module hash //#flag -I @VEXEROOT/thirdparty/wyhash //#include "wyhash.h" fn C.wyhash(&u8, u64, u64, &u64) u64 fn C.wyhash64(u64, u64) u64 // wyhash_c returns a hash given a byte string `key`, its `len`, and a `seed`. [inline] pub fn wyhash_c(key &u8, len u64, seed u64) u64 { return C.wyhash(key, len, seed, &u64(C._wyp)) } // wyhash64_c returns a hash given two u64 values `a` and `b`. [inline] pub fn wyhash64_c(a u64, b u64) u64 { return C.wyhash64(a, b) } // sum64_string returns a hash given a V string `key` and a `seed`. [inline] pub fn sum64_string(key string, seed u64) u64 { return wyhash_c(key.str, u64(key.len), seed) } // sum64 returns a hash given a byte array `key` and a `seed`. [inline] pub fn sum64(key []u8, seed u64) u64 { return wyhash_c(&u8(, u64(key.len), seed) }