name: wasm backend CI on: push: paths: - '!**' - '!**.md' - 'cmd/tools/builders/**.v' - 'vlib/builtin/**.v' - 'vlib/v/ast/**.v' - 'vlib/v/scanner/**.v' - 'vlib/v/parser/**.v' - 'vlib/v/checker/**.v' - 'vlib/v/gen/c/**.v' - 'vlib/v/builder/**.v' - 'vlib/v/cflag/**.v' - 'vlib/v/live/**.v' - 'vlib/v/util/**.v' - 'vlib/v/markused/**.v' - 'vlib/v/preludes/**.v' - 'vlib/v/gen/wasm/**.v' - 'vlib/v/gen/wasm/tests/**.v' pull_request: paths: - '!**' - '!**.md' - 'cmd/tools/builders/**.v' - 'vlib/builtin/**.v' - 'vlib/v/ast/**.v' - 'vlib/v/scanner/**.v' - 'vlib/v/parser/**.v' - 'vlib/v/checker/**.v' - 'vlib/v/gen/c/**.v' - 'vlib/v/builder/**.v' - 'vlib/v/cflag/**.v' - 'vlib/v/live/**.v' - 'vlib/v/util/**.v' - 'vlib/v/markused/**.v' - 'vlib/v/preludes/**.v' - 'vlib/v/gen/wasm/**.v' - 'vlib/v/gen/wasm/tests/**.v' concurrency: group: wasm-backend-ci-${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.sha }} cancel-in-progress: true jobs: wasm-backend-ubuntu: runs-on: ubuntu-22.04 if: github.event_name != 'push' || github.event.ref == 'refs/heads/master' || github.event.repository.full_name != 'vlang/v' timeout-minutes: 121 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Install dependencies run: | sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install --quiet -y clang gcc - name: Build V run: make -j4 && ./v symlink -githubci - name: Install binaryen as build dependency for the V WASM backend run: ./v cmd/tools/install_binaryen.vsh - name: Build the V WASM backend run: ./v -cc clang -showcc -v cmd/tools/builders/wasm_builder.v - name: Test the WASM backend run: ./v test vlib/v/gen/wasm/tests/ - name: Build examples run: VTEST_ONLY=wasm ./v build-examples wasm-backend-macos: runs-on: macOS-12 if: github.event_name != 'push' || github.event.ref == 'refs/heads/master' || github.event.repository.full_name != 'vlang/v' timeout-minutes: 121 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Build V run: make -j4 && ./v symlink -githubci - name: Install binaryen as build dependency for the V WASM backend run: ./v cmd/tools/install_binaryen.vsh - name: Build the V WASM backend run: ./v -cc clang -showcc -v cmd/tools/builders/wasm_builder.v - name: Test the WASM backend run: ./v test vlib/v/gen/wasm/tests/ - name: Build examples run: VTEST_ONLY=wasm ./v build-examples wasm-backend-windows: runs-on: windows-2022 if: github.event_name != 'push' || github.event.ref == 'refs/heads/master' || github.event.repository.full_name != 'vlang/v' timeout-minutes: 121 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Build V run: .\make.bat -msvc - name: Symlink V run: .\v.exe symlink -githubci - name: Install binaryen as build dependency for the V WASM backend run: v cmd/tools/install_binaryen.vsh - name: Build the V WASM backend run: v -cc msvc -showcc -v cmd/tools/builders/wasm_builder.v - name: Test the WASM backend run: v -stats test vlib/v/gen/wasm/tests/ - name: Build examples run: $env:VTEST_ONLY='wasm'; v build-examples