module szip import os #flag -I @VEXEROOT/thirdparty/zip #include "zip.c" [params] pub struct ZipFolderOptions { omit_empty_folders bool } struct C.zip_t { } type Zip = C.zip_t pub type Fn_on_extract_entry = fn (&&char, &&char) int fn C.zip_open(&char, int, char) &Zip fn C.zip_close(&Zip) fn C.zip_entry_open(&Zip, &u8) int fn C.zip_entry_openbyindex(&Zip, usize) int fn C.zip_entry_close(&Zip) int fn C.zip_entry_name(&Zip) &u8 fn C.zip_entry_index(&Zip) int fn C.zip_entry_isdir(&Zip) int fn C.zip_entry_size(&Zip) u64 fn C.zip_entry_crc32(&Zip) u32 fn C.zip_entry_write(&Zip, voidptr, usize) int fn C.zip_entry_fwrite(&Zip, &char) int fn C.zip_entry_read(&Zip, &voidptr, &usize) int fn C.zip_entry_noallocread(&Zip, voidptr, usize) int fn C.zip_entry_fread(&Zip, &char) int fn C.zip_entries_total(&Zip) int fn C.zip_extract(&char, &char, Fn_on_extract_entry, voidptr) int fn cb_zip_extract(filename &&char, arg &&char) int { return 0 } // CompressionLevel lists compression levels, see in "thirdparty/zip/miniz.h" pub enum CompressionLevel { no_compression = 0 best_speed = 1 best_compression = 9 uber_compression = 10 default_level = 6 default_compression = -1 } // OpenMode lists the opening modes // .write: opens a file for reading/extracting (the file must exists). // .read_only: creates an empty file for writing. // .append: appends to an existing archive. pub enum OpenMode { write read_only append } [inline] fn (om OpenMode) to_u8() u8 { return match om { .write { `w` } .read_only { `r` } .append { `a` } } } // open opens zip archive with compression level using the given mode. // name: the name of the zip file to open. // level: can be any value of the CompressionLevel enum. // mode: can be any value of the OpenMode enum. pub fn open(name string, level CompressionLevel, mode OpenMode) !&Zip { if name.len == 0 { return error('szip: name of file empty') } p_zip := unsafe { &Zip(C.zip_open(&char(name.str), int(level), char(mode.to_u8()))) } if isnil(p_zip) { return error('szip: cannot open/create/append new zip archive') } return p_zip } // close closes the zip archive, releases resources - always finalize. [inline] pub fn (mut z Zip) close() { C.zip_close(z) } // open_entry opens an entry by name in the zip archive. // For zip archive opened in 'w' or 'a' mode the function will append // a new entry. In readonly mode the function tries to locate the entry // in global dictionary. pub fn (mut zentry Zip) open_entry(name string) ! { res := C.zip_entry_open(zentry, &char(name.str)) if res == -1 { return error('szip: cannot open archive entry') } } // open_entry_by_index opens an entry by index in the archive. pub fn (mut z Zip) open_entry_by_index(index int) ! { res := C.zip_entry_openbyindex(z, index) if res == -1 { return error('szip: cannot open archive entry at index $index') } } // close_entry closes a zip entry, flushes buffer and releases resources. [inline] pub fn (mut zentry Zip) close_entry() { C.zip_entry_close(zentry) } // name returns a local name of the current zip entry. // The main difference between user's entry name and local entry name // is optional relative path. // Following .ZIP File Format Specification - the path stored MUST not contain // a drive or device letter, or a leading slash. // All slashes MUST be forward slashes '/' as opposed to backwards slashes '\' // for compatibility with Amiga and UNIX file systems etc. pub fn (mut zentry Zip) name() string { name := unsafe { &u8(C.zip_entry_name(zentry)) } if name == 0 { return '' } return unsafe { name.vstring() } } // index returns an index of the current zip entry. pub fn (mut zentry Zip) index() !int { index := int(C.zip_entry_index(zentry)) if index == -1 { return error('szip: cannot get current index of zip entry') } return index // must be check for INVALID_VALUE } // is_dir determines if the current zip entry is a directory entry. pub fn (mut zentry Zip) is_dir() !bool { isdir := C.zip_entry_isdir(zentry) if isdir < 0 { return error('szip: cannot check entry type') } return isdir == 1 } // size returns an uncompressed size of the current zip entry. [inline] pub fn (mut zentry