module flag for command-line flag parsing - parsing flags like '--flag' or '--stuff=things' or '--things stuff' - handles bool, int, float and string args - is able to print usage - handled unknown arguments as error Usage example: ```v module main import os import flag fn main() { mut fp := flag.new_flag_parser(os.args) fp.application('flag_example_tool') fp.version('v0.0.0') fp.description('This tool is only designed to show how the flag lib is working') fp.skip_executable() an_int :='an_int', 0, 0o666, 'some int to define 0o666 is default') a_bool := fp.bool('a_bool', 0, false, 'some \'real\' flag') a_float := fp.float('a_float', 0, 1.0, 'also floats') a_string := fp.string('a_string', `a`, 'no text', 'finally, some text with "a" an abbreviation') additional_args := fp.finalize() or { eprintln(err) println(fp.usage()) return } println(' an_int: $an_int a_bool: $a_bool a_float: $a_float a_string: \'$a_string\' ') println(additional_args.join_lines()) } ```