/********************************************************************** * * simple Picture Viewer V. 0.9 * * Copyright (c) 2021 Dario Deledda. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license * that can be found in the LICENSE file. * * TODO: * - add an example with shaders **********************************************************************/ import os import gg import gx import sokol.gfx import sokol.sgl import sokol.sapp import stbi import szip import strings // Help text const ( help_text_rows = [ 'Image Viwer 0.9 help.', '', 'ESC/q - Quit', 'cur. right - Next image', 'cur. left - Previous image', 'cur. up - Next folder', 'cur. down - Previous folder', 'F - Toggle full screen', 'R - Rotate image of 90 degree', 'I - Toggle the info text', '', 'mouse wheel - next/previous images', 'keep pressed left Mouse button - Pan on the image', 'keep pressed rigth Mouse button - Zoom on the image', ] ) const ( win_width = 800 win_height = 800 bg_color = gx.black pi_2 = 3.14159265359 / 2.0 uv = [f32(0), 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]! // used for zoom icon during rotations text_drop_files = 'Drop here some images/folder/zip to navigate in the pics' text_scanning = 'Scanning...' text_loading = 'Loading...' ) enum Viewer_state { loading scanning show error } struct App { mut: gg &gg.Context = unsafe { nil } pip_viewer sgl.Pipeline texture gfx.Image init_flag bool frame_count int mouse_x int = -1 mouse_y int = -1 scroll_y int state Viewer_state = .scanning // translation tr_flag bool tr_x f32 = 0.0 tr_y f32 = 0.0 last_tr_x f32 = 0.0 last_tr_y f32 = 0.0 // scaling sc_flag bool scale f32 = 1.0 sc_x f32 = 0.0 sc_y f32 = 0.0 last_sc_x f32 = 0.0 last_sc_y f32 = 0.0 // loaded image img_w int img_h int img_ratio f32 = 1.0 // item list item_list &Item_list = unsafe { nil } // Text info and help show_info_flag bool = true show_help_flag bool // zip container zip &szip.Zip = unsafe { nil } // pointer to the szip structure zip_index int = -1 // index of the zip contaire item // memory buffer mem_buf voidptr // buffer used to load items from files/containers mem_buf_size int // size of the buffer // font font_path string // path to the temp font file // logo logo_path string // path of the temp font logo logo_texture gfx.Image logo_w int logo_h int logo_ratio f32 = 1.0 // string builder bl strings.Builder = strings.new_builder(512) } /****************************************************************************** * * Texture functions * ******************************************************************************/ fn create_texture(w int, h int, buf &u8) gfx.Image { sz := w * h * 4 mut img_desc := gfx.ImageDesc{ width: w height: h num_mipmaps: 0 min_filter: .linear mag_filter: .linear // usage: .dynamic wrap_u: .clamp_to_edge wrap_v: .clamp_to_edge label: &u8(0) d3d11_texture: 0 } // comment if .dynamic is enabled img_desc.data.subimage[0][0] = gfx.Range{ ptr: buf size: usize(sz) } sg_img := gfx.make_image(&img_desc) return sg_img } fn destroy_texture(sg_img gfx.Image) { gfx.destroy_image(sg_img) } // Use only if: .dynamic is enabled fn update_text_texture(sg_img gfx.Image, w int, h int, buf &u8) { sz := w * h * 4 mut tmp_sbc := gfx.ImageData{} tmp_sbc.subimage[0][0] = gfx.Range{ ptr: buf size: usize(sz) } gfx.update_image(sg_img, &tmp_sbc) } /****************************************************************************** * * Memory buffer * ******************************************************************************/ [inline] fn (mut app App) resize_buf_if_needed(in_size int) { // manage the memory buffer if app.mem_buf_size < in_size { println('Managing FILE memory buffer, allocated [$in_size]Bytes') // free previous buffer if any exist if app.mem_buf_size > 0 { unsafe { free(app.mem_buf) } } // allocate the memory unsafe { app.mem_buf = malloc(int(in_size)) app.mem_buf_size = int(in_size) } } } /****************************************************************************** * * Loading