module csrf import crypto.hmac import crypto.sha256 import encoding.base64 import net.http import net.urllib import rand import time import vweb [params] pub struct CsrfConfig { pub: secret string // how long the random part of the csrf-token should be nonce_length int = 64 // HTTP "safe" methods meaning they shouldn't alter state. // If a request with any of these methods is made, `protect` will always return true // safe_methods []http.Method = [.get, .head, .options] // which hosts are allowed, enforced by checking the Origin and Referer header // if allowed_hosts contains '*' the check will be skipped. // Subdomains need to be included separately: a request from `""` // will be rejected when `allowed_host = ['']`. allowed_hosts []string // if set to true both the Referer and Origin headers must match `allowed_hosts` // else if either one is valid the request is accepted check_origin_and_referer bool = true // the name of the csrf-token in the hidden html input token_name string = 'csrftoken' // the name of the cookie that contains the session id session_cookie string // cookie options cookie_name string = 'csrftoken' same_site http.SameSite = .same_site_strict_mode cookie_path string = '/' // how long the cookie stays valid in seconds. Default is 30 days max_age int = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 cookie_domain string } pub struct CsrfApp { CsrfConfig pub mut: // the csrftoken that should be placed in an html form token string } // set_token is the app wrapper for `set_token` pub fn (mut app CsrfApp) set_token(mut ctx vweb.Context) { app.token = set_token(mut ctx, app.CsrfConfig) } // protect is the app wrapper for `protect` pub fn (mut app CsrfApp) protect(mut ctx vweb.Context) bool { return protect(mut ctx, app.CsrfConfig) } // check_origin_and_referer is the app wrapper for `check_origin_and_referer` fn (app &CsrfApp) check_origin_and_referer(ctx vweb.Context) bool { return check_origin_and_referer(ctx, app.CsrfConfig) } // middleware returns a function that you can use in `app.middlewares` pub fn middleware(config &CsrfConfig) vweb.Middleware { return fn [config] (mut ctx vweb.Context) bool { return protect(mut ctx, config) } } // set_token returns the csrftoken and sets an encrypted cookie with the hmac of // `config.get_secret` and the csrftoken pub fn set_token(mut ctx vweb.Context, config &CsrfConfig) string { expire_time := session_id := ctx.get_cookie(config.session_cookie) or { '' } token := generate_token(expire_time.unix_time(), session_id, config.nonce_length) cookie := generate_cookie(expire_time.unix_time(), token, config.secret) // the hmac key is set as a cookie and later validated with `app.token` that must // be in an html form ctx.set_cookie(http.Cookie{ name: config.cookie_name value: cookie same_site: config.same_site http_only: true secure: true path: config.cookie_path expires: expire_time max_age: config.max_age }) return token } // protect returns false and sends an http 401 response when the csrf verification // fails. protect will always return true if the current request method is in // `config.safe_methods`. pub fn protect(mut ctx vweb.Context, config &CsrfConfig) bool { // if the request method is a "safe" method we allow the request if ctx.req.method in config.safe_methods { return true } // check origin and referer header if check_origin_and_referer(ctx, config) == false { request_is_invalid(mut ctx) return false } // use the session id from the cookie, not from the csrftoken session_id := ctx.get_cookie(config.session_cookie) or { '' } actual_token := ctx.form[config.token_name] or { request_is_invalid(mut ctx) return false } // retrieve timestamp and nonce from csrftoken data := base64.url_decode_str(actual_token).split('.') if data.len < 3 { request_is_invalid(mut ctx) return false } // check the timestamp from the csrftoken against the current time // if an attacker would change the timestamp on the cookie, the token or both the // hmac would also change. now := expire_timestamp := data[0].i64() if expire_timestamp < now { // token has expired request_is_invalid(mut ctx) return false } nonce := data.last() expected_token := base64.url_encode_str('${expire_timestamp}.${session_id}.${nonce}') actual_hash := ctx.get_cookie(config.cookie_name) or { request_is_invalid(mut ctx) return false } // generate new hmac based on information in the http request expected_hash := generate_cookie(expire_timestamp, expected_token, config.secret) // if the new hmac matches the cookie value the request is legit if actual_hash != expected_hash { request_is_invalid(mut ctx) return false } return true } // check_origin_and_referer validates the `Origin` and `Referer` headers. fn check_origin_and_referer(ctx vweb.Context, config &CsrfConfig) bool { // wildcard allow all hosts NOT SAFE! if '*' in config.allowed_hosts { return true } // only match host and match the full domain name // because lets say `allowed_host` = `['']`. // Attackers shouldn't be able to bypass this check with the domain `` origin := ctx.get_header('Origin') origin_url := urllib.parse(origin) or { urllib.URL{} } valid_origin := origin_url.hostname() in config.allowed_hosts referer := ctx.get_header('Referer') referer_url := urllib.parse(referer) or { urllib.URL{} } valid_referer := referer_url.hostname() in config.allowed_hosts if config.check_origin_and_referer { return valid_origin && valid_referer } else { return valid_origin || valid_referer } } // request_is_invalid sends an http 403 response fn request_is_invalid(mut ctx vweb.Context) { ctx.set_status(403, '') ctx.text('Forbidden: Invalid or missing CSRF token') } fn generate_token(expire_time i64, session_id string, nonce_length int) string { nonce := rand.string_from_set('0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', nonce_length) token := '${expire_time}.${session_id}.${nonce}' return base64.url_encode_str(token) } // generate_cookie converts secret key based on the request context and a random // token into an hmac key fn generate_cookie(expire_time i64, token string, secret string) string { hash := base64.url_encode(, token.bytes(), sha256.sum, sha256.block_size)) cookie := '${expire_time}.${hash}' return cookie }