// Copyright(C) 2019 Lars Pontoppidan. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license file distributed with this software package module particle import particle.vec2 import sokol.sgl const ( default_life_time = 1000 default_v_color = Color{93, 136, 193, 255} ) // * Module public pub fn new(location vec2.Vec2) &Particle { p := &Particle{ location: location velocity: vec2.Vec2{0, 0} acceleration: vec2.Vec2{0, 0} color: particle.default_v_color life_time: particle.default_life_time life_time_init: particle.default_life_time } return p } fn remap(v f64, min f64, max f64, new_min f64, new_max f64) f64 { return (((v - min) * (new_max - new_min)) / (max - min)) + new_min } // Particle pub struct Particle { mut: location vec2.Vec2 velocity vec2.Vec2 acceleration vec2.Vec2 color Color life_time f64 life_time_init f64 } pub fn (mut p Particle) update(dt f64) { mut acc := p.acceleration acc.multiply_f64(dt) p.velocity = p.velocity.add(acc) p.location = p.location.add(p.velocity) lt := p.life_time - (1000 * dt) if lt > 0 { p.life_time = lt p.color.r = p.color.r - 1 // u8(remap(p.life_time,0.0,p.life_time_init,0,p.color.r)) p.color.g = p.color.g - 1 // u8(remap(p.life_time,0.0,p.life_time_init,0,p.color.g)) p.color.b = p.color.b - 1 // u8(remap(p.life_time,0.0,p.life_time_init,0,p.color.b)) p.color.a = u8(int(remap(p.life_time, 0.0, p.life_time_init, 0, 255))) - 10 } else { p.life_time = 0 } } pub fn (p Particle) is_dead() bool { return p.life_time <= 0.0 } pub fn (p Particle) draw() { l := p.location sgl.c4b(p.color.r, p.color.g, p.color.b, p.color.a) lx := f32(l.x) ly := f32(l.y) sgl.v2f(lx, ly) sgl.v2f(lx + 2, ly) sgl.v2f(lx + 2, ly + 2) sgl.v2f(lx, ly + 2) } pub fn (mut p Particle) reset() { p.location.zero() p.acceleration.zero() p.velocity.zero() // p.color = Color{93, 136, 193, 255} p.color = particle.default_v_color p.life_time = particle.default_life_time p.life_time_init = p.life_time }