import os import term import v.util.vtest import v.util const diff_cmd = find_diff_cmd() fn find_diff_cmd() string { res := util.find_working_diff_command() or { '' } return res } fn test_vet() { vexe := os.getenv('VEXE') vroot := os.dir(vexe) os.chdir(vroot) test_dir := 'cmd/tools/vvet/tests' tests := get_tests_in_dir(test_dir) fails := check_path(vexe, test_dir, tests) assert fails == 0 } fn get_tests_in_dir(dir string) []string { files := or { panic(err) } mut tests := files.filter(it.ends_with('.vv')) tests.sort() return tests } fn check_path(vexe string, dir string, tests []string) int { mut nb_fail := 0 paths := vtest.filter_vtest_only(tests, basepath: dir) for path in paths { program := path print(path + ' ') // -force is needed so that `v vet` would not skip the regression files res := os.execute('$vexe vet -force $program') if res.exit_code < 0 { panic(res.output) } mut expected := os.read_file(program.replace('.vv', '') + '.out') or { panic(err) } expected = clean_line_endings(expected) found := clean_line_endings(res.output) if expected != found { println('FAIL')) println('============') println('expected:') println(expected) println('============') println('found:') println(found) println('============\n') println('diff:') println(util.color_compare_strings(diff_cmd, found, expected)) println('============\n') nb_fail++ } else { println('OK')) } } return nb_fail } fn clean_line_endings(s string) string { mut res := s.trim_space() res = res.replace(' \n', '\n') res = res.replace(' \r\n', '\n') res = res.replace('\r\n', '\n') res = res.trim('\n') return res }