module main import os import term import v.pref import os.cmdline // Symbol type to search enum Symbol { @fn method @struct @interface @enum @const var regexp } // Visibility of the symbols to search enum Visibility { all @pub pri } // Mutability of the symbols to search enum Mutability { any yes not } const ( _args = os.args verbose = '-v' in cmdline.only_options(_args) header = '-h' in cmdline.only_options(_args) format = '-f' in cmdline.only_options(_args) symbols = { 'fn': Symbol.@fn 'method': .method 'struct': .@struct 'interface': .@interface 'enum': .@enum 'const': .@const 'var': .var 'regexp': .regexp } visibilities = { 'all': Visibility.all 'pub': .@pub 'pri': .pri } mutabilities = { 'any': Mutability.any 'yes': .yes 'not': .not } vexe = pref.vexe_path() vlib_dir = os.join_path(os.dir(vexe), 'vlib') vmod_dir = os.vmodules_dir() vmod_paths = os.vmodules_paths()[1..] current_dir = os.abs_path('.') color_out = term.can_show_color_on_stdout() ) fn (mut cfg Symbol) set_from_str(str_in string) { if str_in !in symbols { invalid_option(cfg, str_in) } cfg = symbols[str_in] } fn (mut cfg Visibility) set_from_str(str_in string) { if str_in !in visibilities { invalid_option(cfg, str_in) } cfg = visibilities[str_in] } fn (mut cfg Mutability) set_from_str(str_in string) { if str_in !in mutabilities { invalid_option(cfg, str_in) } cfg = mutabilities[str_in] } type ParamOption = Mutability | Symbol | Visibility // General helpers fn invalid_option(invalid ParamOption, arg string) { match invalid.type_name() { 'Symbol' { msg := 'First arg (symbol type) must be one of the following:' make_and_print_error(msg, symbols.keys(), arg) } 'Visibility' { msg := '"-vis" (visibility) must be one of the following:' make_and_print_error(msg, visibilities.keys(), arg) } 'Mutability' { msg := '"-mut" (mutability) must be one of the following:' make_and_print_error(msg, mutabilities.keys(), arg) } else { exit(1) } } } fn valid_args_quantity_or_show_help(args []string) { if true in [ args.len < 1, '-help' in args, '--help' in args, args == ['help'], ] { os.system('${os.quoted_path(vexe)} help where') exit(0) } } fn make_and_print_error(msg string, opts []string, arg string) { if verbose || format { eprintln('\n' + maybe_color(term.bright_yellow, msg)) if opts.len > 0 { eprint(, it)).join(' | ')) } eprintln(' ...can not be ${maybe_color(term.bright_red, arg)}') } else { eprint(maybe_color(term.bright_yellow, msg) + ' ') if opts.len > 0 { eprint(, it)).join(' | ')) } eprintln(' ...can not be ${maybe_color(term.bright_red, arg)}') } exit(1) } fn maybe_color(term_color fn (string) string, str string) string { if color_out { return term_color(str) } else { return str } } fn collect_v_files(path string, recursive bool) ?[]string { if path.len == 0 { return error('path cannot be empty') } if !os.is_dir(path) { return error('path does not exist or is not a directory') } mut all_files := []string{} mut entries := mut local_path_separator := os.path_separator if path.ends_with(os.path_separator) { local_path_separator = '' } for entry in entries { file := path + local_path_separator + entry if os.is_dir(file) && !os.is_link(file) && recursive { all_files << collect_v_files(file, recursive)? } else if os.exists(file) && (file.ends_with('.v') || file.ends_with('.vsh')) { all_files << file } } return all_files } fn resolve_module(path string) ?string { if os.is_dir(path) { return path } else if os.is_dir(os.join_path(vmod_dir, path)) { return os.join_path(vmod_dir, path) } else if os.is_dir(os.join_path(vlib_dir, path)) { return os.join_path(vlib_dir, path) } else { return error('Path: $path not found') } }