# Event Bus A module to provide eventing capabilities using pub/sub. ## API 1. `new()` - create a new `EventBus` ### Structs: **EventBus:** 1. `publish(string, voidptr, Params)` - publish an event with provided Params & name 2. `clear_all()` - clear all subscribers 3. `has_subscriber(string)` - check if a subscriber to an event exists **Subscriber:** 1. `subscribe(string, fn(voidptr, Params))` - subscribe to an event 2. `subscribe_once(string, fn(voidptr, Params))` - subscribe only once to an event 3. `is_subscribed(string)` - check if we are subscribed to an event 4. `unsubscribe(string)` - unsubscribe from an event **Event Handler Signature:** The function given to `subscribe` and `subscribe_once` must match this: ```v fn(voidptr, Params){ } // Example fn onPress(sender voidptr, p Params){ //your code here... } ``` ## Usage For **usage across modules** [check the example](https://github.com/vlang/v/tree/master/examples/eventbus). _Note: As a general rule, you will need to **subscribe before publishing**._ **main.v** ```v module main import eventbus // initialize it globally const ( eb = eventbus.new() ) fn main(){ // get a mutable reference to the subscriber mut sub := eb.subscriber // subscribe to the 'error' event sub.subscribe("error", on_error) // start the work do_work() } // the event handler fn on_error(sender voidptr, p eventbus.Params) { //cast the sender to the real type //you can also make this mutable if required. work := *(*Work(sender)) //a little verbose but works error := p.get_string("error") println('error occured on ${work.hours}. Error: ${error}') } ``` **work.v** ```v module main import ( eventbus ) struct Work{ hours int } fn do_work(){ work := Work{20} // get a mutable Params instance & put some data into it mut params := eventbus.Params{} params.put_string("error", "Error: no internet connection.") // publish the event eb.publish("error", work, params) } ``` ### How to use `Params`: ```v mut params := eventbus.Params{} params.put_string("string", "some_string") params.put_int("int", 20) params.put_bool("bool", true) // add maps and arrays of any type like this arr := [1,2,3] params.put_array("array", arr) mp := {"hello": "world"} params.put_map("map", mp) //get and use the params like this assert params.get_string("string") == "some_string" assert params.get_int("int") == 20 assert params.get_bool("bool") == true g_arr := params.get_array("array", 0) assert g_arr[0] == 1 g_m := params.get_map("map", "") assert g_m["hello"] == "world" ``` #### Caution when putting arrays: Currently putting arrays and maps directly as parameters in `put_array` doesn't work, so make a variable first and use that. ### Notes: 1. Each `EventBus` instance has it's own registry (i.e. there is no global event registry so you can't just subscribe to an event wherever you are. 2. Each `EventBus` has a `Subscriber` instance which will need to be either exposed or you can make small public helper functions specific to your module like (`onPress`, `onError`) and etc. 3. The `eventbus` module has some helpers to ease getting/setting of Params (since V doesn't support empty interfaces yet or reflection) so use them (see usage above). **The rationale behind separating Subscriber & Publisher:** This is mainly for security because the if publisher & subscriber are both passed around, a client can easily publish events acting as the server. So a client should only be able to use the Subscriber methods.