Zip) size() u64 { return C.zip_entry_size(zentry) } // crc32 returns CRC-32 checksum of the current zip entry. [inline] pub fn (mut zentry Zip) crc32() u32 { return C.zip_entry_crc32(zentry) } // write_entry compresses an input buffer for the current zip entry. pub fn (mut zentry Zip) write_entry(data []u8) ! { if int(data[0] & 0xff) == -1 { return error('szip: cannot write entry') } res := C.zip_entry_write(zentry,, data.len) if res != 0 { return error('szip: failed to write entry') } } // create_entry compresses a file for the current zip entry. pub fn (mut zentry Zip) create_entry(name string) ! { res := C.zip_entry_fwrite(zentry, &char(name.str)) if res != 0 { return error('szip: failed to create entry') } } // read_entry extracts the current zip entry into output buffer. // The function allocates sufficient memory for an output buffer. // NOTE: remember to release the memory allocated for an output buffer. // for large entries, please take a look at zip_entry_extract function. pub fn (mut zentry Zip) read_entry() !voidptr { mut buf := &u8(0) mut bsize := usize(0) res := C.zip_entry_read(zentry, unsafe { &voidptr(&buf) }, &bsize) if res == -1 { return error('szip: cannot read properly data from entry') } return buf } // read_entry_buf extracts the current zip entry into user specified buffer pub fn (mut zentry Zip) read_entry_buf(buf voidptr, in_bsize int) !int { bsize := usize(in_bsize) res := C.zip_entry_noallocread(zentry, buf, bsize) if res == -1 { return error('szip: cannot read properly data from entry') } return res } // extract_entry extracts the current zip entry into output file. pub fn (mut zentry Zip) extract_entry(path string) ! { res := C.zip_entry_fread(zentry, &char(path.str)) if res != 0 { return error('szip: failed to extract entry') } } // extract zip file to directory pub fn extract_zip_to_dir(file string, dir string) !bool { if C.access(&char(dir.str), 0) == -1 { return error('szip: cannot open directory for extracting, directory not exists') } res := C.zip_extract(&char(file.str), &char(dir.str), cb_zip_extract, 0) return res == 0 } // zip files (full path) to zip file pub fn zip_files(path_to_file []string, path_to_export_zip string) ! { // open or create new zip mut zip := open(path_to_export_zip, .no_compression, .write) or { panic(err) } // add all files from the directory to the archive for file in path_to_file { // add file to zip zip.open_entry(os.base(file)) or { panic(err) } file_as_byte := os.read_bytes(file) or { panic(err) } zip.write_entry(file_as_byte) or { panic(err) } zip.close_entry() } // close zip defer { zip.close() } } // zip_folder zips all entries in `folder` *recursively* to the zip file at `zip_file`. // Empty folders will be included, unless specified otherwise in `opt`. pub fn zip_folder(folder string, zip_file string, opt ZipFolderOptions) ! { // get list of files from directory path := folder.trim_right(os.path_separator) mut files := []string{} os.walk_with_context(path, &files, fn (mut files []string, file string) { files << file }) // open or create new zip mut zip := open(zip_file, .no_compression, .write)! // close zip defer { zip.close() } // add all files from the directory to the archive for file in files { is_dir := os.is_dir(file) if opt.omit_empty_folders && is_dir { continue } // strip each zip entry for the path prefix - this way // all files in the archive can be made relative. mut zip_file_entry := file.trim_string_left(path + os.path_separator) // Normalize path on Windows \ -> / $if windows { zip_file_entry = zip_file_entry.replace(os.path_separator, '/') } if is_dir { zip_file_entry += '/' // Tells the implementation that the entry is a directory } // add file or directory (ends with "/") to zip zip.open_entry(zip_file_entry)! if !is_dir { file_as_byte := os.read_bytes(file)! zip.write_entry(file_as_byte)! } zip.close_entry() } } // total returns the number of all entries (files and directories) in the zip archive. pub fn (mut zentry Zip) total() !int { tentry := int(C.zip_entries_total(zentry)) if tentry == -1 { return error('szip: cannot count total entries') } return tentry }