(foo_int) assert foo_enc == '{"name":"bar","data":12}' foo_dec := json.decode[Foo[int]](foo_enc)! assert == 'bar' assert == 12 } type StringAlias = string // TODO - encode_pretty array, sum types, struct, alias of struct and others... struct Foo2 { ux8 u8 ux16 u16 ux32 u32 ux64 u64 sx8 i8 sx16 i16 sx32 int sx64 i64 a bool b string c StringAlias } fn test_pretty() { foo := Foo2{1, 2, 3, 4, -1, -2, -3, -4, true, 'abc', 'aliens'} assert json.encode_pretty(foo) == '{ "ux8": 1, "ux16": 2, "ux32": 3, "ux64": 4, "sx8": -1, "sx16": -2, "sx32": -3, "sx64": -4, "a": true, "b": "abc", "c": "aliens" }' } struct Aa { sub AliasType } struct Bb { a int } type AliasType = Bb fn test_encode_alias_field() { s := json.encode(Aa{ sub: Bb{ a: 1 } }) assert s == '{"sub":{"a":1}}' }