module builtin pub fn (b byte) is_space() bool { mut result := false #result.val = /^\s*$/.test(String.fromCharCode(b)) return result } pub fn (c byte) str() string { res := '' #res.str = c.val.toString() return res } pub fn (c byte) ascii_str() string { res := '' #res.str = String.fromCharCode(c.val) return res } pub fn (c byte) repeat(count int) string { mut res := '' for _ in 0 .. count { res += c.ascii_str() } return res } [inline] pub fn (c byte) is_digit() bool { return c >= `0` && c <= `9` } // is_hex_digit returns `true` if the byte is either in range 0-9, a-f or A-F and `false` otherwise. // Example: assert byte(`F`) == true [inline] pub fn (c byte) is_hex_digit() bool { return (c >= `0` && c <= `9`) || (c >= `a` && c <= `f`) || (c >= `A` && c <= `F`) } // is_oct_digit returns `true` if the byte is in range 0-7 and `false` otherwise. // Example: assert byte(`7`) == true [inline] pub fn (c byte) is_oct_digit() bool { return c >= `0` && c <= `7` } // is_bin_digit returns `true` if the byte is a binary digit (0 or 1) and `false` otherwise. // Example: assert byte(`0`) == true [inline] pub fn (c byte) is_bin_digit() bool { return c == `0` || c == `1` } // is_letter returns `true` if the byte is in range a-z or A-Z and `false` otherwise. // Example: assert byte(`V`) == true [inline] pub fn (c byte) is_letter() bool { return (c >= `a` && c <= `z`) || (c >= `A` && c <= `Z`) } // is_alnum returns `true` if the byte is in range a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and `false` otherwise. // Example: assert byte(`V`) == true [inline] pub fn (c byte) is_alnum() bool { return (c >= `a` && c <= `z`) || (c >= `A` && c <= `Z`) || (c >= `0` && c <= `9`) } // is_capital returns `true`, if the byte is a Latin capital letter. // Example: assert `H`.is_capital() == true // Example: assert `h`.is_capital() == false [inline] pub fn (c byte) is_capital() bool { return c >= `A` && c <= `Z` } // str_escaped returns the contents of `byte` as an escaped `string`. // Example: assert byte(0).str_escaped() == r'`\0`' pub fn (b byte) str_escaped() string { mut str := '' match b { 0 { str = r'`\0`' } 7 { str = r'`\a`' } 8 { str = r'`\b`' } 9 { str = r'`\t`' } 10 { str = r'`\n`' } 11 { str = r'`\v`' } 12 { str = r'`\f`' } 13 { str = r'`\r`' } 27 { str = r'`\e`' } 32...126 { str = b.ascii_str() } else { str = '0x' + b.hex() } } return str }