module fsm pub type EventHandlerFn = fn (receiver voidptr, from string, to string) pub type ConditionFn = fn (receiver voidptr, from string, to string) bool struct State { mut: entry_handler EventHandlerFn run_handler EventHandlerFn exit_handler EventHandlerFn } struct Transition { mut: to string condition_handler ConditionFn = unsafe { nil } } pub struct StateMachine { mut: states map[string]State transitions map[string][]Transition current_state string } pub fn new() StateMachine { return StateMachine{} } pub fn (mut s StateMachine) set_state(name string) ? { if name in s.states { s.current_state = name } return error('unknown state: $name') } pub fn (mut s StateMachine) get_state() string { return s.current_state } pub fn (mut s StateMachine) add_state(name string, entry EventHandlerFn, run EventHandlerFn, exit EventHandlerFn) { s.states[name] = State{ entry_handler: entry run_handler: run exit_handler: exit } if s.states.len == 1 { s.current_state = name } } pub fn (mut s StateMachine) add_transition(from string, to string, condition_handler ConditionFn) { t := Transition{ to: to condition_handler: condition_handler } if from in s.transitions { s.transitions[from] << t return } s.transitions[from] = [t] } pub fn (mut s StateMachine) run(receiver voidptr) ? { from_state := s.current_state mut to_state := s.current_state if transitions := s.transitions[s.current_state] { for transition in transitions { if transition.condition_handler(receiver, from_state, { s.change_state(receiver, to_state = break } } } else { s.states[s.current_state].run_handler(receiver, from_state, to_state) return error('no more transitions') } s.states[s.current_state].run_handler(receiver, from_state, to_state) } fn (mut s StateMachine) change_state(receiver voidptr, newstate string) { s.states[s.current_state].exit_handler(receiver, s.current_state, newstate) s.states[newstate].entry_handler(receiver, s.current_state, newstate) s.current_state = newstate }