functions * ******************************************************************************/ // read_bytes from file in `path` in the memory buffer of app. [manualfree] fn (mut app App) read_bytes(path string) bool { mut fp := os.vfopen(path, 'rb') or { eprintln('ERROR: Can not open the file [$path].') return false } defer { C.fclose(fp) } cseek := C.fseek(fp, 0, C.SEEK_END) if cseek != 0 { eprintln('ERROR: Can not seek in the file [$path].') return false } fsize := C.ftell(fp) if fsize < 0 { eprintln('ERROR: File [$path] has size is 0.') return false } C.rewind(fp) app.resize_buf_if_needed(int(fsize)) nr_read_elements := int(C.fread(app.mem_buf, fsize, 1, fp)) if nr_read_elements == 0 && fsize > 0 { eprintln('ERROR: Can not read the file [$path] in the memory buffer.') return false } return true } // read a file as []u8 pub fn read_bytes_from_file(file_path string) []u8 { mut buffer := []u8{} buffer = os.read_bytes(file_path) or { eprintln('ERROR: Texure file: [$file_path] NOT FOUND.') exit(0) } return buffer } fn (mut app App) load_texture_from_buffer(buf voidptr, buf_len int) (gfx.Image, int, int) { // load image stbi.set_flip_vertically_on_load(true) img := stbi.load_from_memory_with_channels(buf, buf_len, 4) or { eprintln('ERROR: Can not load image from buffer, file: [${app.item_list.lst[app.item_list.item_index]}].') return app.logo_texture, app.logo_w, app.logo_h // exit(1) } res := create_texture(int(img.width), int(img.height), img.data) unsafe { img.free() } return res, int(img.width), int(img.height) } pub fn (mut app App) load_texture_from_file(file_name string) (gfx.Image, int, int) { app.read_bytes(file_name) return app.load_texture_from_buffer(app.mem_buf, app.mem_buf_size) } pub fn show_logo(mut app App) { clear_modifier_params(mut app) if app.texture != app.logo_texture { destroy_texture(app.texture) } app.texture = app.logo_texture app.img_w = app.logo_w app.img_h = app.logo_h app.img_ratio = f32(app.img_w) / f32(app.img_h) // app.gg.refresh_ui() } pub fn load_image(mut app App) { if app.item_list.loaded == false || app.init_flag == false { // show_logo(mut app) // app.state = .show return } app.state = .loading clear_modifier_params(mut app) // destroy the texture, avoid to destroy the logo if app.texture != app.logo_texture { destroy_texture(app.texture) } // load from .ZIP file if app.item_list.is_inside_a_container() == true { app.texture, app.img_w, app.img_h = app.load_texture_from_zip() or { eprintln('ERROR: Can not load image from .ZIP file [${app.item_list.lst[app.item_list.item_index]}].') show_logo(mut app) app.state = .show return } app.img_ratio = f32(app.img_w) / f32(app.img_h) app.state = .show // app.gg.refresh_ui() return } // if we are out of the zip, close it if app.zip_index >= 0 { app.zip_index = -1 app.zip.close() } file_path := app.item_list.get_file_path() if file_path.len > 0 { // println("${app.item_list.lst[app.item_list.item_index]} $file_path ${app.item_list.lst.len}") app.texture, app.img_w, app.img_h = app.load_texture_from_file(file_path) app.img_ratio = f32(app.img_w) / f32(app.img_h) // println("texture: [${app.img_w},${app.img_h}] ratio: ${app.img_ratio}") } else { app.texture = app.logo_texture app.img_w = app.logo_w app.img_h = app.logo_h app.img_ratio = f32(app.img_w) / f32(app.img_h) println('texture NOT FOUND: use logo!') } app.state = .show } /****************************************************************************** * * Init / Cleanup * ******************************************************************************/ fn app_init(mut app App) { app.init_flag = true // 3d pipeline mut pipdesc := gfx.PipelineDesc{} unsafe { vmemset(&pipdesc, 0, int(sizeof(pipdesc))) } color_state := gfx.ColorState{ blend: gfx.BlendState{ enabled: true src_factor_rgb: .src_alpha dst_factor_rgb: .one_minus_src_alpha } } pipdesc.colors[0] = color_state pipdesc.depth = gfx.DepthState{ write_enabled: true compare: .less_equal } pipdesc.cull_mode = .back app.pip_viewer = sgl.make_pipeline(&pipdesc) // load logo app.logo_texture, app.logo_w, app.logo_h = app.load_texture_from_file(app.logo_path) app.logo_ratio = f32(app.img_w) / f32(app.img_h) app.img_w = app.logo_w app.img_h = app.logo_h app.img_ratio = app.logo_ratio app.texture = app.logo_texture println('INIT DONE!') // init done, load the first image if any load_image(mut app) } fn cleanup(mut app App) { gfx.shutdown() // delete temp files os.rm(app.font_path) or { eprintln('ERROR: Can not delete temp font file.') } os.rm(app.logo_path) or { eprintln('ERROR: Can not delete temp logo file.') } println('Cleaning done.') } /****************************************************************************** * * Draw functions * ******************************************************************************/ [manualfree] fn frame(mut app App) { ws := gg.window_size_real_pixels() if ws.width <= 0 || ws.height <= 0 { return } mut ratio := f32(ws.width) / ws.height dw := ws.width dh := ws.height app.gg.begin() sgl.defaults() // set viewport sgl.viewport(0, 0, dw, dh, true) // enable our pipeline sgl.load_pipeline(app.pip_viewer) sgl.enable_texture() sgl.texture(app.texture) // translation tr_x := app.tr_x / app.img_w tr_y := -app.tr_y / app.img_h sgl.push_matrix() sgl.translate(tr_x, tr_y, 0.0) // scaling/zoom sgl.scale(2.0 * app.scale, 2.0 * app.scale, 0.0) // roation mut rotation := 0 if app.state == .show && app.item_list.n_item > 0 { rotation = app.item_list.lst[app.item_list.item_index].rotation sgl.rotate(pi_2 * f32(rotation), 0.0, 0.0, -1.0) } // draw the image mut w := f32(0.5) mut h := f32(0.5) // for 90 and 270 degree invert w and h // rotation change image ratio, manage it if rotation & 1 == 1 { tmp := w w = h h = tmp h /= app.img_ratio * ratio } else { h /= app.img_ratio / ratio } // manage image overflow in case of strange scales if h > 0.5 { reduction_factor := 0.5 / h h = h * reduction_factor w = w * reduction_factor } if w > 0.5 { reduction_factor := 0.5 / w h = h * reduction_factor w = w * reduction_factor } // println("$w,$h") // white multiplicator for now mut c := [u8(255), 255, 255]! sgl.begin_quads() sgl.v2f_t2f_c3b(-w, -h, 0, 0, c[0], c[1], c[2]) sgl.v2f_t2f_c3b(w, -h, 1, 0, c[0], c[1], c[2]) sgl.v2f_t2f_c3b(w, h, 1, 1, c[0], c[1], c[2]) sgl.v2f_t2f_c3b(-w, h, 0, 1, c[0], c[1], c[2]) sgl.end() // restore all the transformations sgl.pop_matrix() // Zoom icon /* if app.show_info_flag == true && app.scale > 1 { mut bw := f32(0.25) mut bh := f32(0.25 / app.img_ratio) // manage the rotations if rotation & 1 == 1 { bw,bh = bh,bw } mut bx := f32(1 - bw) mut by := f32(1 - bh) if rotation & 1 == 1 { bx,by = by,bx } bh_old1 := bh bh *= ratio by += (bh_old1 - bh) // draw the zoom icon sgl.begin_quads() r := int(u32(rotation) << 1) sgl.v2f_t2f_c3b(bx , by , uv[(0 + r) & 7] , uv[(1 + r) & 7], c[0], c[1], c[2]) sgl.v2f_t2f_c3b(bx + bw, by , uv[(2 + r) & 7] , uv[(3 + r) & 7], c[0], c[1], c[2]) sgl.v2f_t2f_c3b(bx + bw, by + bh, uv[(4 + r) & 7] , uv[(5 + r) & 7], c[0], c[1], c[2]) sgl.v2f_t2f_c3b(bx , by + bh, uv[(6 + r) & 7] , uv[(7 + r) & 7], c[0], c[1], c[2]) sgl.end() // draw the zoom rectangle sgl.disable_texture() bw_old := bw bh_old := bh bw /= app.scale bh /= app.scale bx += (bw_old - bw) / 2 - (tr_x / 8) / app.scale by += (bh_old - bh) / 2 - ((tr_y / 8) / app.scale) * ratio c = [u8(255),255,0]! // yellow sgl.begin_line_strip() sgl.v2f_c3b(bx , by , c[0], c[1], c[2]) sgl.v2f_c3b(bx + bw, by , c[0], c[1], c[2]) sgl.v2f_c3b(bx + bw, by + bh, c[0], c[1], c[2]) sgl.v2f_c3b(bx , by + bh, c[0], c[1], c[2]) sgl.v2f_c3b(bx , by , c[0], c[1], c[2]) sgl.end() } */ sgl.disable_texture() // // Draw info text // x := 10 y := 10 app.gg.begin() if app.state in [.scanning, .loading] { if app.state == .scanning { draw_text(mut app, text_scanning, x, y, 20) } else { draw_text(mut app, text_loading, x, y, 20) } } else if app.state == .show { // print the info text if needed if app.item_list.n_item > 0 && app.show_info_flag == true { /* // waiting for better autofree num := app.item_list.lst[app.item_list.item_index].n_item of_num := app.item_list.n_item x_screen := int(w*2*app.scale*dw) y_screen := int(h*2*app.scale*dw) rotation_angle := 90 * rotation scale_str := "${app.scale:.2}" text := "${num}/${of_num} [${app.img_w},${app.img_h}]=>[${x_screen},${y_screen}] ${app.item_list.lst[app.item_list.item_index].name} scale: ${scale_str} rotation: ${rotation_angle}" //text := "${num}/${of_num}" draw_text(mut app, text, 10, 10, 20) unsafe{ text.free() } */ // Using string builder to avoid memory leak num := app.item_list.lst[app.item_list.item_index].n_item of_num := app.item_list.n_item x_screen := int(w * 2 * app.scale * dw) y_screen := int(h * 2 * app.scale * dw) rotation_angle := 90 * rotation scale_str := '${app.scale:.2}' app.bl.clear() app.bl.write_string('$num/$of_num') app.bl.write_string(' [${app.img_w}x$app.img_h]=>[${x_screen}x$y_screen]') app.bl.write_string(' ${app.item_list.lst[app.item_list.item_index].name}') app.bl.write_string(' scale: $scale_str rotation: $rotation_angle') draw_text(mut app, app.bl.str(), 10, 10, 20) } else { if app.item_list.n_item <= 0 { draw_text(mut app, text_drop_files, 10, 10, 20) } } } // // Draw Help text // if app.show_help_flag == true { mut txt_y := 30 for r in help_text_rows { draw_text(mut app, r, 10, txt_y, 20) txt_y += 20 } } app.gg.end() app.frame_count++ } // draw readable text fn draw_text(mut app App, in_txt string, in_x int, in_y int, fnt_sz f32) { scale := app.gg.scale font_size := int(fnt_sz * scale) mut txt_conf_c0 := gx.TextCfg{ color: gx.white // gx.rgb( (c >> 16) & 0xff, (c >> 8) & 0xff, c & 0xff) align: .left size: font_size } mut txt_conf_c1 := gx.TextCfg{ color: gx.black // gx.rgb( (c >> 16) & 0xff, (c >> 8) & 0xff, c & 0xff) align: .left size: font_size } x := int(in_x * scale) y := int(in_y * scale) app.gg.draw_text(x + 2, y + 2, in_txt, txt_conf_c0) app.gg.draw_text(x, y, in_txt, txt_conf_c1) } /****************************************************************************** * * events management * ******************************************************************************/ fn clear_modifier_params(mut app App) { app.scale = 1.0 app.sc_flag = false app.sc_x = 0 app.sc_y = 0 app.last_sc_x = 0 app.last_sc_y = 0 app.tr_flag = false app.tr_x = 0 app.tr_y = 0 app.last_tr_x = 0 app.last_tr_y = 0 } fn my_event_manager(mut ev gg.Event, mut app App) { // navigation using the mouse wheel app.scroll_y = int(ev.scroll_y) if app.scroll_y != 0 { inc := int(-1 * app.scroll_y / 4) if app.item_list.n_item > 0 { app.item_list.get_next_item(inc) load_image(mut app) } } if ev.typ == .mouse_move { app.mouse_x = int(ev.mouse_x) app.mouse_y = int(ev.mouse_y) } if ev.typ == .touches_began || ev.typ == .touches_moved { if ev.num_touches > 0 { touch_point := ev.touches[0] app.mouse_x = int(touch_point.pos_x) app.mouse_y = int(touch_point.pos_y) } } // clear all parameters if ev.typ == .mouse_down && ev.mouse_button == .middle { clear_modifier_params(mut app) } // ws := gg.window_size_real_pixels() // ratio := f32(ws.width) / ws.height // dw := ws.width // dh := ws.height // --- translate --- if ev.typ == .mouse_down && ev.mouse_button == .left { app.tr_flag = true app.last_tr_x = app.mouse_x app.last_tr_y = app.mouse_y } if ev.typ == .mouse_up && ev.mouse_button == .left && app.tr_flag == true { app.tr_flag = false } if ev.typ == .mouse_move && app.tr_flag == true { app.tr_x += (app.mouse_x - app.last_tr_x) * 3 * app.gg.scale app.tr_y += (app.mouse_y - app.last_tr_y) * 3 * app.gg.scale app.last_tr_x = app.mouse_x app.last_tr_y = app.mouse_y // println("Translate: ${app.tr_x} ${app.tr_y}") } // --- scaling --- if ev.typ == .mouse_down && ev.mouse_button == .right && app.sc_flag == false { app.sc_flag = true app.last_sc_x = app.mouse_x app.last_sc_y = app.mouse_y } if ev.typ == .mouse_up && ev.mouse_button == .right && app.sc_flag == true { app.sc_flag = false } if ev.typ == .mouse_move && app.sc_flag == true { app.sc_x = app.mouse_x - app.last_sc_x app.sc_y = app.mouse_y - app.last_sc_y app.last_sc_x = app.mouse_x app.last_sc_y = app.mouse_y app.scale += f32(app.sc_x / 100) if app.scale < 0.1 { app.scale = 0.1 } if app.scale > 32 { app.scale = 32 } } if ev.typ == .key_down { // println(ev.key_code) // Exit using the ESC key or Q key if ev.key_code == .escape || ev.key_code == .q { cleanup(mut app) exit(0) } // Toggle info text OSD if ev.key_code == .i { app.show_info_flag = !app.show_info_flag } // Toggle help text if ev.key_code == .h { app.show_help_flag = !app.show_help_flag } // do actions only if there are items in the list if app.item_list.loaded == true && app.item_list.n_item > 0 { // show previous image if ev.key_code == .left { app.item_list.get_next_item(-1) load_image(mut app) } // show next image if ev.key_code == .right { app.item_list.get_next_item(1) load_image(mut app) } // jump to the next container if possible if ev.key_code == .up { app.item_list.go_to_next_container(1) load_image(mut app) } // jump to the previous container if possible if ev.key_code == .down { app.item_list.go_to_next_container(-1) load_image(mut app) } // rotate the image if ev.key_code == .r { app.item_list.rotate(1) } // full screen if ev.key_code == .f { println('Full screen state: $sapp.is_fullscreen()') sapp.toggle_fullscreen() } } } // drag&drop if ev.typ == .files_droped { app.state = .scanning // set logo texture during scanning show_logo(mut app) num := sapp.get_num_dropped_files() mut file_list := []string{} for i in 0 .. num { file_list << sapp.get_dropped_file_path(i) } println('Scanning: $file_list') app.item_list = &Item_list{} app.item_list.loaded = false // load_image(mut app) // go app.item_list.get_items_list(file_list) load_and_show(file_list, mut app) } } fn load_and_show(file_list []string, mut app App) { app.item_list.get_items_list(file_list) load_image(mut app) } /****************************************************************************** * * Main * ******************************************************************************/ fn main() { // mut font_path := os.resource_abs_path(os.join_path('../assets/fonts/', 'RobotoMono-Regular.ttf')) font_name := 'RobotoMono-Regular.ttf' font_path := os.join_path(os.temp_dir(), font_name) println('Temporary path for the font file: [$font_path]') // if the font doesn't exist create it from the ebedded one if os.exists(font_path) == false { println('Write font [$font_name] in temp folder.') embedded_file := $embed_file('../assets/fonts/RobotoMono-Regular.ttf') os.write_file(font_path, embedded_file.to_string()) or { eprintln('ERROR: not able to write font file to [$font_path]') exit(1) } } // logo image logo_name := 'logo.png' logo_path := os.join_path(os.temp_dir(), logo_name) println('Temporary path for the logo: [$logo_path]') // if the logo doesn't exist create it from the ebedded one if os.exists(logo_path) == false { println('Write logo [$logo_name] in temp folder.') embedded_file := $embed_file('../assets/logo.png') os.write_file(logo_path, embedded_file.to_string()) or { eprintln('ERROR: not able to write logo file to [$logo_path]') exit(1) } } // App init mut app := &App{ gg: 0 // zip fields zip: 0 item_list: 0 } app.state = .scanning app.logo_path = logo_path app.font_path = font_path // Scan all the arguments to find images app.item_list = &Item_list{} // app.item_list.get_items_list(os.args[1..]) load_and_show(os.args[1..], mut app) app.gg = gg.new_context( width: win_width height: win_height create_window: true window_title: 'V Image viewer 0.8' user_data: app bg_color: bg_color frame_fn: frame init_fn: app_init cleanup_fn: cleanup event_fn: my_event_manager font_path: font_path enable_dragndrop: true max_dropped_files: 64 max_dropped_file_path_length: 2048 // ui_mode: true ) app.gg.run() }